
The Overlord's Second Chance

Zu Mo was the supreme ruler of the galaxy, wielding godlike powers over countless star systems. But a cosmic cataclysm hurls him through space and time, reborn on Earth 200 years in the past as a mere human. Finding himself in modern-day Beijing, the former overlord is stripped of his abilities yet still commands an iron will and martial mastery from eons of conquest. As Zu Mo grapples with this radical second chance at life, a greater shock awaits. A child is suddenly entrusted to his care - his own daughter who he held centuries ago in his past cosmic existence.

Fairytail69 · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs

Chapter 7: Trafficker

That's okay; they could learn slowly in the future.

Just as father and daughter were enjoying their time together, suddenly there was a commotion nearby. Someone was shouting, children were crying, and security guards were rushing over with electric batons.

It turned out that during an educational trip to the zoo for a class from a certain kindergarten, some kidnappers tried to seize the opportunity to snatch the children. Fortunately, someone nearby alerted them, and the teachers noticed in time, preventing the kidnappers from succeeding immediately. However, things escalated, with the situation turning into a standoff between the crowd and the kidnappers, who had grabbed a child as a hostage.

The kidnappers had a knife and were threatening everyone. Afraid of the kidnappers acting recklessly, no one dared to approach them, but they also didn't dare to let them go. Thus, both sides were at a stalemate.

The kidnappers demanded that no one call the police. If they saw any cops, they would kill the child hostage.

Two female teachers were in a panic, their eyes red with worry.

The crying child hostage wouldn't stop, and the other children were frightened into tears as well.

The kidnappers, annoyed by the crying, shouted at the child hostage not to cry, but how could young children endure such a situation?

At this moment, one of the female teachers spoke up, trembling as she said, "You... you let the child go, I'll be your hostage!"

Her voice shook, indicating that she was not fearless but summoning courage to protect the child.

The human trafficker sneered, "Miss, you have courage, but why should I listen to you?"

The teacher said, "Because... because children aren't obedient like you think. Look, you told him not to cry, but he still did. I'll listen, though. With me cooperating as your hostage, you can escape from here..."

The human trafficker chuckled and stared at the teacher's legs with a lecherous expression, "Oh? Are you really obedient? Will you do whatever I say?"

Suddenly, his expression changed, and he roughly threw the child he was holding to the ground and stepped on him with his foot, disgustedly shaking his left hand, "Stinky kid, you dared to pee on me! Be careful, or I'll kill you!"

It turned out that the frightened child had lost control of his bladder.

Everyone was horrified, and their hatred towards the human trafficker intensified. How could anyone treat a child like this?

At this moment, the human trafficker pointed the knife at the female teacher, "You, come here!"

The teacher walked over, trembling all over. Her colleagues tried to persuade her, but she ignored them.

Approaching the human trafficker, he pulled her in front of him and placed the knife against her fair and tender neck.

The cold blade made the teacher's body go limp, goosebumps forming layer upon layer.

"Get lost!" The human trafficker kicked the child away, and the child crawled back to another teacher, crying loudly.

Then, the human trafficker went back and forth between threatening the female teacher and blowing into her ear, "Beautiful, let's go."

The teacher endured humiliation and fear, being pushed by the human trafficker towards the exit of the zoo, with the crowd following but not daring to intervene.

At this moment, someone blocked the human trafficker's path.

Upon seeing him, the crowd noticed that he was carrying a bag and had a little girl around his neck.

Raising his eyebrows, the human trafficker threatened loudly, "If you don't want to die, get out of the way!"

The man remained unfazed and said to the little girl, "Zu Mo, when you encounter bad people, you can't be afraid, especially scum like this who bully women and children. You have to fight back."

The little girl waved her tiny fists on the man's shoulder and said, "Fight... fight..."

The onlookers were shocked. Was this dad crazy? How could he act like a hero with such a young daughter? It was too dangerous!

The human trafficker was also taken aback. What was going on?

Suddenly, something flew towards him!

The human trafficker saw it was a backpack, a mommy bag with a cartoon duck on it.

The bag was large and seemed to be filled with many things, appearing heavy as it flew towards him.

The human trafficker was greatly alarmed and instinctively stabbed at it with his knife.


The knife plunged into the backpack, but surprisingly, it was heavy and powerful, causing the human trafficker to stagger back two steps.

The female teacher reacted quickly, trying to take advantage of the situation to break free from the kidnapping. However, the trafficker swung his knife at her. To her surprise, as the knife was pulled out, it immediately released a cloud of white powder, blinding everyone.

Amidst the chaos, the teacher smelled a scent of milk powder. Was that... powdered milk?

At that moment, two figures rushed forward.

One of them moved like a cheetah, holding a little girl in his left arm while delivering a powerful punch to the trafficker's face with his right hand.


The trafficker stumbled and fell to the ground, the knife flying out of his hand.

Security guards and bystanders quickly swarmed in, restraining him tightly and handing him over to the arriving police.

The man carrying the child was none other than Zu Mo. He checked the mommy bag and found a large tear in it, rendering the powdered milk inside useless. He couldn't help but shake his head and sigh. He would have to buy more, which meant spending more money.

Clap, clap, clap...

Meanwhile, the little girl clapped her hands joyfully, seemingly applauding her father's bravery.

"Mr. Zu, thank you for helping me again," a voice came from behind him.

Zu Mo turned around and found the brave female teacher who had offered herself as a hostage speaking. Her face, head, and clothes were covered in white powdered milk, which was somewhat amusing.

"Mr. Zu, don't you remember me? You helped me on the bus before," the female teacher said, noticing Zu Mo's momentary confusion.