
The Overlord of Mysteries

An Overlord - Multiverse Travel Fanfiction The protagonist, Mc, was betrayed by the world and his expectations, which led to his death. After meeting a being called ROB, Mc played a game with him to obtain cheat abilities. ROB then transported Mc to a world, from where he would get isekai'd to another world - Overlord. Mc is a dreamer who can be both kind and cold when necessary. He follows Machiavelli and Chanakya and is a fan of horror and Lord of the Mysteries. The story will begin with Mc having no powers related to Lord of the Mysteries, but he will try to build his guild based on LOTM themes. His NPCs will mainly be from Fate, LOTM, and other popular fiction works. Mc's in-game character's powers and events could be inspired by other Overlord fan fiction. Word Count Every Chapter: On Average around 3k to 7.5k. Note: This is an AU Overlord world. The AU part is Mc reincarnating as Bruce Wayne in Gotham of 22nd century of Earth in Overlord verse. The first volume is for Character development and doesn't affect much of your reading experience if you decide to skip it. The first volume is Batman Vs Joker, so you can skip it. If it's not to your taste. Batman[MC] and Joker are the only DC characters in this fic. The Batman arc will be over with the first volume. The second Volume is purely a Yggdrasil Game experience. There isn't much real-life experience shared in the second volume. 22nd-century Earth is a normal world with no magic or supernatural elements. Everything is the same as the original Overlord world. Except for there being Gotham in America and Bruce Wayne in it. Even the Joker is not the same as the comic version, at least his back story. You can skip from the fourth chapter of the First Volume to not miss out on the development of his wishes and the main base of the story. I'm the author of this fanfiction. As English is not my first language, constructive feedback is welcome. I'm a college student, so the upload schedule will be irregular, but I will strive to upload at least one chapter per week. I'm not asking for power stones, but I do appreciate comments and reviews, which may lead to more frequent uploads. The choice is yours, whether you decide to give power stones or not is fine. It is your choice. If you do decide to give, I appreciate it. I aim to upload four chapters per month. Note: Mc has Gilgamesh and Satoru Gojo's template. The image used in this fic as the cover image belongs to their respectful owner. Disclaimer: This is a work of fan fiction based on multiple existing anime/manga series/TV Shows/Movies/Comics. The characters and settings used in this story belong to their respective owners and creators, and no copyright infringement is intended. This story is purely for entertainment purposes and is not intended to infringe upon any existing intellectual property. I do not own any of the original works that inspired this fanfiction, and I fully support the original creators and their works. The image used for the cover or others does not belong to me. If you are the rightful owner of the image in question and would like to request its removal, please do not hesitate to contact me. It is my utmost priority to respect the intellectual property rights of others and I will ensure that the image is taken down expeditiously upon receipt of your request. References: [1] Overlord - Kugane Maruyama [2] Lord of the Mysteries - Cuttlefish That Loves Diving [3] Fate Series - Nasuverse [4] JJK - Gege Akutami [5] DC [6] Star Wars - George Lucas [7] Marvel [8] Anime

ChaoticVoid_24 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
44 Chs

33. An Alien Realm's Common Sense

Hello, this is my first time writing a fanfiction. If you notice any errors, please feel free to give me constructive feedback. English is not my first language, so if you notice any mistakes, please mention them in the comment section at the end of the chapter. Let's begin the story!

Word Count: 3000 Words

Note: Just a reminder that I've changed the Guild Auxiliary chapter. I've made some changes to it. I've removed a couple of NPCs and added a few.

Due to my college work, I was unable to upload the chapter.


Mc Pov

I thought I was over this. But seeing their bond made me remember those happy fleeting moments I had with my parents.

I had assumed that I had moved on. This is not the first time I have seen a bond between a child and a parent. There were many families on Twenty-Second Century Earth. Not to forget Alfred had a happy family.

Then why is this affecting me?

Is it loneliness? I am, after all, alone in this Power Hungry World. I have no one that I can be true to and neither do I have anyone accompanying me.

I Have to maintain this persona to keep up the appearances.

I do have my summons but they aren't the same. To them, I am a God.

Before I wasn't truly alone since the transmission. I never had this amount of time to self-reflect on the feeling of loss and the sadness that comes with dying and leaving everything behind. Well, bankruptcy in my case.

I had World to keep me company throughout those tiring twelve years in a hell hole. I had someone throughout those years who filled the Void in my heart.

Am I Lonely?

I am missing my Guild. I just hope to be done with this War as soon as possible and return to my Guild and the Overlord verse.


Fuyuki City, Japan


Bruce stood there holding onto his sword thinking of his feelings. He looked back at the Sword after he swung it. It had been a practice swing; unaware of the outcome of his swing, Bruce placed the sword on the dining table.

All the while Kai was rooted to his spot after the spectacle he saw through Zarios's vision. It was but a simple swing of the sword that anyone would enact for fun or to stretch and loosen their muscles.

It was a base skill used by all the males in the world. It is, after all, the dream of every boy in this world to swing a Sword.

<Nothing is as simple it appears to common people and simpletons. There always an objective a reason for every move of his. His action calculated efficient.>

Shaken up by the events, Kai wondered about it.

'Why did he have to kill him? What did that old man do?'

<Hmph! That old man would have killed you the moment he found out about Fire in you. You are still weak to defend against him. Do not fret him, and your mother me being sort of alive>

'Why would he come to kill you? and What is this fire?'

<You will find out in due time.>

While Kai stood rooted, unmoving, conversing with Zarios, Sayuri kept her eyes on the Sword. It was unlike any sword she had seen, she was unable to look away from it. It looked magical, 'Of course, it is a magical sword. It is a Sword belonging to someone of HIS calibre.' is what she reasoned herself with.

Everyone had their thoughts on the incident. Sayuri was worried about the home and their safety. In the same house, a newly born sword was keenly observing the occupants of the house.

It looked at everyone: a weak human woman with little to no mana, a human male child with petite mana and the soul of a Magus residing in it. The sword got intrigued looking at the child. Not because of the soul of an ancient Magus residing in him, though it did interest it, but what surprised it the most was that the child had gazed upon the Supreme One.

And Supreme One had approved of and had marked the child. This intrigued Error. Finally, its gaze turned to The Fool, its Master.

Error beamed at its Master and the Creator. It had done its first job since its very creation. It was happy to be brought out; it had been sitting idle in the treasury of the Supreme One for too long, though it didn't think it deserved any better treatment. After all, it still hadn't proved itself to be worthy of the task to be wielded by the Supreme One.

It beamed and wished to pledge its loyalty to the Supreme One when it saw the knowing look on its Master. It was as if HE was commanding it to grow stronger. Become worthy of being wielded by HIM.

This caused Error to hesitate from conversing with the Supreme One. Though it was happy to just have Supreme One acknowledge its existence.

The Supreme One was supporting it, acknowledging its existence and even encouraging it.

It wished to speak but chose to remain silent. It controlled its urge to pledge its loyalty and do the Fool's bidding. It first had to become stronger to be worthy of being used by the Supreme One.

As it was thinking of ways to become worthy it remembered the thing it saw while devouring the moron who had dared to spy on The Supreme One.

He was unworthy to gaze at the Supreme One is what Error concluded.

Error, while devouring Zelretch, gazed upon the swirl of the Root as it inherited Second True Magic from the Mongrel.

Error got into a contemplative state as it pondered researching the so-called Root from its memories inherited from the Mongrel. It thought and pondered to reach the only conclusion that proved worthy of a feat to earn the right to present itself to its Master. Maybe devouring it would make it worthy enough to be wielded by the Supreme One.


Bruce, after placing the sword, looked back at them. Kai was distracted and as for his mother, she was transfixed on the Sword.

"Kai you can have the Sword. Though it is not that strong, it should do the trick against weaklings like them."

Kai was shocked for a multitude of reasons, first, it was the Sword. Mr Fool was gifting him a Sword for the locket. It raised a question, 'Does Mr Fool value the locket so much that he is willing to give away so many treasures for it or'

<The Fool doesn't do anything without a reason. And that can be obtained in this lower realm created by Root would not attract The Fool's attention. Moreover Sword is very special.>

'But such a powerful weapon is being called as weak by Mr Fool!'

<It is weak to him or should I say. Despite it being a strong and special weapon, no different than an ordinary sword HIM. It be capable of slaying divine spirits powerful enough end me.>

'Understood. I'll try my best to obey Mr Fool's wishes.'

<Good- You catch on quickly.>

Kai looked on as the Fool waved his arm to the car, the car responding to his call turned into a small cube and flew towards him. It was a magical scene that drew Sayuri's attention from the sword to the Car. She was shocked to find the car had disappeared or turned into a cube.


Kai wished to thank the Fool, but the appearance of a portal, that ripped through space and time left him in awe for him to continue.

'That's a..'

<A hole in space-time. I've only seen it twice my whole life. And this is the second time.>

'When was the first?'

<It was long ago. Back when Demons infected the planet, and Beasts tormented this world.>

'Planet? Did you people use to call this a planet back in your days?'

<Not others, I was different. bestowed with the knowledge that would put even today's Mage's Association to shame.>


As Kai conversed with Zarios, he looked at the Fool, and the Fool looked back and smiled. It was a helpless smile as if something was tugging at his heart. It confused Kai, as Zarios said Mr Fool is invincible and Supreme. The expression confounded him.

He watched as The Fool walked through what Zarios called as the Hole through the Space-time.

Bruce despite the feeling of oddness he felt, though he failed to identify the source. Bruce entered the Gate he had cast after retrieving the Cube.


Bruce Wayne, The Fool!

Mc Pov

'So where am I?'

Bruce stood in what appeared to be an expanse of open field. The vegetation of the place was very rich, but the aesthetics of the place was dark-themed.

'This was not the destination I had set for the Gate spell.'

Dark clouds blotted the sky, with occasional red and blue coloured lightning streaking through the clouds.

'I had thought of using the Gate spell to get back to the base, the Matou Mansion while picking up Sakura on the way. Did the spell fail to transport me to the desired location? Or is this a trap set by maybe Caster? Is she finally taking action?

But is she capable of this? Or is this some other entity at work? Like Gaia or Alaya?

Things are getting interesting and dangerous. Well, I'm at least sure that this is not Earth. The negative and Chaos energy in this place is far too destructive to any living being. But Negative energy huh!'

Bruce observed the surroundings as he contemplated the cause of the incident. A dark forest with giant plants of unknown varieties surrounded him.

Despite the darkness engulfing the land, he was able to perceive and look ahead of him without the need for any light source. To be on the safer side, Bruce, unwilling to risk losing his vision to the darkness, retrieved a lantern from his storage.

'This is something I had made to traverse the floor of Chaos Sea back in my Guild. It's an item I had made for aesthetic reasons, to help role-play. Who knew this would come in handy now? I have made a lot of these back then. I also purchased a lot of lanterns and lamps from the Halloween event. It's good to know that all that money wasn't wasted on useless items.

Though it is thrilling and exciting to venture into the unknown. This is the Nasuverse we are talking about. There is no way this place is something that can be taken lightly. Hmm! Walking into this dark forest with a lantern in hand is tempting but my safety should always come first.'

{Spell, Fly}

Bruce took to the skies as he overlooked the never-ending forests. He was stranded on an unknown land but his danger sense didn't tingle. It was more like he didn't feel any sense of urgency to leave this place and neither did he feel any sort of danger from this place.

Not willing to waste any time, Bruce propelled himself. It was his guts that took him in that direction. He felt a calling from the direction. Though he felt the same from all directions, the only reason he chose it was the intensity of the calling he received.

It was a blur, despite travelling at a slow speed, he had covered a large distance. He decreased his speed as he spotted giant walls in his path.

Bruce increased the altitude of his flight to go over the giant walls.


The sight shocked Bruce.

It was a familiar sight that he had only seen a couple of times. But every one of them had a deep impact on him. 'The Sunken City of R'lyeh and also the home of Cthulhu.'

As memories flooded his mind, pain assaulted his mind. He lost control of himself as the flight spell came undone, and the winds embraced him passing him to the ground, with the ground opening its arm to receive him.

Bruce went on a free fall as he crashed and landed in the Grand Temple of The High Priest of R'lyeh's premises.

The pain he experienced was excruciating yet he stood up from the rabble created by his fall. He inspected his body as he monologued.

'Wow! Despite that huge fall, it doesn't hurt at all. But this pain from the sudden migraine is quite a bother.

Anyway, why am I even in this place? Wasn't this city destroyed with the rest of Yggdrasil? Or is this the real City of R'lyeh in Nasuverse?

Or perhaps this is a dream or lore of Cthulhu that is influencing me?'

As Bruce looked closely at the Temple, the pain increased. Making it harder for him to stand. Bruce tried figuring out any way to stop the pain. Even the healing spells he had learned were of no use.

Bruce walked around the temple trying to find anything that could help him solve his predicament.

He clutched his head, trying to suppress and tried thinking of a remedy to the pain when his gaze wandered to the sky.

He made eye contact with a Giant Eye hanging in the sky looking down at the vast land. It was for a moment but Bruce's vision synced with that of the Giant Eye.

A huge transformation took place in the land; it was the dark forest and the Sunken City of R'lyeh. It was all he could see in this dark forsaken world before.

Bruce's vision expanded as he saw a serene ocean to one side and a stormy ocean on another as if the part of the ocean was facing the wrath of the God of Storms.

His vision extended beyond the dark clouds to the infinite space beyond housing this world. With colourful Moons decorating the night sky and the Golden Sun providing warmth in the distance.

Beyond the Stars, he could see the never-ending infinite space.

'Is that perhaps Gojo's domain?'

He could see stars of various colours decorating the space, and he could even spot a few black holes in the distance.

'Is that a fucking Stella? What is this place?'

Despite being able to see through the never-ending expanses of space, the dark black and grey clouds covering the Giant and trapping the whole City with the Dark Forest confounded him.

Bruce tried to see through the dark grey and black clouds blocking his vision. The clouds surrounded the Giant Eye, and Bruce tried clearing it and trying to find a gap to see through it.

The pain he felt increased till he managed to see through the clouds. The clouds, sadly for him, showed his very visage. The view depicted the place he had seen a couple of seconds ago.

He saw his body standing beside the Grand Temple of R'lyeh.


His eyes snapped open and he got up. Bruce caught his breath as he looked around at his surroundings. He was lying on a grass patch on a small hill. It was nighttime, and Bruce, unsure of his location, looked above. Nervous of finding the Giant Eye hanging in the sky, he nervously looked up.

He breathed a sigh of relief as he looked at the clear starry sky with a Moon. Unlike the Red Moon and those moons of other colours, he had seen in what could have been a dream.

Despite getting a view of the whole world, in the end, the Gray and black clouds surrounding the Giant Eye shook him.

'Those clouds were Infact distorting and covering the Grand Temple of R'lyeh. Especially my lifeless body standing in front of the temple. They do appear similar to what Klein might have seen. Is this the effect of the lore World wrote for me mingling with Cthulhu and my other prowess lore?'

It wasn't his motionless body that shocked Bruce and woke him up from his stupor.

'Those worms! My body was made up of worms!'

It was a nightmare for him and had caused him to panic but now that he thought of it. He doesn't feel anything from it. Despite thinking back to the memory of the view and his experience in that strange world. 'I don't feel anything other than anticipation.'

It was a strange experience for him, and his reaction to it surprised him. 'After getting back in this Level 100 game character that I created, I am sort of indifferent to the whole experience. Am I experiencing something similar to emotion suppression that Ainz experiences as an Undead but what is with this body that gives me so much confidence and makes me indomitable?'

Bruce wondered aloud as he stood up.

'Was that Daemon Dream or Alien Common Sense of Nasuverse? Is this the effect The Root has on me from my transmission with the Rider and Foreigner class? Also, as Someone with a Gilgamesh Template. Does that mean I can have my very own Reality Marble? It did have Gojo's domain integrated into it. I am sure that it was Gojo's domain, I could feel it. So it must be my Reality Marble.

Hmm! This is awesome.'

A smile tugged his face as he burst out laughing.

'But that begs the most important question. How do use it? I didn't get any incantation for it.'

{Spell, Fly}

Bruce took to the skies as concluded.

'I can think about it later. For now, I should confirm my location. Unless I have been transported to some hell hole because of my Reality Marble or the World Egg hmm!'

Even the pain he felt earlier had vanished as if it never existed in the first place.


**The End**

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