
the beginning

at a young age I remember moving a lot I mean we would travel so much that it was hard to keep track of one place we used to live on this I wouldn't call it a farm but I guess it was a farm we have Buffalo's near us and everything was quiet we even got a bunny named Oreo sound silly right well we moved that was when I was with my mom and her boyfriend I have very faint memories of my dad all I know is that my mother told me he used to beat me and my sister it may seem impossible but I have total amnesia of what happened I don't even know if he hurt me or her or not there's so many things I want to believe but I just can't I want to believe my dad's a bad person but my mom is a real monster after everything she's done I can't trust her what I'm about to say is probably one of the most f***** up things that has happened to me 2 years ago from today my mom's boyfriend had the audacity to come in my room close my laptop and choke me from behind through my sweater you're probably thinking hey I mean this doesn't sound very real well you're wrong everything I'm explaining in this story it's happened I'll be explaining my entire life through this I'll be explaining every emotion in detail every feeling I have, and every feeling I have this isn't some fiction story this is my actual life this is the f***** up things that have happened to me I can't remember why he wanted my room but I do know after I scream bloody murder they said he wouldn't do that I was scared for weeks I cried so much I mean I was afraid to tell anyone because no one believed me now I make make some typos in mystery but that's because I'm using the voice thing so bear with me please I don't want to have to go through this alone