


|3 years ago|

Two months.

Seven weeks.

Forty-Nine days.

That's how long it had been since I last talked to Hunter.

I should be over it by now, over him. But why does my heart still clench painfully every time I see him? Why do I still keep counting the days.

I know whatever we had is gone. It wasn't easy to accept.

I begged him to tell me what I did wrong.

I texted. I called. But he never responded.

I waited for him after school for hours but he just avoided me.

I stopped trying to talk to him after a month.

In friendships or relationships sometimes when things get out of hand, there comes a point when your dignity steps in. No matter how much you care for someone, no matter how badly you want them to be a part of your life, sometimes you have to let go and let your self-respect take over.

I was done chasing after him.