
There are Vag*nas on the palm of my hands

"Hello there", greeted Alex.

"Greetings.", replied back the mysterious entity sitting on Alex's belly.

"You really are a talking crow!", exclaimed Alex.

"Let me correct you, I am a raven. There's a lot of difference between a crow and a raven.", replied back the bird.

"Wow, wow! An intellectual spouting crow.", exclaimed surprised Alex.

"As I said before, I am a raven, not crow! Crows are foolish and stupid creatures. They tend to travel in a group whereas we Ravens travel in pairs.", said the agitated raven.

"I have seen lots of birds talking but they all were parrots. Never seen a talking crow so fluently. You can even hold a conversation of your own.", replied surprised Alex.

"The creatures you talking about belong to your former world. In this realm, there are more mighty creatures that you couldn't even fathom in your worst nightmare. But you should be glad now that I am here to aid you.", said the bird pridefully, "Also please rephrase from calling me a crow."

"You really talk a lot than any other bird I seen on the TV. Anyway, could you get me some help? I don't seem to able to move my body. Everything seemed to be paralyzed down from my neck below.", said Alex.

"Well now that you have regained your senses, I should undo the spell."

"Spell?", asked puzzled Alex.

The bird flew from Alex's belly near his arm.

Then with all its force, the bird pecked on Alex's arm with its beak.

"Ow!", screamed Alex, "That hurt's!"

"You can move now, right?", asked the bird.

"What?!", exclaimed Alex.

Alex was able to move his hand right away when the bird pecked on it.

"Huh? I can move now."

Alex was now able to move his body somehow. So he sat upright on the ground and started to dust the soil from his clothes.

"Shit! I really need a hair wash. The soil is stuck on my hair, thanks to my oily hair. Why the heck does office-men wear such crap over their head?"

Alex doesn't like grooming but he had to oil his hair to maintain his image in his office, former office to be precise.

"I had cast a paralyze spell but now that I undid it, you can move freely.", said the raven.

"Wow! You are one heck of a chuunibyou crow, aren't you?", asked Alex as he started to brush off the dust on his head.

"I don't know what you mean but please refrain from using your hands like that or else-.", said the bird.

"What do you mean- ow ow ow!", Shrieked out, Alex.

It seemed that Alex's hair got stuck on his hands for some reason.

"The heck my hair got stuck on my hand! Ow-ow!", scowled Alex in pain as he tried to free his hand.

The bird let out a sigh,

"Why couldn't you just listen carefully for a change? Anyway, just slowly remove your hand otherwise you might lose your hair."

Alex followed the bird's instruction and freed his hand,

"That really hurt!", exclaimed Alex but soon he saw his palm of his hand, "What in the fucking world is this!"

There seemed to be a human-like a mouth on his palm. That mouth seemed to be munching on Alex's hair strands.

"IS THAT A VAGINA ON MY HAND?!", exclaimed shocked Alex.

The crow let out another sigh,

"It's not the female genital as you think, it's the all eating mouths of the Abyss eater.", answered the bird.

Alex was totally shocked to see a mysterious mouth that grew on his palm.

"What the fuck is this!", screamed Alex as he waved his hand aggressively, "This is not coming off."

"Of course, it won't come off like that, its a part of you. You also have that on your other hand.", added the bird.

Alex cross-checked his other hand,

"What the fuck! Here's another vagina!", exclaimed Alex.

The other mouth seemed to be eating the ground's soil when he placed his hand on the ground.

"As I said it's not a vagina but the two mystical mouths of the Abyss Eater.", answered Alex.

Alex panicked as he swung around his arms to get rid of the mouth stuck on his palms. He moved around the ground in his attempt to get rid of them.

Soon he gave up and settled down under a shade of a dead tree. It hardly gave much of shade. The rocky desert temperature was skyrocketing. There were only big rocky hills and dry rocky soil everywhere. There was no soul in sight.

The bird flew towards Alex and took a seat on his shoulder,

"Are you done with your antics?"

"Talking crow *gasp* What is going on? What's with the mouth and this strange tattoo's on my hand."

There were also strange marking on Alex's hand with black criss-cross patterns. It was painted over both of Alex hands and fingers until the wrist.

"Those are the inscriptions by Lord Luminescence to control and suppress the powers of the Abyss Eater. I was the one who placed those inscriptions in my lord's behalf.", replied the bird.

"I see.", answered Alex who seemed to have calmed down, "and this must be another of those stupid dreams."

"This isn't a dream, this is the reality. You were summoned as a demi-god with the power to devour the Abyss itself. You need to pull yourself together.", said the bird sternly.

"Summoned?!", asked Alex in shocking demeanor, "Wait I was summoned here?"

"Particularly, we weren't the one to summon you. But yes, you were summoned to our world.", answered the bird.

"You mean like the popular trending Isekai light novels?", asked Alex to reconfirm.

"I don't know what you are talking about.", answered the bird.

Thanks for reading, please leave some power stones if you can spare.

Have a nice day... ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

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