
The Overlord's Second Chance

Zu Mo was the supreme ruler of the galaxy, wielding godlike powers over countless star systems. But a cosmic cataclysm hurls him through space and time, reborn on Earth 200 years in the past as a mere human. Finding himself in modern-day Beijing, the former overlord is stripped of his abilities yet still commands an iron will and martial mastery from eons of conquest. As Zu Mo grapples with this radical second chance at life, a greater shock awaits. A child is suddenly entrusted to his care - his own daughter who he held centuries ago in his past cosmic existence.

Fairytail69 · สมัยใหม่
20 Chs

Chapter 6: Kicking him

Back at the rental, the little one was already awake, lying on the bed crying.

Zu Mo rushed over.

When he lifted the little one, he noticed that half of her body was wet, and the bed was also soaked, with a faint smell.

Oh no, she had pooped! And it was both pee and poop!

Zu Mo had to take her into the bathroom and clumsily change her clothes. No one was born knowing how to be a parent, even if they were a king who had dominated the stars and battled countless races. They all had to start as novices.

Zu Mo was careful, but still got some on his hands and clothes. In the end, he had no choice but to take a bath with his daughter.

Well, there was no way around it. Dealing with poop and pee was a necessary lesson for parents!

Besides, the ability to excrete indicated a functioning body and showed that his daughter was recovering, which was a good thing.

After cleaning himself and the little one, Zu Mo busied himself preparing food and drinks for her. Then he had to wash the sheets and bedding.

While feeding the little one, she would sometimes try to feed him back, holding the bottle and saying, "Daddy eat!"

Zu Mo pretended to eat a few mouthfuls and said, "Zu Mo eat."

Then the little one would hold the bottle herself and drink.

Zu Mo also discovered that the little one loved playing peek-a-boo. Every time he covered his head and reappeared in front of her, she would giggle. They could play this simple game for a long time, truly enjoying the moments of parenting.

At night, Zu Mo lay in bed with the little one snuggled in his arms, listening to him tell stories about the galaxies and the universe. She was incredibly well-behaved.

Undoubtedly, the little one was adorable, and parenting had its ups and downs.

On the second day after the reincarnation of the Overlord of the Galaxy, he was already on his way to becoming an experienced father.



The next morning, Zu Mo felt someone kicking him. He opened his eyes to see the little one lying upside down, her tiny feet already reaching his nose.

Zu Mo kissed her foot and smelled a hint of milk. "ZuZu, are you awake so early?"

The little one looked at him with big black eyes and called out, "Daddy!"

Zu Mo quickly responded, "Yes!"



"Daddy, daddy, daddy..."

The little one squinted her eyes and grinned, showing her most innocent smile.

Zu Mo's heart was melting.

It was evident that the little one was feeling much better today. Zu Mo decided to take her out for some fresh air since the rental was too cramped.

After getting everything ready, Zu Mo put on the diaper bag and carried the little one out.

What she said in the letter was true; the little one indeed loved being outdoors. As soon as they stepped outside, the little one was so happy that she seemed like she could fly out of Zu Mo's arms!

Zu Mo also enjoyed seeing his daughter's smile. He believed that a child's laughter was the purest and most beautiful thing in the world, capable of melting all coldness. It was priceless.

Zu Mo decided to take the little one to the zoo. Since he wasn't going to work anymore, he had plenty of time.

With a large bag on his back and the little one in his arms, Zu Mo attracted everyone's attention as soon as they got on the bus. Some people even offered him their seats.

The little one was incredibly cute, with a fair complexion and a hint of pink on her cheeks. She looked just like a porcelain doll, especially with her long, thick eyelashes and watery eyes, which could melt everything around her.

Several girls who got on the bus along the way couldn't help but exclaim in surprise when they saw the little one and rushed over to take pictures with her.

Zu Mo didn't refuse these requests, as they were all made with good intentions. And since he was holding the little one, she wasn't so shy and politely called them "sisters" under Zu Mo's guidance, which instantly won the hearts of the girls, who exclaimed that they wanted daughters like her in the future.

There were two zoos in Beijing City, one for wild animals and one in the city itself. Zu Mo took the little one to the city zoo.

The little one was only one year and eight months old, so she got in for free due to her height being less than one meter. Zu Mo only needed to buy his own adult ticket, which wasn't expensive.

The little one was extremely excited, waving her little hands and pointing at the animals in the cages, shouting "Oh oh oh" in excitement.

It seemed like even the tigers and lions were scared by her, staring at her with wide eyes in astonishment.

The little one got extremely excited when she saw horses, swaying back and forth as if she were riding one.

Zu Mo lifted her onto his neck, letting her "ride a big horse."

With her tiny hands grabbing Zu Mo's hair and her body swaying, her short legs kicking back and forth, she kept saying, "Horse... horse..."

This attracted the attention of passersby, who then smiled kindly at them.

She called deer "horses" and giraffes "horses" too.

She also liked brown bears, calling them "cats."

Zu Mo told her they were "bears."

The little one couldn't say "bear," so she kept saying "cat... cat..."

Zu Mo thought maybe it was because she had seen giant pandas before, so she thought bears were cats.