

Anna2810 · แฟนตาซี
86 Chs

Her sweet smile..

In the outskirts of cityz the military grounds are bustling with people who are getting ready for the events coming up in a day. A group of soldiers entered, a woman dressed in dark green military uniform leading them.she seemed easygoing, offering a sweet little smile to whoever greeted her.

"Sergeant lin" a man called out to her as she made her way in to the military grounds. she stopped and turned towards the voice and what greeted her sight is a shy young man.

"liteunant yoon" the woman said in a way of greeting. "Are you done with your shift? you seem so tired why don't you change your shifts to the morning one's?" asked the young man his tone full of concern.the women folded her hands and went silent for a moment. everyone around could feel the tension in the air. Right then the woman offered him her sweetest smile and said in a tone that is as sweet as her smile "liteunant yoon can you do me a favour? "