
The Pangia Continent: Age Of colonisation

Joseph was an ordinary person, who lived in solitude and silence. It was what he liked, Joe tried to get out of the simple cycle and succeed after he fell in love with a beauty, Amber, was her name and with her leaving him behind he was bought back to his old cycle vowing to himself to never fall in love again and waited for the time do it's bidding. One day after visiting the grocery store he ate some cookies to eat through the pain of being reminded of his painful memories only to forget to properly chew the cookies, and choked himself to death. When his eyes were lifted he found himself in an unfamiliar place with foreign memories in a unknown continent that the newly acquired body called Pangia, Joseph was reborn a new, but for some reason an almost emotionless voice spoke to him giving him a series of mission *Become the leader of the Plodenkts family. Rewards: increase subject loyalty and decrease the chance of an uprisings against the overlord + one free item from the system store under the cost of 1000 points* *Rebel against the Lieron Empire and kill the current monarchy. Rewards: gain title of 'Emperor' and gain control of the lands previously owned by the previous monarchy + 10000 points* *Conquer and subjugate the Dwarths of the icewind mountain pass. Rewards: receive anger from kingdoms, tribes, independent city Republic's and the wrath of the King of Dwarths. +25% combat ability of infantry which are trained the overlord. +10% moral increase when being inferior in numbers. +35% increase in quality of metal based products when in control of the icewind mountain pass for.* *Fight back the colonisers. Rewards: unknown* *control the entire continent. Rewards: Unknown* He knew he was in for a wild ride when the age of colonisation has begun.

2 Chs

Tale Of Two roses

Roses bloomed near the old cossy cabin, it was a sunny day with the previous day giving it all in the form of rain , now with the dampened soil, cleared sky's the roses bloomed with all its might, it was quite a spectacle for anyone near as thousands of Roses were bloomed in a hedge form around a path, peaking out from within the hedge were two intertwined blood red Roses the only pair that got together, Joseph and Amber.

Being early in the morning just after sunrise Joseph woke up from his single bed in almost a single movement he was already out of bed and begun to dress the bed in its sheets.

Walking to a withering shelf he pulled out the same shirt as he wore yesterday, taking a sniff he inspected it with his nose, finding that nothing was wrong he finally pulled it onto himself and walked himself to the door, wearing rainboots to not wet his socks, he went to collect eggs from his chicken coop only to find the last of his chickens unmoving and lifeless, not one moved. All were slaughtered by the sly fox an old nemesis that has been bullying him for many years.

back inside he stood in front of the wide open fridge, it was all light nothing except light, which forced his hand into leaving the safety of his small property. He would need to travel with his Jeep to the nearest grocery store to refill his necessities.

Joseph whilst grabing the keys for his rusty Jeep he noticed the roses, remembering the time when he and Amber planted the seeds of the Roses into the soil when they first got married bringing back painful and nostalgic memories, noticing two intertwined Roses he couldn't help but feel grateful, that at least one thing still stands that was made together by them.

It didn't take long for him to arrive to his lopsided Jeep which has defiantly seen better days. Joseph gave the old handle a good thrust towards himself to be able to move the rusted mechanism, only to finds himself stumbling backwards with the handle in his hand with the Jeeps door still closed. Using the door on the other side of the Jeep he entered the worn out drivers seat through the passengers seat which was contrasting to the drivers seat which was plauged with dirt, spilled oils and greases.

The engine coughed and wheezed as he drove out onto the dirt road, he was reminded of the first time, he drove out the Jeep home with Amber.

thinking to himself " it's been nearly 60 years since I drove you out, huh you old cunt haha" he couldn't help but chuckle as his old companion who despite the old age drove like a beauty and has never broken down on him in decades.

Driving on the bumpy Road which was filled with potholes and yesterday's rain, Joseph couldn't help hum an old song that he and Amber would listen to all the time, while driving in their Jeep, "tam,tamratam,tamratam..." he would hum to him self whilst driving amids the loose forest road.

Within an hour he arrived at one of his regularly visited place, Sainsburys, it was a relatively small place not having anymore than 6 alleys of the most common things, such as biscuits, ham, bread, and any more things that are a common place in the UK. Joseph taking only the things necessary for his daily life took some ham and a loaf of bread and treated himself to a pack of chocolate-chip cookies.

Arriving back home, walking towards his cabin he noticed petals all over the path he was walking on, upon taking a closer look he noticed all the roses lost their petals, which made him take a deep breath as the morning bloom didn't last along as he wished.

Taking out the chocate-chip cookies he began to scran them at an incredible rate perhaps eating through the pain of being reminded of Amber. He was eating so fast that he he forgot chew them. Blocking his throat couldn't breathe so he began to turn red then blue then over the course of 5 minutes he died in a stupid manner, choked himself to death with cookies. A distasteful death that would be a joke for years to come.

But inbetween that he recited his prayers in his mind, he prayed for another chance. Then his mind went blank, he couldn't see or hear for a few seconds only to awaken in a straw bag with foreign memories from the body that he now occupied.

He was the oldest son of the tribe's chieftain who was the most powerful person in the region due to the size of the whole tribe. Without a break he hear a emotionless voice within his mind.

"Soul transfer completed. Issuing long-term missions to the overlord of the system:

*Become the leader of the Plodenkts family.

Rewards: increase subject loyalty and decrease the chance of an uprisings against the overlord + one free item from the system store under the cost of 1000 points*

*Rebel against the Lieron Empire and kill the current monarchy.

Rewards: gain title of 'Emperor' and gain control of the lands previously owned by the previous monarchy + 10000 points*

*Conquer and subjugate the Dwarths of the icewind mountain pass.

Rewards: receive anger from kingdoms, tribes, independent city Republic's and the wrath of the King of Dwarths. +25% combat ability of infantry which are trained the overlord. +10% moral increase when being inferior in numbers. +35% increase in quality of metal based products when in control of the icewind mountain pass fortress.*

*Fight back the colonisers.

Rewards: unknown*

*control the entire continent.

Rewards: unknown*"

Joseph couldn't help but feel his brain become a smoothie as he was suddenly bombarded with information that he was nowhere near ready to start, which made him feel downhearted but exited that he will be forced out of his hermit lifestyle and allowed a new chance at life