

"your majesty; th-th- the crown prince offended him" reported a man that came from the shadows "who"aked the man on the throne "the ye family's eldest son "the man said "WHAT EXECUTE THAT SON OF A BI***" "but your majesty its your son" "SO WHAT!!! IT'S YE XUAN THAT HE OFFENDED IF I DON'T KILL HIM; IAM TO DIE DO YOU WANT TO SEE THAT?!! " "wh-no your majesty!! but is he that scary? " !!sigh!! "you don't know that person; he is more than scary!! do you know where I got that devine grade pill? it's from that place!! but they all call him master !!" "what!! sorry your majesty but am going to execute him now!! shadows!! bring the crown prince for execution now IT'S MY FIRST NOVEL SO (DON'T JUDGE ME TOO MUCH MC IS (OP) 15first chapters (foundation)

Ndugga_Muhamud · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs


As the times went by; seconds became minutes; minutes became hours; hours became days; days became weeks; and like that; there was only a week to his ten years old birthday.

If one looked at the Ye manor by now; you could see people moving in and out of the house while carrying things of different types; furniture; new carpets; putting new lanterns on different walls; you could hear the Butler (old xiang )yelling from time to time.

this was all because the young master of the family was leaving for the main clan soon. meanwhile in the dining room;

"xuan'er; you will be leaving for the main clan soon; we are going to send someone with you and moxie and after you reach there; you have to go and give greetings to your uncle and ancestors"

"yes; but father; I will go alone with moxie; there is no need for a guardian; am powerful enough to reach there alone "

"Absolutely not!!!! you think you are powerful?tell me what realm have you reached?; it takes a year for a golden core realm to reach the Imperial capital without finding dangerous situations stop that joke "

"father; am at the sage realm now; I think I can reach there by myself right? "he asked

"my dear; it's good to dream but this is for your own good; you have to understand that your father has some enemies; if you go alone; you might be attacked by them so go with a guardian this time alone; okay? "explained his mother as they continued eating there meal.

After the meal he went into his room and after entering; he formed a portal and went to his inner world; as he looked around; he found his resources reduced to less than a half and as he was going to make a ruckus; he saw a little flurry white dog;by now it can walk with ease.

"you have devoured almost all my resources but you are only this big? what realm have you reached you gluttonous beast "


"you can now talk through spiritual sense? it means you have reached the origin qi realm?!! such a monster!! "

"but why are you still small? "

"master; am at the peak of the origin realm; and I can change my form at will "as he was still listening to favour's words; it became so big that he was like a child standing in front of an adult.

(he named it after his neighbor's

cute little dog)

"stop it favour or else; you will have to go to moxie ".it shrank very quickly to it's initial size in seconds.

"haha you don't want your fur to be ruffled that much? other dogs enjoy it you know @@%%%"

As times went by; he was notified by the A.I that the main system was awakening at any moment so he accepted it to awaken

«host is advised to enter your inner world «

"okay "

after he was in his inner world; the system started awakening

«A.I rebooting «

«main system awakening «




«congratulations host for awakening the main system; you have received following rewards «

1:One chance of realm advancement (no side effects)

2:Nine heavens glazed pagoda (soul treasure)

3:One heavenly sword soul (unranked)


"sigh!!fortunately I was in my inner world or else; it would have been embarrassing for a sage realm powerhouse to cry like a baby "

"system; what do those rewards mean? "

«host the rewards means the following «

1:A chance to advance one realm in all ways of cultivation at any time with out side effects at all

2:A treasure that is considered as one of the most powerful treasures that can't be separated from its owner unless soul annihilation (meaning of soul treasure)

3:A treasure that can make a weapon into a soul treasure and makes it many times stronger

"hahahahahahhaha; the system is becoming broken; such good rewards;let the pagoda be here in the center and make my soul advance; the sword soul should be put in my chaos heavenly sword; cultivation world;am coming "

meanwhile in the outside world



boooom!!... boom!! booom!!

sounds of explosions and flashes of lightning could be heard and seen on the skies of the whole lower realm


In the Ming imperial palace; a man in his forties sat on his throne with a worried expression on his face "the powerful treasure palace; the unpredictable asasination house; the all knowing secrets pavilion; now black lightning in the sky; heavenly ancestor; please bless us".


meanwhile far away in the forest; a big and majestic palace could be seen and inside it sat a man in his twenties could be seen standing with an expressionless face; seeing the black lightning; he said

"what monster did the humans give birth to this time? hahaha it's going to be fun ".It didn't stop there; all the powerful organizations;sects and clans started giving orders one after another.

After ye xuan's soul advanced? he felt comfortable all over his body; as he looked at the black pagoda that was placed besides him; he felt a powerful aura that he never felt any where else; after he entered; it felt like he entered a new world so he asked the system

«host; the pagoda has nine floors and every floor is a different world (realm) with different laws«


As he calmed down; he felt that the energy here was many times better than that of the inner realm and the outside world; and he felt like time slowdown a little

"system; did the time slow down? "

«the first floor is used as a garden for planting herbs and cultivation; one day inside equals to a week out side «


after familiarizing with the first floor; he retrieved his sword from his dantian;he looked at it for a long time and said "you are called jiang"

"buuz!! buuz!!"

"ehhhh? you have already gained intellect?"


(we have started getting serious!! adjust your sitting posture; it's going to be a long journey; thanks for the support)