

Anna2810 · แฟนตาซี
86 Chs

Do you think you really look happy?

"So what is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" shiyu asked as they walked towards their room. Lu chen laughed

"I said it so that we can leave them" he said grinning at her. She smiled. He looked at her for a moment.

"You got quite a good smile miss Lin" he said, his tone gentle. She stopped smiling. He laughed.

"Why do you always stop smiling the moment I said your smile was nice?" she looked up at him. "Why is it that you flirt with every girl you see?" she asked narrowing her eyes at him. He laughed hard this time.

"Every girl I see? I didn't flirt with Song lin right?" he asked her again. She rolled her eyes at him. "Song lin isn't.." she shut her mouth. He stopped walking and whipped his head towards her.

"You were about to say that song lin isn't a girl weren't you?" he flashed her a wicked grin.

"Wait till I tell song lin about this...bye bye miss lin have a good night" he said and made his way towards his room. Lin shiyu ran after him and stood between the door and him blocking him from entering his room. He raised his brows but didn't say anything.

"okay..Now what do you want me to do so that you don't tell her anything?" she asked helplessly. He was silent for a moment then he suddenly leaned in closer to her. Shiyu tensed up and felt her heart beating fast. He was close. So close that she could count his eyelashes and the lines on his forehead. As always a lock of his hair fell on to his forehead. He smelled like sea breeze and soap.

"Have a little chat with me over some tea" he whispered and moved back. shiyu exhaled and glared at him. He laughed slightly at her reaction.

"I won't eat you up...what are you so worried about?" he said and pushed her aside gently. He then opened his door and gestured her to get in. She went in reluctantly. The first thing that struck her mind is ...

So neat..

It's nothing like a bachelor boys room she thought. She sat on the edge of his bed. while he took some tea leaves out to prepare tea. She quietly observed him as he rolled up his sleeves. He looked a someone cut of a painting.

"Don't keep on looking at me like that I will get embarrassed" he said suddenly as he brought her a cup of tea. she looked away awkwardly. "How did you end up being friends with Song lin?" he asked suddenly. She was a bit startled by his question then she fell in to her memory. She smiled as she remembered the day she met Song lin.

"We went to the same military school" she said..he nodded slightly. Then again they were silent.

"So what do you think about Ji zue's rumor?" he asked her suddenly. she thought for a moment and answered honestly "Well, it is quite odd that he became a major in 15 days but I suppose he has his reasons."

"Aren't you angry that he became a major by unusual means?" he asked again. She smiled and shook her head. "I barely know him to get angry at him Lu chen..when I don't know what he's going through I won't judge him" she said firmly. He smiled. "It would be good if everyone thinks like you" he said. He sounded genuine but there was worry in his eyes. She could see it clearly. She put her cup down and looked up at him.

"Don't worry nothing will change within our troops as long as song lin is here. She gave them a warning right infront you this afternoon. No one will gossip behind his back"she said softly. He nodded gratefully at her. They talked for sometime about books movies holidays.

"I see that you are really easy to talk to Mr lu " shiyu said laughing at something he said. He smiled. She was dazed for a moment by his smile then she looked away.

"You don't ever get angry?" she asked him. He went quite for a moment before smiling again.

"Life is too valuable to be angry at someone miss lin." he said cheerfully then fell silent as if he remembered something. "It doesn't matter to me. Because nothing is permanent. it is better to treat someone better than to regret it after they leave. Because people are too valuable to be angry at shiyu.." he said looking down. Her toes curled in at the way he said her name. He never called her that...always miss lin. Except for Song lin very little members call her that. But for some reason she didn't feel like correcting him.

"Who left you Lu chen ?" she asked him. He looked up abruptly. She couldn't quite describe his expression. He looked sad. Nothing like his cheerful self he always has. He shook his head and smiled again. Shiyu almost thought she was imagining his sadness but she knows she saw it.

"How did you think I'm this happy if I lost someone" he said lazily like he always was. she smiled. She stood up and went towards the door. He didn't stop her nor asked her why she's leaving. She paused at the door and looked over her shoulder.

"Do you think you really look happy?" she asked him quietly. He didn't respond. she sighed and turned towards the door.

"If you ever want to talk about that someone. know that I'm always here." she said and left. Lu chen sat there silently for a long long time. His head played lin shiyu's voice again and again.

I'm here

I'm here

I'm here

He smiled at last and slept..