
New Friends, New Rivals,and New Outfits

as I stepped through the automatic doorway I saw three other people inside of the room.

the first person was a tall, tan male who had on a lab coat. He looked over at me and then looked quickly away like he didn't care that I was in the room.

the next person that I noticed was a short and medium build female that had on chef's clothing. She was running around the room trying to stay away from the final person that was in the room.

the final person was a tall, buff black male who had on a set of light armor, which told me that he was formerly a member of the warrior caste.

after I had taken a look at everyone around me, the female chef kept running away from the black warrior, and she was yelling at him, telling him to stop trying to touch her.

"come on, baby, I know that you want this as much as I do. if you allow me to be with you, I will treat you like any man should, and you will not want any other man in your life." the warrior said as he continued to pursue the female around the room.

the female continued to run away from him until she had been stopped by crashing into me because she was looking behind her instead of what was in front of her.

"oh damn, it!!! Well, it looks like you are the lucky one since you are the first one that was able to come into contact with the female". the warrior said as he shook his head out of frustration at me before backing away. "don't worry, baby. I know that you want me more than this little boy in front of you. It is only a matter of time before you are going to want the real deal". he said to her as I saw him flex his muscles at her.

when he finally sat down at one of the chairs that were around the table in the center of the room, I chose to check up on the female and make sure that she was okay.

"so are you all right or do you want me to leave you alone for now?" I asked her as I helped her gain awareness of her surroundings.

she looked up at me and had a glimmering look of relief across her entire face.

"oh, forgive me. I am so sorry. Where are my manners. I was just trying to keep away from that pervert; I did not mean to run into you like that. I am truly sorry for that,". she said to me as she backed a few inches away from me.

"no problem I understand that some people can be perverted and messed up in the head. just so you know I thought I would introduce myself to all of you since I'm assuming we will all be doing things together for a while since we are all healers. my name is Danny".

"nice to meet you, Danny. The quiet One in the corner is Fredrick, and just so you know, the absolute pervert is named Donovan,". she said to me with excitement behind her voice, like it was very simple and easy for her to talk to me.

"And what is your name, if you don't mind me asking you?" I said with a kind tone behind every word because I truthfully thought that this lady was very beautiful.

"My name is Nova".

"Nova that is quite a beautiful name". I said to her as I smiled at her.

"I don't try to make moves on her, yet after all, in the end, that fine ass of hers will be mine to do with as I please," Donovan said as I saw that he was begging to stare at her.

"Donovan, if she is not interested in you, you need to drop it. she has the right to her own choice, as do we all since we have all now begun our new chapters of life as healers, one of the rarest types of talents that exist in the entire Terran Collective". Frederick said as he finally moved out of his corner and came to the side of the center table in the room.

"how right you are Frederick this is a new chapter of our lives and we will need to watch out for each other since we have no idea at all about what might be around the corner, but if I am to be honest it truly excites me the fact that we do not know what will come next," I said to Frederick with a lot of eagerness behind every word show the level of thrill and excitement that I was expecting to happen very soon.

"Well, it looks like you're eager about it, at least. in the end, I don't care what we're doing as long as I eventually get to beat some people's heads. I am feeling my warrior skills starting to fade away and my body is growing weaker by the minute." Donovan said is he pounded the table twice with his left fist.

"I don't know if I want to fight at all if you ask me because the Klitron process was already terrifying enough for me". Innova said as she sat down in the chair that was in between myself and Frederick. I was assuming to stay away from Donovan.

"so what was everyone's Klitron process like? was it just me or did it end up being something different than what you were expecting it to be?" Frederick asked as he looked at me and then to my left and my right.

I explained my Klitron process to the group, and after I did so, everyone told each of their stories of the different experiences that they had to go through before they had discovered that they were healers.

as Donovan was finishing explaining the fourth trial that he had gone through, where he discovered the fact that he was a healer, I heard the door slide open, and a female in a white and green dress entered the room.

"Hello, I am here to guide you through the beginning of your journeys as a healer," she said as the door closed behind her.

I turned around and looked at her so that I made eye contact out of respect because that is what my father had taught me to do ever since my childhood was that you were to respect everyone that was of a higher station than you even if you did not agree with them by showing basic courtesy and respect it would ensure a stronger success in whatever part of The Terran Collective I would be a member of as well as my survival in case of crisis.

"so the first thing that I need the four of you to do is put on your new clothing because as you know each caste has its type of clothing," she said as she snapped her fingers and the door slid up behind her and I saw four maids enter the room that were carrying a dark green box.

"ooh, those maids are pretty hot. I wouldn't mind driving their asses" Donovan said as he laughed pervertedly.

"Donovan, focus. You need to pay attention to what she is saying; everything she tells us could be very important to our success or survival. so if you can shut up for a few minutes, then we can all understand everything she needs us to hear. Leave your perversion thoughts for when you are on your own time, not while the entire group is together". I said as I stared Donovan in the face with a lot of anger in my voice because, truthfully, nothing annoyed me more than when people were not paying attention to what was going on around them, especially if it could be something very vital to hear or understand.

"if the female would come over here with me and you boys will stay over there on that side of the room we can begin getting the clothes that we need.

I saw Nova walk over to the instructor, and as she did, half of the maids came and placed their boxes on the table before going back to their positions where they had entered the room and stood.

"Now we can all change our clothing." the instructor said as she pressed a button that was against the wall near the door, and a temporary wall dropped from the ceiling, cutting the area where all the females were off from our vision.

I opened the box that had my name on it and noticed that it had a set of clothing that consisted of four things. the first item was a white undershirt. the second type of item in the box was a green colored tunic that was supposed to go from my shoulders down to my knees. the third piece was long, thick, dark green colored socks. the final item in the box was a set of white sandals.

I put on the clothing and it looked quite nice as I looked at everything that I was wearing.

"if you gentlemen are finished with your redressing I will be lifting this temporary wall now that the female healer is finished getting dressed".

when the instructor pressed the button, I heard the gears in the temporary wall begin to move, which caused it to lift until it was completely back up in the ceiling where it originally was located.

I became suddenly speechless as I looked at Nova and her appearance. the female healer's outfit looked quite stunning on her.

the females were full dresses that went down to their knees and were colored dark green. they also wore white bracelets on their wrists as well as white colored wedges on their feet.

the colors of the female healer's outfit made her Scarlet Red hair and her midnight blue colored eyes stand out. She was truly as beautiful as I had thought.

"if you boys are done gawking at her, I will take you to the vocational development ring in a society, where you will be going to school for the next four years and learning all that you can about both the human body as well as the undead and Cyborg bodies." the female instructor said as she walked out of the room and the maids followed behind her.

I waited until everyone else walked in front of me because I did not know who I could trust and who I could not yet so I did not want anyone walking behind me as I left the room.

I had finally come into contact with the people who were going to be my classmates for the next four years and also got myself a new set of clothing that labeled me as a healer, one of the rarest types of talents that existed in the Terran Collective.

this all boosted my self-confidence because I was a rare breed, which meant people would value my services probably more than almost anything else available.