
Chapter 19: Adventure in the Elements

At the Owl House, Luz is showing a Hexside Facts and Trivia pamphlet to King who asks for more scratching, Luz apologises and says that since she will be starting at Hexside she wants to learn more about it.

"This is more excited than you have ever been going to a school." Camila as Luz looked like she wanted to hear her self talk of what was in the pamphlet.

"Less time for you to be scratching or us working on our comedy hour." Moaned king as Eda thanked the Titan for that.

"If only you would be able to be in one of our classes." sighed Skara as Luz looked her way in confusion. "You only know the light spell right and you need to know two spells minimum for the advanced classes we are in. Otherwise you would be going to the baby class." Skara explained as Luz looked like she was going to freak out.

The small children were excited about the idea of Luz being in their class and there were giggling from some of the human teens, "You know the bad fashion punishment for misbehaviour is not limited to just Boscha." warned Cornholio suddenly appearing to face them while standing in front the seat of Samantha who all then gulped.

"I am sure you will find another spell before your try out." Amity told Luz concerned that she would not be in her class as Luz had a hopeful look on her face.

Luz says that she has a new crush and her name is education as King eats an edge off it. Eda comes in through the door calling them freeloaders while asking what day is it. Luz asks if it's her birthday, King asks if its his birthday and Hooty says that it's his birthday.

"Wow, I have to find out what day this will be so I could wish you a happy birthday Hooty! Tell me Hooty what present would you like so I can prepare?" Luz asked Hooty squealing hugging his head.

"Don't worry about making me feel better Luz; I know that getting presents for your birthday is just a big myth! Eda and King told me all about that!" Hooty said smiling and suddenly glares and judgemental looks then went towards Eda and King.

"Oh come on, you try shopping for a house demon and it's not like that he minds!" Eda tried to defend herself and King.

"Tacaño perra..." Camila muttered under her breath and Luz jumped in surprise and Camila covered her mouth shocked at what she had just said with her daughter there.

"Mum just called Eda a cheapskate or a miser... I better not translate the other word..." Luz muttered to Amity who had a feeling at what it could be.

Eda says no closing the door saying that it's Human Treasure Day opening the portal as Owlbert brings out a large sack that bursted showing the human items inside.

The HAS members look excited as Gus asks "what day is the Human Treasure Day?"

"Ha, you want me to tell you so that you could come over and get freebies? Nice try dweebus, I am a business woman and I can't go around allowing my apprentice's dork friends come and get merchandise for free." Eda said.

"Why is there a pillow with a body of a guy with an eyepatch on it?" Willow asked and there were confusion from the Boiling Isles residents as the humans stayed oddly silent at that question.

Eda lands on the pile calling it fresh garbage and King excitedly gets a teddy bear for his army of terror and pulls to the string for it to say that it loves cuddles and kisses.

"With an army of terror like that, you are bound to be King of demons once more." Edric laughed as King looked proudly.

"Why thank you future subject... Hey, were you being sarcastic?" King asked.

Luz is continuing to read the pamphlet as Eda says that Luz's trash pile is getting cold while her's is getting hot, Eda gets a clothes hangar and calling it an extravagant earring.

"Too true Eda, only you could pull off an earring like that!" Camila said with a smile as Luz was surprised, "Please don't spoil my fun Mija..." Camila muttered to Luz's ear as Eda grinned and did a pose while the other humans were snickering.

Luz says that she can have her's and asks if she knew that Hexside was built on the bones of its rival school which it literally conquered, showing a fold out picture of a young student Bump holding up the flag on top of a beaten demon while the school is burning in the background with Hexside students celebrating.

"Proudest day of my student life." Bump smiled in memory as the humans were open mouthed.

"How did you stage a war to take the school... You know what; I feel like that I don't want to know..." Hal muttered.

Eda looks in the mirror with two clothes hangers as earrings and says that of course she know since she went there as the most harrowing period of her life.

"Okay seriously, what is so funny?" Eda asked as the humans were snickering.

Luz asks if they can imagine her studying at the halls of Hexside with Willow, Gus and maybe Amity... Luz realises that they were supposed to meet so she could get her Azura book back as she runs to the door saying that she loves them and Hooty says that that she loves her but is interrupted by the door closing.

"Don't worry Hooty, you are included in that 'guys' bit as well even if it took some getting used to being around you." Luz said hugging Hooty once more.

"Going to the same school, might be in the same class... Won't change anything... No matter how cool she can be pulling out of situations where she really should have gotten herself killed... How cute she is..." Amity thought in her head.

Eda with her arms folded asks who needs her and King says that the bear can be their new Luz, pulling the string makes it say that being without you is just unbearable. He then throws it to the floor saying that it's unbearable.

"Only took you that long to have me replaced." Luz laughed as King had his arms folded.

The opening is shown.

Luz runs through the market trying to find Amity and then spots her by the cursed paintings, Luz calls out to her going forward but then Emira and Edric pop up in front of her saying hello.

"Look Ed, we get to see Luz again!" Emira told her brother excitedly as Amity groans in her face.

"Come on Mittens, I am sure things will be better." Edric told Amity who stayed silent.

They laugh as Luz lands on her back by the shock, Amity tells them to stop bothering her as she gives a hand to help get Luz back up. She apologises saying that they insisted on coming with Emira playing with her chin saying that they love her before Amity pushes her away.

"If i remember it was roughly the time it took to embarrass me the first time we had to see them here!" Amity grunted.

Amity explains that they had been extra protective and nice to her to make up for the library incident, Edric puts his head towards her with his hands together saying that they still apologise every day.

"See Mittens; we will be sorry for the library thing, we are good siblings who love our baby sister!" Edric said with Emira nodding.

"Would a good sibling even contemplated posting their sister's diary to the entire school. The harm your antics would place on your family's name!" Lilith said shaking her head with her arms folded as the twins looked uneasy putting their heads down and Amity sighed at the sight. "I mean honestly Edalyn would never have thought to try something like that while we were in school to embarrass me... Intentionally at least... She did get out of control with the abominations she sent after the thief who stole my lunch money and she did try to train the school griffin to eat some bullies that I had..." Lilith said as Eda grinned.

Seriously, what does it take to get expelled from you school?" Hal asked Bump.

"We are perfect siblings who would never try to hurt eachother; sure she tries to arrest me and forcibly enlist me in her band of tyrant enforcers but she would never try and have me harmed!" Eda grinned as Lilith gave a fake smile.

Amity gives her the book back as Luz asks what she thought of it, Amity says it was fine while turning her head. Luz gets out a drawing from the pages ask if it so fine that she drew herself with Malingale the Mysterious Soothsayer; the drawing as them embracing as Amity says that their love is forbidden. Amity is embarrassed as she uses a spell to put the page into pieces.

"This is punishment for being a jerk; isn't it?" Amity asked putting her head in her hands to the laughs from the crowd while peaking to see how cool Malingale looked from the drawing wondering what they were like in the book.

"Come on Amity; I have dreamed of marrying my precious Realm Warrior..." Skara said and Amity simply put up her arm as if to silence her.

"I have my own drawings of myself with some of my faves from Monster Slayer Academia, there is this anti hero with a heart of gold that I just love which helped me get attracted to Nevareth you know the eyepatch muscular puppet from the second episode and this adorable witch with a tragic backstory... You know there is a meme online (hard to explain) of this popular show where this cop woman says about a dog that she only knew the dog for a short while but if something happened to him then she will kill everyone in the room and then herself... That was my reaction to the adorable witch when I first saw her in the anime!" Luz said as Amity just simply stared.

Luz says that maybe they could start an Azura Club at school when they are classmates and Amity asks about that.

"Ah yes, the Azura Club..." Amity muttered.

Amity shows her the advanced requirements showing 2 spell minimum and basic runes saying that she has to take a placement exam to be in her class.

"Oh dear, we have found the plot..." Luz muttered.

"Don't worry Luz, with such a top notch teacher as you have you are sure to..." Willow said trying to reassure Luz but then saw Eda trying to balance a wallet on her nose. "Okay, maybe you should worry..." Willow muttered as Eda asked what is that.

Camila looked behind couldn't help but be amused despite still having worry for Luz in her future at Hexside (while still debating internally whether she should let her go). Looking closely she said "you know that looks like the wallet that I have..." Camila said before stopping as she checked her pockets. With a glare she got up from her seat to where Eda was and put out her hand.

Eda grunted as she gave her the wallet and Camila checked it while putting out her other hand forcing Eda to give her back her money and credit card. "You know Eda, you keep complaining about my Mum judging you for every move but did you really think pick pocketing her was going to change that?" Luz asked as Eda was silent.

Luz asks if she has anything else other than her light spell, Luz is scared as Emira tells her not to give her a hard time and Edric says that of course she knows 2 spells. Luz tries to play it cool saying yes and Amity shows her the part of the pamphlet for the baby class.

Luz put her face to her hands moaning as Amity tried to comfort her, "I am sure you will think of something as you did discover your light thing." Amity told her.

Edric and Emira has a brain idea asking if they should train together and show off what they know and Luz says that she has training plans in a very faraway place that she has to go away to right now before she runs off.

"Nice save Luz." Gus said as Luz moaned.

Eda is cooking with instructions from a book wondering when this surprisingly peaceful domestic moment will be ruined and gets her answer as Luz slams open the door shouting for her. She comes over slipping saying that she has to teach her a new spell right now but Eda says that the vegetables won't cook themselves yet as she gives them a potion sauce. They grow arms and legs with Eda telling them to go into the pot but they ran off screaming with Eda asking why does she always thinks that it will work.

"You brought those vegetables alive to cook them? You inhumano monstruo!" Camila snapped at Eda who had her arms folded with a glare as the humans looked horrified.

"Come on, it never really worked after using the potion because they always run off and I could never catch them! I was at this village this one time and I found a living carrot running for public office that I am sure that I had brought to life." Eda replied.

Luz says that she needs to know 2 spells to get into Hexside and she can make light glyphs as she shows off but at the end of the day that's the only spell she knows. Eda asks whose fault is that and Luz retorts that it's her's while on the ground and Eda says that she has got her there.

"To be expected as a result when it's you trying to be a teacher Edalyn." Lilith commented.

"Well you taught your student that it's okay to cheat against someone just because you know they are cheating! Still not that I am complaining, I got to be there when you cheated for probably the first time in your life." laughed Eda as Lilith was silent.

Luz tells her to teach her any spell and it could be the darkest spell she knows.

"Mija, please don't encourage her since I know that she would try it!" Camila cried as Luz looked sheepish.

Eda says that she has been looking through her texts on wild witches but she is much too busy right now as she places her book in the pot. Luz says that she is the most powerful witch in the Boiling Isles and asks how would it look if her apprentice got thrown into the baby class.

"No way she could deny it now." Smirked Bump as Eda just looked proud of Luz for what she had just pulled.

Eda calls it well played weaponizing her pride and calls it a job for magic boot camp. King opens the door putting out the teddy bear asking if someone said boot camp which he agrees to run it and Eda says that he will have no part of it since Luz needs to focus and she can't have her going weird when he does something adorable, King says that he is not while stomping his foot and Luz talks about him stamping his little foot as he squeals and leaves needing several tries to have the door closed.

"I DEMAND TO BE SHOWN THE RESPECT THAT I DESERVE!" King snapped as the audience bursted into laughter.

Eda says that she will have to do as she says as they have to go somewhere special where magic energy flows in a place like the Knee, they are in cold weather clothing at the Knee where it's snow around them.

"Snow in summer?" asked a human boy in amazement.

"Seriously, after all we have seen of that place you are amazed by that?" asked another as the boy looked sheepish.

Eda explained that the earliest witches came to the Knee to develop their magic drawn to its natural power as Luz calls it beautiful.

Luz was equally mesmerised by it.

Eda calls it not without its dangers as she shows her the Slitherbeast but not to worry as if you don't mess with it then he will not mess with her, Luz makes a tongue motion at it causing it snap the log that it was biting on causing Luz to run.

"Tell me Luz, how long do you think before you have to go against this monster?" Camila asked with a voice that showed that she was just resigned to the fact that Luz will just keep going into life threatening situations there. Luz asked why does she think she would, "Come on Mija, it was brought up before that these things are set up like in a TV show episode so it's set up and this will be the thing that you have to deal with for this episode." Camila told her and Luz had no retort.

"I hope you will be extra careful in this one..." Amity muttered silently pleading with the Titan that she will.

Eda says that they will set up shop here and Luz says that she will definitely learn her 2 nd spell there, Eda pushes Luz back to watch out for an oncoming blast. They see that it's Amity with a wand apologising for whoever it was along with Emira and Edric.

"Whoever said that fate was a cruel mistress was too kind..." Luz muttered.

Luz hides behind the pillar sarcastically saying to forget about teaching her a second spell and just makes her disappear, Eda warns her that she has a 60-40 record to making her reappear before she realises what she meant.

"Excuse me..." Camila asked looking towards Eda afraid of if Eda would elaborate.

"Come on, it's a difficult spell!" Eda said as Lilith laughed.

"Ah yes, I remember you using the spell on someone who picked on Raine and I. You got yourself in detention until you could make him disappear, it was about quarter in the year before you managed to get him to reappear and he had to repeat the entire year due to how much he missed." Lilith laughed.

"Seriously I feel like I have to ask again: how exactly do you get expelled from your school?" Hal asked Bump incredulously.

Edric and Emira sees that it was Luz and calls her while waving, she tries to play it cool as she waves trying to explain Eda about playing it cool and Amity asks what is it about the baby class. Eda says that Luz is clearly isn't a baby and thinks that she nailed it; Luz tries to play it cool asking what she is doing there.

"I actually befriend a cool rival and I am embarrassing myself!" Luz moaned to herself as Amity tried to comfort her.

Amity explains that she is training to beat her sibling's high score on the exam which Emira calls impossible and Edric says that she still needs to use a training wand to learn new spells.

"So that is them trying to be nice?" Camila asked sarcastically, "Seriously what does your parents think of that behaviour..." Camila asked but went quiet when she noticed Amity looking down.

Edric asks what Luz is working on and Luz tries to say that she is working on a powerful spell and Eda is an incredible teacher, Eda comes and says that she will teach her how to identify different types of snow by taste holding out a snowball from a basket.

"Eda, please I am begging you... Please tell me this is just a joke!" Camila was practically beside herself asking.

"You never know when the knowledge comes in handy." Eda replied as Camila looked like she was about to scream.

Emira asked if this is some kind of special magic and Amity says that she doesn't think that the Owl Lady wants to show her special spells as Luz is embarrassed while Eda has her mouth filled with snowballs which she swallows and gets brain freeze.

"Amity; you can tell me if you think I am a total loser that you don't want to associate with anymore... I would understand..." Luz moaned to the laughter of the crowd but Edric looked interested.

"I am not judging you for your teacher Luz, truly." Amity said.

Emira wishes Luz good luck with her training as Edric gets a snowball putting it closer to his tongue as Emira slaps it away to his disappointment with her dragging him away by his wrist.

"Seriously Ed; do you know how embarrassing you are sometimes?" Emira asked exasperated as there were more laughter.

"Come on, you might just feel the magic!" Edric retorted.

Luz asks Eda to please take this seriously as Eda says that she needs to take her seriously telling her to go taste snow without her guidance and see where it gets her.

"How could anyone take you seriously Edalyn, especially after you just swallowed snow!" Lilith shouted as Eda didn't even face her.

Luz is looking down and Eda tells her not to worry because if she listens to her then she will be doing stuff like that as Amity looking at a book with her wand in her other hand blows a tree, Eda says it will be the real deal without a wack training wand but she has to trust her.

Luz was amazed by what Amity had just done and Bump said "you are asking for trust after everything she has already seen you done Eda?"

Luz says okay as Eda said that they covered snow so now it's onto smelling moss which she puts through her nose saying that you really have to get it in there.

No one had any words at the moment.

Outside the Owl House, King with the teddy bear and a plush rabbit says that he once led armies so he could lead a boot camp and but he has no recruits. He asks does he while looking at his toys and Hooty wants to report for duty and King calls him too desperate.

"Nothing personal Hooty but I just plain don't like you!" King said out loud with some murmurs of agreement as Hooty looked on sad and Lilith couldn't help but feel sorry for Hooty as Luz comforts him.

King goes through the door and brings out more toys putting the toys into a row other than the rabbit which he puts in his hand, he says that it's not fun if they don't tremble. He notices the vegetables putting the pot and knife over the cliff.

"You know this explains why I keep having to replace my kitchen supplies..." Eda mutters.

King has an idea happening.

"Is he going to use the make alive potion, who wants to bet that he ends up bringing the house to life?" asked a demon.

"That already happened." pointed out another resident.

"I will sit back and look forward to seeing this blows up in your face as usual King." Eda said grinning.

"Watch what you say because soon I will have an army again!" King retorted.

Back at the Knee where a campfire is set up; Luz says that she identified the smell of three different rocks, sorted out the twigs from big to small and found her gloved hand. Eda says that she was wondering where that thing went as she puts down her mug and takes it back to reattach it.

"Seriously this is a Disney show in another universe? I am assuming whoever came up with this show left the moving attachable limbs out of the pitch." Hal said shaking his head.

"The living hand reminds me of this gothic show and movies related to it that Mum and I used to watch reruns with, the hand was a servant I think and the intro had the show's cast snapping their fingers." Luz commented.

Luz asks what now as they spot down Amity practicing spells with her siblings and smiles as she is waving up to them before being pulled into the snow by Edric making Luz laugh.

"Don't take it personally please, I am glad that you would be all smiley while waving, plus how cool you looked with your spells." Luz smiled at Amity.

Eda says that she knows that her lessons are weird but this is what wild magic is all about, making a connection with nature which the earliest witches understood and human witches need to understand it too. Eda asks if she wants to learn her second spell and Luz says that with all her heart and Eda replies that she needs to learn from the island.

"Wow Edalyn, you actually sound like a teacher here." Lilith commented and Eda glared at her, "I was complimenting you!" Lilith sighed.

She gets Luz to sit down and look down at the view of the Titan skull and think about what the island is trying to tell her as she walks off. Luz tries to look and focus while having a conversation with her hands and then notices Amity having fired a spell at a pillar.

"I am sure the baby class sounds much worse than it actually is..." Gus told Luz trying to reassure her as Hexside students started laughing only to be silenced from glares from Amity and Camila and Willow gave Gus a look.

Amity gets called for dinner Emira as Edric says that he caught a bat with Amity telling him not to eat it as she puts the book and wand down at the tent.

"I sure he wouldn't try that." Camila laughed thinking that Amity was just mocking him for the snow thing but gave a look when she heard Edric whistling.

"No offence Mrs Noceda but I know my brother better than you do and do you really think that I would warn him not to without a good reason?" Amity asked.

Luz thinks that she needs to learn magic like Amity to be in the same class as her and then tells her hand that she doesn't need it's validation after it tells her 'great work'.

"Let's see how you mess this up Luz." Eda said shaking her head as Camila groans.

"Just no Luz, a lot of the spells in my book takes a lot of practice and you will only get yourself hurt." Amity told Luz with a look of both concern and anger as Luz looked uneasy.

King in the kitchen looks through Eda's book and puts the potion sauce onto the toys bringing them to life.

"Sauce? That can't be legit something to be used on food!" Samantha asked.

"Come on, you don't know how easier it is to cook when you guide food into the dishes." Perry said as most of the humans mortified.

"Well it's not like you eat things that are still alive, like the fairies being in a pie with them still alive..." laughed Luz but then noticed Amity looking down. "Amity... Please tell me there really isn't anything like that in the Boiling Isles?" begged Luz as Amity did not answer.

"For the record Luz and everyone; you don't have to invite me to any feasts or dinners in the Boiling Isles... Ever!" Camila said calmly.

"Bold of you to assume that I would invite you over for dinner after you have been judging me ever since we got here!" Eda said and Camila glared at her.

"Okay who wants to take bets on how long it takes for Luz's Mum to snap and outright attack the Owl Lady?" Edric asked as there were mutterings of bets being given out only to stopped by the glares coming from Camila, Eda and Luz.

"Too bad, I already counted a thousand Snails being counted on..." Emira muttered.

King walks in a line making like a drill sergeant to the alive toys and commands them to get him snacks, he tells the bear to shape up but then its eyes turn red.

"Wow King, it took less time for this backfire on you than it did for King Jr." laughed Eda.

"I know that it's not a robot but nothing in the movies or TV shows that i have seen has eyes turning red ever been a good thing." Hal commented with agreements of the other humans. Eda grinned but moaned as it cut after that.

Luz spies on Edric holding the bat as Emira angrily tells him to give her the bat; Edric moans with his eyes closed that if they are not going to eat it then he wants to keep it as a pet as he runs off with Emira and Amity chasing after him along with Emira saying to get back before it bites him.

"So embarrassing Ed!" Emira sighed with her arms crossed.

"Come on, I could take care of it!" Edric replied and Amity gave a humourless laugh.

"You know what; I would give up my allowance for two months to be able to watch you bring that bat home and try and convince our parents to let you keep it." Amity retorted and Edric was silent.

Luz grabs the book and wand and goes to the edge and notices a drawing of her doing a Magic Star Beam with a notice not to steal, Luz commenting that her cross hatching has improved.

"Better not let Mum know that you have that in your books..." laughed Emira as Amity gave her a death glare.

She tries a fireball spell and Luz is excited and Eda asks what is she doing with the wand, Luz asks what would she have her do and suggest eating more snow sarcastically or lick a rock. Eda says that maybe her methods are unique but so is Luz' magic and connecting to the island will help her and the wand can't.

"Well Edalyn, I am certainly shocked that she hasn't rebelled against your 'teachings' more; if only you were able to make it so that your student wouldn't rebel against you like Ms Blight hasn't." smirked Lilith.

"You think you're so perfect Lily, I bet you anything soon your students will see that you are not really one to look up to!" retorted Eda as Lilith gave a laugh.

Luz says that it has helped her and tried it again as the battery is shown to be low.

There were mutterings of fear at that, "wands are dangerous for beginners and you are about to use the last of its power..." Amity warned Luz in fear.

"How exactly do you charge wands as I never saw anything in the Boiling Isles that would need electricity or batteries that hadn't come from the human world?" Luz asked.

"I don't think you should be focusing on that at the moment." groaned Amity shaking her head.

The fireball goes out of control and lands behind them with the Slitherbeast jumping towards them growling with fur taken out of its head.

"I hate being right sometimes..." Camila muttered.

Eda said that she angered the Slitherbeast and Luz asks if it will accept a heartfelt apology and it goes after them after spotting the wand.

"Don't worry Camila, Luz is your daughter and she probably has the knowledge that she needs to calm the poor creature down so that it doesn't eat her alive." Camila said with a fake smile with it being clear that she was trying to convince herself.

Eda pushes Luz out of the way as it catches her as Amity and her siblings come over with Amity asking what is she doing with her wand which takes back along with the book.

Lilith was looking at Eda in concern before giving a judgemental look towards Luz.

"I am so sorry Eda and Amity..." Luz cried into her hands as Amity was torn between concern and angry. "I can see that I wanted so bad to be able to go to class with you Amity as well as not embarrass myself with how cool you are and how amazing you are at magic! I only embarrassed myself with how little I know!" Luz cried some more as she felt her hands being taken gently by Amity forcing her to see Luz but red in the face from Luz's compliments.

"Luz do you think this just comes naturally and easy for me? Everything that I can do came from practice and hard work; do you have any ideas how long it took for me to perfect my Abomination magic? Nothing is gained from taking shortcuts Luz." Amity told her gently as Luz sighed.

"I did so and only put my teacher in danger..." sighed Luz as Amity took her hand.

"I know you will figure it out on your own way." Amity told her and Luz calmed down.

Emira calls it cute smirking to Edric asking if they can keep her, Edric says that it's no bat but they could try as they use their magic against the Slitherbeast cuffing it bringing it down but they are struggling.

"Amity, can I ask you something?" Luz asked Amity and she glanced at her, "The wanting to eat a bat and then make it a pet? Is it one of the most stupid things Edric has done?" Luz asked as Amity started laughing.

"Are you kidding Luz, it barely is out of the top 10!" Amity answered Luz as she starts laughing with Amity appreciating that Luz was trying to break the tension.

"Mittens, I can't hear what you and your human friend have said but I have a feeling that I don't like it." Edric said crossing his arms.

Amity tries to use a fireball to finish it off but then sees that it's out of power with Luz saying that she didn't know. Edric and Emira tells Luz to use her powerful spells and Luz admits that she doesn't know any.

"Wow Luz, way to admit to the lie at this moment..." Emira said.

"You wanted to expose my diary to the entire school and thanks to you 2 Luz and I were almost sewed into a book by Otabin being turned into a monster so please don't try and act like you are better than her!" Amity snapped at her sister and they were silent.

"Wait a minute, how could you two do that lasso spell thing? I thought that Eda said that you could only do one type of magic once you join a Coven and you both were in that Illusion class, plus I remember seeing the one child having his magic sealed away by the Illusion Coven at that Covention."Camila said wanting to relief the tension some more.

"They are still in their track and not yet ready to join the official Coven and as for that kid... He was an idiot for fully joining when he was still learning in school!" Amity explained.

"Hey, that was me!" yelled out the kid.

The Slitherbeast then picks up Edric and Emira with its other claw and places it in the other with Eda, it then scampers off.

"I am so sorry Edric and Emira, thanks to my carelessness you both along with Eda will be in danger." Luz shouted to the twins apologetically as Amity looked terrified.

"Don't worry about it Luz, we have gotten into life threatening situations on our own before." Emira said to reassure Luz even if they were both afraid.

"Like this time last year we almost lost our souls when we snuck backstage of this late night concert of our favourite band." Edric said as Emira glared at him.

"What are you talking about Ed? You and Emira were studying in your rooms that night silently since you were upset that mother forbid you both from going..." Amity said only for her eyes widen as Edric and Emira looked sheepish. "You both snuck out; didn't you..." Amity smirked as they gave pleading looks to her as there were mutterings from the audience.

"You look like a plotting villain from a cartoon Amity; you are going to blackmail them, aren't you?" Luz asked as Amity gave a fake hurt look.

"Luz, I am disappointed that you think that I would stoop so low..." Amity said with fake hurt in her voice as she went back to being concerned for her siblings on the screen.

"Demon realm or not; teenagers are still teenagers..." muttered Hal.

King is on the couch as the toys bring him snacks as he gives chip snacks to his rabbit who he called his second in command, the bear reaches for some snacks but King tells him to back away as he is not privy to snack privileges. The bear's eyes turned red as it turns to walk as it's face still points to King.

There were shivers at this as King was starting to look concerned.

King is tired putting sleep hats on him and the rabbit, he goes to sleep but the bear is overlooking him waking him but then the other toys with red in their eyes are overlooking him and the bear comes closer with its string pulled asking if King wants a hug. King is scared pulling the rabbit closer.

People were snickering as Eda laughed saying "you know King I just realised; this is the 3rd episode in a row where you come up with some hair brained scheme to make you top of a food chain somewhere only for it to completely backfire in your face! I am all for the next one making it 4 episodes in a row!" laughed Eda.

Luz asks Amity what they do and Amity replies that she is going after them and Luz is staying there, she puts a circular barrier spell around Luz saying that she will only get hurt.

"Calm concern for my saftey; worse than if you just yelled at me..." Luz muttered shaking her head.

Luz kicks a rock commenting about the stupid island and sits on it; commenting that it was supposed to teach her magic while looking at the stars. She gets out her notebook making her light glyph but then notices something in the stars. Luz notices a light glyph in the sky.

"I stargaze so how haven't I seen anything like that..." asked a resident as the audience wondering what it means.

Luz asks what it means as and sees a snowflake touch her hand making a glyph, she then takes a twig and after another one touches her hand she draws the same glyph and activates it creating a block of ice.

"Wow, my 2nd spell! I Did it!" Luz cried only to notice that she was embracing Amity and freaked out letting go. "I am so sorry, I was so excited that I got carried away..." Luz said red in the face as Amity smiled.

"Don't worry about it, I am happy for you..." Amity said red in the face as well.

"Great job Luz!" Willow cheered.

"I never doubted you for a second Luz..." Gus said as Willow stared at him incredulously.

Luz went to face Eda who said "don't worry about apologising or thanks me kid; good on you for finding what I was trying to teach you." Eda smirked facing Lilith and said "what do you know Lily, my advice for my student paid off!"

"Not bad, I suppose..." Lilith replied trying to hide how impressed she actually was with the audience muttering at how cool this was.

She draws the glyph around the entire barrier and jumps from the rock to the ground with her hands to activate it, sending her flying but lands in the snow. She is excited about her 2 nd spell and thanks the snow, the island and Eda but runs off remembering that she has to save her.

"Not the most graceful landing..." Luz said.

"Don't let it ruin your moment Luz." Amity told her.

"Since I don't think you would go back, would that barrier spell just be left there indefinitely if no one undid it?" Camila asked and Amity replied that it probably would.

Hooty has headphones on as King asks his toys how dare they mutiny and to unhand their commander now as he is tossed through the window along with his rabbit followed by knives and arrows.

"Wait, did King put them on him?" asked Willow.

"No, I got Hooty them after my first trash pile. He loves listening to music on them and gets them from its hiding spot." Luz explained.

"I sure do and sometimes I just listen to my favourite song and sing it while no one is in the house... Straight hair, straight A's, straight forward..." Hooty sang as Amity gave him a look to shut him up as people complained about the noise.

"Thanks to you; I think Taylor Louderman is ruined for me forever!" Samantha complained.

Hooty drops the headphones, King gets up to tell Hooty he can be in the boot camp and first task is to destroy the boot camp. Hooty says no thanks; King reminds him that he begged to join and Hooty says sorry but he said he was desperate so now he is playing hard to get turning his face upside down.

"Wow Hooty, I have never been more proud of you than I am right now!" Eda cried with tears of joy as people were giggling that the weird house owl thing was sassing King.

"I hate you!" King snapped.

King asks what he wants and Hooty replies asking what he is offering, King gets a piece of chalk and draws him a body and opens the door.

"That is so wrong on so many levels, I don't think I know where to begin..." Luz muttered as Camila and Amity were in full agreement with her.

"Before you ask Hooty; you can forget about it! I am not having my front door vandalised just so that you could stare at your own nonexistent butt!" Eda shouted and Hooty looked sad.

"Happy birthday to me..." Hooty said looking like he was about to cry and people were being judgemental with looks towards Eda.

"Okay fine; when we get back!" Eda shouted as Hooty was now making happy noises and then had a smirk towards Luz.

"You manipulative conniving... You learned just as much from Eda as I have." Luz said finding it amusing along with Camila and Amity even if she didn't show it.

Hooty then goes in to attack as King watches the rampage with the torn teddy bear limbs and stuffing coming his way; King says the day shall live in infamy as the bear's head is thrown across the doorframe.

Most of the audience were open mouthed and were now looking terrified, "Does anyone want to look after Hooty's backpack for us?" Camila asked behind her with pleading in her voice but there were no takers.

Luz finds the cave as inside the Slitherbeast makes slime and sticks it's three prisoners to it.

"That had better wash off, Mum would kill us if something happened to our good snow clothes..." Emira muttered as most of the audience were grossed out.

Emira says not to worry as they will be fine but then slime covered skeleton drops to the ledge below them as Edric says that no they are going to die.

"Mittens, what do you want me to leave you in our will?" Edric asked as Emira punched him on the arm.

Luz climbs up onto the ledge wearing a skull saying that's right and death is near but takes it off saying that she is there.

"No; this is a serious situation... Must not even chuckle..." Amity muttered to herself but then looked at angry at herself as she did chuckle.

Eda tells her to get out of there since she is just going to sneak away once the Slitherbeast starts eating the twins which they are taken aback by.

"Let's see how brave and heroic you are when you are in danger of being killed by a Slitherbeast." Eda said with the looks and mutterings coming her way.

"I thought you were cool..." Edric muttered and Emira just glared at her.

"Just wow..." Amity said with a judgemental look on her face.

"Impressive how many lows that you can sink to." Camila said not even bothering to look her way.

"I wish I could say that I am surprised sister but I can't." Lilith said.

"Ms Eda, can I please ask have you ever looked on your behaviour and to King and ask yourself: how is it that I only have him as a friend?" Willow asked.

Luz says that she gets it now and how she was so obsessed with learning her 2nd spell that she didn't listen to her but she is going to save her while dancing with her arms while walking down. Eda says that at least she got to see her misplaced confidence one last time.

"You should have more faith in your student Eda; otherwise how could you expect her to have faith in you?" Bump said.

Amity looks out from behind a spike she is hiding behind as does Luz, Amity notices her and ask they go back behind Amity asks her how did she get past the barrier and Luz replies magic literally. Luz tells her that they have to work together and whispers into her ear.

"Last time you worked together and came up with a plan; you admitted that you didn't think would work... I have doubts." Eda said as Camila sighed at her lack of faith in Luz since she could be clever when she needed to be plus her creativity.

The Slitherbeast puts leaves and mushrooms on the heads of its prisoners and Eda sneezes saying that she hate garlic.

"With your fangs and white skin; you could pass for a vampire Eda plus you drink blood in the morning." Luz said to some laughs.

Luz calls the Slitherbeast over to her and it chases her.

"Okay, we need to plan a future lesson about helping you develop your skills in planning because to tell you the truth Luz; without my guidance you would have been dead within the day in the Boiling Isles." Eda sighed as Camila and Luz hated that they couldn't argue against that.

Amity climbs onto the ledge as Emira tells her to use the fire spell, Luz says that she can't do it without the wand and Emira tells her that she can and to just focus.

Amity gives a grateful smile to Emira who smiles back, the twins are not so bad...

"See, I still struggle." Amity told Luz who felt better.

Amity manages it and Emira comments that it's cool and she didn't actually think that she could do it as Amity sets them free with the fire spell.

"Good job Amity." Luz told Amity who smiled who didn't let what Emira said get her down.

They hear Luz and Amity is concerned as she is still running from the Slitherbeast, she gets outside against a tree and then grins as she uses her foot to set off a giant ice glyph that sends it flying before it lands on its back.

"Okay; not that thought out and should have gotten you killed but not bad..." Eda said as Camila sighed relief while also looking concerned for the poor creature.

"I promise that I won't get into any life threatening situations from now on Mum." Luz told Camila who shook her head.

"That's nice but don't make promises that you can't keep Mija." Camila told her as Cornholio coughed.

The others reach her as the Slitherbeast gets up and Eda asks the Blight siblings if they want her to teach them something cool and they shout out yes; Eda uses a sleep spell against it making it fall asleep.

Everyone except for Eda was worried for a second but breathed a sigh of relief, "Despite what you might think; I know what I am doing." Eda said.

"So you let yourself get hustled by a black marketer Edalyn?" Lilith asked as Eda grunted.

Luz says that's her mentor as she runs up to her and she says that she saw her learn the connection and learn her 2 nd spell. Eda tells her nice work while patting her on the head and Emira talks about Amity showing some real bravery with Edric repeating what Eda just did to Amity's embarrassment.

Amity looked embarrassed but Luz noticing something in her hair asked "how about the brown bits in your hair? I never saw it before..."

"Probably the roots in my hair or the dye being messed up as my mother likes my hair to match my siblings." Amity explained with a sigh.

Amity smiles at Luz saying that it looks like they will be in the same class; Luz asked about the Azura Book Club as Amity replies as long as it's a secret club but the twins say that it's not a secret and they are going to tell everyone.

"I am debating with myself if it's worth the damage to my reputation or the trouble I would get into if I picked up my seat and threw it at them..." Amity whispered annoyed.

Eda sneezes saying that their adorable banter is literally making her sick saying to go home already as Luz says that she is on it, she draws the ice glyph around them and activates it making them fly with them cheering.

"Hoping that you got the direction right or you would make a good enough landing near the Owl House." Amity told Luz shaking her head.

Emira says that she thinks they could go the normal way.

The living room of the Owl House is filled with torn toys and stuffing and the couch, King tells Hooty that it would be an honour to be his commander and Hooty says the honour is all his as they hug. Eda coughs to get their attention as Eda is at the door with Luz, Eda demands to know what the heck did the two get into. King says that they are having a moment together and Hooty says that they will never understand what they had been through together as King runs off saying moment ruined. Hooty says that he will be haunted by his actions forever.

"I have no idea what to think of this ending..." Willow muttered as they were all in agreement.

"I have an idea about what will happen after this; a certain boot camp cleaning up all the mess and did I spy my couch slashed?" Eda asked with her arms crossed and Hooty and King shared a gulp.