

Anna2810 · แฟนตาซี
86 Chs

Do you know him personally?

And then he touched her hair, she couldn't open her eyes, so she didn't exactly understand what he was thinking, not that opening her eyes would do her any good. Zayne's face is about as revealing as a hard stone and maybe they are similar in that aspect. She sighed. Why is it that now a days whenever she was close to losing it, she's always finding herself in front of zayne.

* * * * *

"Why are you so sure that justi--" cassian was asking when helen walked inside. Zayne turned around from where he stood in front of the large screen. The study room is a large rectangular space with a round table in the middle, shelves lined the left wall and a large screen occupied most of the middle wall. Cassian had to admit that he had been a little surprised when he saw the screen and the systems lining the left wall.

Helen had it installed when we decided we would be coming here, cristina had said when he asked why are there so many systems in this house. Helen had arranged everything really well, he thought when rose told them about the training room.

"So, why are you so sure that justin isn't involved in all this? and if he's not, then who do you think is actually behind this when justin is literally the CEO of triumvirate." helen looked around but there's only one empty chair beside zayne's. she clenched her jaw and went over to sit, just as zayne pulled his chair to sit down.

"I didn't say I was sure, it's just a guess." his gaze fastened on celeana's " she seems to think so too" he said nodding at her. cassian raised a brow.


"Ah.." celeana looked around casually trying to keep her face neutral. "Though he is the CEO, I don't think he'd do this." helen narrowed her eyes at her.

"Do you now him personally?"

Celeana scoffed. "I don't. It's just that while I was digging up the articles about the herondales , I've come across some things." She stood up and walked over to the screen and connected the USB in her hand to it. The screen showed several articles about the herondale family. Celeana clicked on one of the posts with a headline


"There are several articles and posts in social media about some incident that happened 3 years back I think. I don't know how much of it is correct, but one of the artists from heron entertainment had opened up about steve forcing her and a couple of other artists to practice adultery with some rather disgusting looking older men"

"Is there any evidence to prove it?" az asked leaning forward. Celeana turned around.

"Just a voice recording where he threatened to kick her out of agency if she didn't listen to him." she paused and shrugged " Later steve rebutted her claims saying it wasn't him and that the artist used a voice changer. You probably guessed the rest. He was the CEO of the agency while she was just a rookie actress, he came clean from the scandal while she was framed an attention seeker."

"How does this relate to justin?" helen asked trying very hard not to look at zayne when she felt his gaze on her.

"I'm getting there" celeana said walking away from the screen and sat in her chair "There were rumors that justin is the one who helped the artist gather the evidence for her claim. The fact that a claim from a rookie actress received this much attention is already suspicious, but then the matters escalated and the police had been involved, she must have had someone who backed her up."

"That's it? Is this the only reason you think justin is innocent?" Az shook his head. "Common celeana, they're rumors."

"All the rumors have some truth to them az" cassian said, his eyes on the screen. celeana gave a nod.

"Besides, that isn't the only one I'm talking about. There are literally so many rumors of him being disrespectful towards artists in award shows and music festivals and it's always justin who cleans up the mess" at that cassian gave a nod and passed around the files in front of him. There were several photos of steve misbehaving with women, some looked like employees working in the company, while some looked like artists.

Helen squinted her eyes at what looked like bank transactions.

" What are these transactions?" she asked looking at cassian who's standing at the screen fiddling with something in his hand.

"How do I connect it to my phone?" he asked aloud, his gaze on the phone. Helen walked over to him.

"Try connecting it through the bluetooth" She said.

"Ok done" he said and looked up at her. "You were asking something" he said.


"Right. My sister has some people in heron entertainment who work for her. The-"

"Sist---" helen was saying when zayne interrupted her.

"Cassian's dad is the chairman of glory world entertainment and his sister is the CEO. " helen blinked and looked at cristina who looked as suprised as her.

"Glory worl--wait so you are director yun shao's son?" she looked at cassian "That's why you looked familiar to me." he smirked and his eyes twinkled as he said

"Right. My face is not that easy to forget." helen rolled her eyes even as her lips curved up a bit.

"Can you both come and sit down? you're blocking the screen" zayne said with an edge to his voice. Helen glared at him, but she returned to her chair.

"My sister has some spies working there, they managed to find out some workers in the company are keeping someone updated about the incidents happening in the company." cassian said, running a through his silky hair. "They managed to find these transactions between the workers and the outsider. But they couldn't trace it"

"I tried tracking them too. " sam said, shaking his head "No trace"

Cristina raised her brows. "Give me the transactions, I'll try tracking them again."

Helen observed sam's face for any indication of hurt or skepticsm but he just looked curious. Cassian gave her the transaction papers and walked over to sit. Cristina stood up, walking over to one of the systems, and got to work.

"Do we know anything else related to heron entertainment"? helen asked. Cassian leaned forward in his chair.

"My sister also confirmed that the herondale brothers don't get along. Apparently, everyone in the company knows this."

"Does she know something that confirms it?" Az asked. Cassian shook his head.

"But it's common knowledge that both justin and steve wanted to be the CEO and justin ended up getting the position, which pissed off steve. Also, justin didn't want to leave china's branch of heron entertainment in steve's hands, but there were rumors that he managed to get it because of his uncle."

"Who is this uncle?" helen asked. "He can't be someone from hye rin's family'

Cassian scoffed. "Of course not. But no one knows who exactly he is just that he's always around steve and steve seemed to call him uncle."