

Anna2810 · แฟนตาซี
86 Chs


AH...why should these bastards appear wherever they went Lu chen thought grinding his teeth. He was quietly practicing with Ji zue. As he know that Ji zue would probably be in the practice grounds. Whenever Ji zue in bad mood he would practice until he drained himself out. Just as he was thinking to talk to him that everything will be alrighty, he saw Wang xiyi walking towards them supporting his sergeant who had his head bandaged. Lin shiyu is behind them. Ji zue didn't stop shooting though. Not even when they neared them and stopped just beside them.

"Why do you even bother practicing Ji zue? you don't need any training right?" he asked smiling again. Lin shiyu who quietly came and stood beside Lu chen felt him tense up and look at Ji zue worriedly. She didn't quite understand why the hell is this man talking that way with Ji zue and surprisingly Ji zue kept quite. She just prayed Song lin would be here before any fight broke out between them. Wang xiyi's thoughts interrupted her chain of thoughts.

"Everyone here! Did anyone of you hear about a soldier who became a major within 15 days of his service?" he shouted at the nearby soldiers who are practicing. Murmurs ran through the crowd. Everyone stared at Ji zue wide eyed. Even lin shiyu is quite surprised at that. But Ji zue just went on shooting the target as if this talk was not about him. Seeing that he's not giving any reaction to his taunts Wang xiyi smiled and just as he opened his mouth to talk something and lin shiyu saw Lu chen moving towards Wang xiyi his hand on the hilt of his dagger, Song lin stood between them her jaw set and her eyes cold. Wang xiyi was startled for a second then he smiled again.

"Miss Song" he said still smiling. Lin shiyu pulled the dagger out of Lu chen's hand and he looked at her face twisted with fury. She shook her head at him and gestured him to look at Ji zue. Lu chen turned and looked at Ji zue who stopped practicing and was now glaring at Lu chen. He swallowed and stepped back.

"I've looked through it and As per the colonels request I arranged the things. One of my troops will take you to there. he's now waiting for you at the gate" Song lin said gesturing towards the gate. Her tone flat without any warmth.

"Oh yes yes. But before I leave let me tell you a story" he said grinning at Ji zue. But Ji zue merely glanced at him and returned to his practice again. Song lin sighed and folded her hands. A gesture that indicated she ran out of patience. But only Lin shiyu understood that.

"I would like to tell you our major Ji zue's story who is born with a silver spoon" he said, his voice loud enough that it rang throughout the grounds. Another murmur through the crowd around them. But shiyu's relaxed as Song lin was here.

"Well...I don't think I'm that workless to listen to the story of someone else's personal life nor are the members of my troops" she said coolly and when she said the word troops her gaze swept over the soldiers daring them to disobey her and listen to Wang xiyi. Almost instantly they lowered their heads. Wang xiyi's face turned black from anger.

"Are you implying that I'm workless miss song?" he asked. Lin shiyu looked at him like he's an idiot. Should he have to ask her and make it obvious infront of everyone she thought. Song lin laughed slightly.

"How would I know whether you have work or not? I have better things to do than to find out your working schedule major Wang" she said coolly. At that Ji zue who is quietly practicing couldn't help but smile. But only Wang xiyi saw him smiling. Rage flooded through him. He glared fiercely at Ji zue and said

"You always need someone to protect you..your father then your friend then this stupid bitch" the moment he said the last word Ji zue stopped practicing. Everyone around felt a drop in the temperature. Wang xiyi seemed to have realized he went a little overboard. He looked at Song lin whose eyes are now stormy and at Ji zue who is quietly approaching him with a calm that made one think about the calm before the storm. Lin shiyu felt her blood boil when he called Song lin a bitch.

Just as Song lin opened her mouth to speak Ji zue slid a knife out of his belt and kicked Wang xiyi's knee as he was going to fall he caught him by his hair and put the knife at his throat. Song lin looked at him in horror even though she wanted to strangle the man infront him to death. He was a major!! Infront of so many people how the hell is he doing this ??? she thought.

"Do not test my patience" he said smiling. Yes..That devilish smile again. Wang xiu felt his blood turn to ice at that smile. He knows not many survived the after seconds of that smile. He broke out in cold sweat.

"Apologize" Ji zue said quietly knife still at Wang xiyi's throat. Lin shiyu could see the little drop of blood at its corner.

"I'm sorry captain Song...I was wrong" he said trembling under the knife. Ji zue released the knife and stood quietly. His expression once again returning to that calm indifference. Wang xiyi staggered back holding his throat and breathed hard. Song lin moved closer to him.

"Pray that you never cross paths with me again or I will rip your heart out of your body" she said coldly. He felt himself shiver. But he would get his revenge for this humiliation. With one long look at that he went back with his companion.

Song lin turned towards Ji zue just as he turned towards her. She spoke before he could start.

"Oh you don't need to thank me major Ji...I know that I'm quite generous" Song lin said and smirked at him and walked away. Lin shiyu and Lu chen burst out laughing. Ji zue glared at them and turned around. But despite the anger , despite his sadness, despite himself he smiled remembering the smirk she gave him.