

Anna2810 · แฟนตาซี
86 Chs


Ji zue's eyes widened as he looked at himself in the mirror. Yeah he thought. He looked exactly like shit. He's Covered from head to toe in mud and his hand and jaw are both bleading and that was when he realised he couldn't move his left palm. He looked like he came back from a world war. He tried moving his palm but a blinding pain shot through his hand he groaned. Lu chen came up from behind with a bandage. He growled as he tied the bandage to Ji zue's hand

"You fought like dogs you know that?" Ji zue glared at him. Lu chen sighed and looked up

"I thought you were going to apologize to her. I didn't know this is the kind of apology you are talking about" he drawled as he streched his arms and went to stand near the window. Ji zue then remembered the purpose of going to the ground. He cursed under his breath.

"I was going to do that but this woman is literally impossible to speak with" he said grudgingly. Lu chen turned and raised his brows. Ji zue spoke again

"Even in the middle of the fight I was actually thinking of talking to her nicely...but then she drove me mad with her stupid mouth. I've never seen such an arrogant women in my life." Lu chen smiled

"And I've never seen anyone who could get under your skin that easily" he said smirking at him. Ji zue glared at him. Lu chen laughed

"So what about your so called apology major ji ?" he asked again. Ji zue thought for a moment before saying coldly

"After the thing with colonal Liang happend I thought maybe I was the arrogant one and maybe I went a little overboard. but after this she actually deserved it but she never provoked me neither approached me on her own so I will apologize to her but then it fucking ends there." he paused and said more to himself this time

"it ends there...no more sulking around and no more feeling guilty towards that arrogant women" he said his expression turning cold once again. Lu chen smiled to himself. Ji zue once told him that 'only when one cares do they feel anything whether its happiness or anger' . Lu chen didn't know what to make of Ji zue's anger now.

"Okay whatever first go and freshen up. You don't really plan to apologize looking like that right" he said grinning at him. Ji zue glared at him and went to the washroom.

"How much more time will you stay in there are you alive or dead??????" shiyu screamed as she paced in her room. Just then the door opened and song lin came out of the bathroom scowling at her. Bandages covered her face and hands. She ran in to the bathroom the moment they entered her room because song lin imagined she looked like hell when she saw lin shiyu's expression. Shiyu smiled gently and asked

"Is your leg alright?"

"Yeah..he didn't hit my leg" song lin said sullenly as they made their way towards the office building once again.

"You should've taken his hand when he offered" Song lin snorted and opened the door to her office. she said as she sat down on her her chair

"Accept his hand and then what? Listen to him all day about how I gave up??" lin shiyu ahook her head.

"I'm going back to the my office I have some reports to make" she said as she neared the door then she paused and said without turning

"Open the cameras and once look at how you both fought. We were shouting like hell but you didn't care. Its like only you both existed in your own world and you couldn't hear any of us. I didn't think you could be so immersed in something song lin" as the door closed after her song lin went silent for a moment before opening the cameras.

"Just tell her that you are sorry and come out ok ?" lu chen said for a 100th time as they neared song lin's office. Ji zue nodded and turned to knock the door as lu chen went inside his office. He knocked once and muffled voice came through

"come in" he was shocked. was that a smile in her voice. He opened the door and found her smiling..no. laughing as she stared at something in her system. It was real, her laugh he thought.

"I didn't really think we fought like this." she said between her laughs, breathless. She clearly thought it was lin shiyu that returned. Her eyes are glued to the screen.

"It was really stupid of me to fight with him infront of everyone" she said and laughed again. "We literally look like dogs...why aren't you talking something? Are you still angry at me?" she asked as she played the video again.

Ji zue stared at her, at the ethereal beautiful face .her smile could light up the darkest places in the world he thought dazedly. A small smile played at his lips as he beheld the women before him as he stared in to that eyes which always felt hollow but are now filled with life.

"No I'm not" he said and at that song lin looked up abruptly. Her smile faltered and that mask which she put up infront of everyone came back again. For some reason he hated that she put up the mask infront of him. He wished he could change the time and see her smile again.

Song lin stood up slowly. She didn't know why but everytime he looked at her like that and like what she didn't know. As he stared at her in that unblinking way she felt her knees wobble. She had the miserable feeling of hiding somewhere but also wanting to be infront of him. She pushed all that stupid thoughts to the back of her head and she went towards him.

"Major Ji ?" she said. Even to her, her voice felt miles away.

It was an effort to shut his wild thoughts and concentrate on his voice as she called out to him.

"I..I was hoping to talk to you.." he said his voice low and by that time her cold mask is fully up. If he didn't know any better he would've thought he imagined it. Her laugh and her eyes.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" the bite in her voice completely cleared away his wild thoughts. He straightened and said

"About what happened when colonal liang came..." he said and paused. Her features sharpened and her face turned cold.

"What about it?" she demanded and he felt like strangling her at the utter command in her voice. It was practically impossible to talk to her properly. He shook his head and said as coldly as he could

"I apologize for calling you arrogant infront of colonal liang. since you are not under my command I suppose I'm in no place to report your actions to her." she looked at him for a long moment and sighed

"its alright" she said at last. He felt startled at the weariness in her voive.

"Is there anything else?" she said again. He shook his head and made towards the door. As she watched him go song lin realised he must've come to her so that he could apologize and couldn't help but sigh again. It was so much easy when someone's rude to you its hard to be cold when someone's being nice she thought distractedly.