
The Outer-Ones

Abyss is a young normal boy like any other. He goes to school, has friends, and enjoys his life as much as possible. But everything changed as a truck crashed into his bus and killed him. But when he opened his eyes again he didn't find himself in heaven nor in hell. Instead he was reincarnated into a fantasy world with many other people too waiting to start his new life.

Archnaphil · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs

The Daily Life Of A Demon Sultan

The Sultan couldn't hide his smile and allowed him to state his wish.

"I wish for knowledge. I beg you to gift me knowledge which I can call my own. Unknown forbidden knowledge which only the highest beings possess."

Abyss's sighed as he rammed his arm inside one of the many black holes, grabbing something inside it. The beggar watched him with a smile on his face awaiting his gift, but his eyes opened in confusion as the Cosmic being showed him a silver key.

"A key?"

"I don't hold the type of forbidden knowledge you seek. but I know someone who does."


"The only one I see as my equal, my friend. But to reach him you must pass these silver gates." The Sultan stated summoning a silver gate with a simple snap of his fingers.

"But I warn you. Many have arrived at my court, but none have been able to pass the silver gates. The journey between each gate is higher than your entire journey so far and can only be described as insurmountable."

The beggar gulped after hearing the warning but couldn't stop here after sacrificing everything he had. And so, the beggar decided to take the key, making the demon sultan smile in satisfaction as he watched the fool walk inside the gate.


"Abyss!!! Wake up! What happened! Shit! Shit!!! Why now! Someone! Help!!! Please Someone must--"

"Stop screaming like a child, I'm already here."

Out of instinct Jack quickly hugged Abyss lifeless body and jumped away facing the source of the voice.

"No matter how far away you jump it is meaningless if I can reach you..."

Jack suddenly felt a light touch on his shoulder followed by a whisper: "In a second."

Jack looked at him quickly recognizing the person as Lucifer. But he was rammed inside the wall, before he could even think of a way to escape.

It was only natural, after all Lucifer is one of the strongest beings in existence, as he once stated.

"I see... His soul is currently somewhere else. And unfortunately, his body is an astral body. If he doesn't return within one day, he will cease to exist, bad luck, I guess."

Lucifer let out a sight as he walked to Jack and healed him back to normal.

"Give up on him."


"He won't make it. He has to return within a day. Thats impossible. His body will cease to exist before he even manages to find out he is in a trial. So, just give up."

"Forget it... I believe he will make it... Because... Abyss is fucking amazing."

"Amazing huh? You don't even know how amazing he will get if he manages to come back."

With that said Lucifer vanished, leaving Jack alone again while Abyss remained in his deep slumber.

"Abyss... I believe you come back; no I know it. Don't worry I will wait right here and protect you. After all I'm your friend...", The beast said as everything became black.


"It has been quite a while now... I wonder if he managed to meet him."

The Demon Sultan mumbled to himself as he sat in the middle of infinity, watching the two remaining persons from earlier eating each other alive.

It wasn't like he enjoyed the sight, but it was a nice pastime to see who wins. After all it doesn't happen every day that someone arrives in his realm.

But while watching the two eat each other he also noticed two of his dancing servants talking to each other. He knew that if he stands up, they will stop chatting and immediately continue to dance. He couldn't change it anyways after all he is the great Demon Sultan, and they are his servants.

"It isn't like I despise my position. Being The great Demon Sultan is something I want to be and achieved with much effort. But sometimes I wish I could just normally talk to them..."

Abyss let out a sigh as he looked up seeing the sheer endless galaxies which decorated his ceiling.

"It is really lonely at the top..."

But then it happened.

The silver gates opened again.

'He's back. I wonder what happened.'

But much to everyone's surprise an old man came out. His face was pale, and his teeth didn't stop trembling.

Abyss smiled as he spoke.

"I almost didn't recognize you. And? Did he fulfil your dream?"

The man raised his gaze up to the Sultan but remained silent as he averted it again.

"How dare you!!!", One of the creatures screamed as it destroyed it's flute.

The man kept ignoring them and began to mumble something to himself.

Did he even meet him?

Was the only thing which all creatures thought as they looked at him. But unlike them Abyss knew why he was in this state.

'This foolish little man gave most of his remaining lifetime to get his wish. But the same wish broke him. What a pitiful fate.'

But the Sultan didn't plan to spare him. His fun shouldn't end just because his toy broke.

He just had to repair it.

The Sultan didn't waste another second and infused the old man with one of the countless black holes around him.

But would that even work?

He didn't know but he also didn't care his toy was already broken.

But much to everyone's surprise he endured it. The old broken man still clung to his life and endured the pain with a painful scream, allowing him to enter a new stage.

The creatures clapped in amazement witnessing how their lord turned a mortal into a deity. But the Sultan couldn't care less. For him there was no difference between a lower deity and an insect. For him they looked the same.

The former old man looked up to the sultan as his former young body has been restored in a matter of seconds.

"I cannot express my gratitude in words. This mere Deity will forever swear to serve you and follow any of your commands."

"Yeah, yeah. Just tell me what he told you to tell me."


Abyss mood dropped as he began to glare at the deity.

"I'm sorry! I was just surprised that you knew that he told me to tell you something."

"Start. Talking."

The deity then quickly started without wasting another precious second of the Sultan, knowing it wouldn't end well if he does.

"The great one just said three words. Trial, Memories and Fight."

"Trial, memories and conquer? I knew he often choses to use a few numbers of words but this time he has surpassed himself."

The sultan leaned back and began to dive deep inside his mind, trying to solve the riddle.

The new born deity just watched him not sure if he was allowed to move until one of the creatures approached him.

"You survived, congratulations."

"Thanks?", The deity responded as he couldn't take his eyes off the creature. Its body was entirely made out of visible noise with no trace of a core or another physical object which would normally work as core.

"You are free to go now and should also do as quick as you can if you don't want to end like them."

The creature stated looking at the two humans which still were eating each other.

"They were your friends, right?"

"Kinda, yes."

"Do you have any questions before you leave?"

The deity just looked at them.

Did he have any?

The deity didn't even know if he had any until one emerged out of the many thoughts which gathered together.

"Is it normal to feel that empty after achieving your goal?"

"Great question. Let me answer it with another. Did you achieve your goal?"

"Yes, I did. I received forbidden knowledge and even beyond. I received the very thing I ever dreamed about."

"But why did you wish for forbidden knowledge?"

The deity froze. Maybe it was due to the countless centuries he spends inside the gates or the maybe even before, but he didn't know anymore.

"Looks like you found a new goal."

The deity smiled as the feeling of emptiness vanished.

"Thank you."

"I didn't do anything. I just guidedy"

"Well then tell the Demon Sultan my gratitude and tell him that no matter what or when I will always follow his command."

"He already knows that."

"Well then. Farwell."

"You too, Mimir god of knowledge, and don't lose your head~"

The deity laughed loudly as he left the Court leaving the creatures alone with their lord.

"Hey Tru'nembra! Quick continue playing again!"

"Yeah, yeah."

The flautist smiled bright as he started to play again, even though he didn't really play since he himself was the instrument.

In the meanwhile, Abyss came back from his mind-dive and stood up from his chair for the first time since he woke up.

The creatures instantly bowed once the Sultan passed them. But before he left his realm he turned around.

"Tru'nembra. You come with me. The rest will protect the Court and the silver gates."

"As you wish.", Tru'nembra responded in a submissive and calm tone.

Both then left the Realm of chaos and arrived in a vast landscape with nothing but grass as far as their eyes allowed them to see.

"We arrived at the Chaos Garden my lord. It has been quite a while since you last visited it."

"But it's still as beautiful as I remember. But before we continue, go ahead and ask your questions. I allow you to ask me any question you want."

Tru'nembra froze.

Being able to ask the great Demons Sultan any question he liked sounded like a dream come true. After all he was the Founder of the Outer Gods and the father of them all.

"Then tell me... Why did you create me? Am I only made to be your flautist?"

The Sultan smiled.

It was only natural for the flautist to ask this question. All beings would ask their creator why they were created. He too would've done the same.

"No. I didn't create you to just be my flautist. If I wanted that I wouldn't have made you into an outer god. I created you to have someone by my side."

The flautist didn't know how he should respond such an answer. It wasn't like he was disappointed, but he just expected more.

"Tru'nembra. You and all my other children should finally stop treating me like an all knowing omnipotent being. I may be a Deity created by the great creator but I'm far from being perfect."

"But you're--"

"I'm just the embodiment of chaos. This doesn't make me almighty nor perfect."

"But your chaos powers allow you to change reality as you please and are able destroy anything without any exceptions!!"

"Thats true. But being able to destroy anything doesn't make you almighty. It just makes you feared by every being..."

"Thats not true! I don't fear you!"

The sultan smiled as he heard that and looked up.

"Tru'nembra. Your words make me really happy. But I've done many things that I'm not proud of... I'm without a doubt an evil deity."

"I don't believe that! What did you do that makes you so evil! The Azathoth I know is a kind ruler."

The sultan hesitated first, thinking that his own child would despise him if he would tell him. But he didn't want to hide his past from him.

"Tru'nembra... Do you know why I'm called Soul eater and World destroyer."

"No, I don't..."

"it's because I destroyed countless worlds without batting an eye and ate even more souls just to satisfy my bottomless hunger, knowing I could survive without doing it. I ate the previous embodiment of reality and destroyed his entire realm alongside his people just because I wanted too. I also conquered many worlds and enslaved them, turning them into eldritch monsters. And that isn't even half of all of my sins... But they alone are enough to show you that this lord of yours is without a doubt an evil being."

"I don't care!"

The sultan's eyes widened by his responds, as he expected anything but not that.

"I believe in you and trust you! I want to follow you even if you're an evil deity.", Tru'nembra screamed at the top of his lungs.

"I'm truly blessed to have servants like you...", Abyss said as he smiled at his servants, patting him like a puppy.

"I'm sure the any outer god and great old one thinks the same as me. We all love you and are grateful to you for creating and protecting us, even if you're an evil deity."

The sultan didn't know how long it has been since he last felt a tear slip down his cheek, but he was more than happy knowing that he was still capable of doing so as one slipped down.

But then both suddenly stopped smiling as they looked towards the sky.

"Looks like someone is after me."

"I will take care of that your majesty just stay back and enjoy the show."

"Hoo~ Fine by me. Then show me how far you've came."

Tru'nembra's body began to shine as he started to create a giant magic circle which soon after turned into a giant barrier, that covered the whole landscape. He then finished his preparations by creating another circle which he grabbed and rammed inside the ground summoning his flute.

The moment he grabbed his flute it began glowing in the same way as his body and transformed into a more demonic looking flute. It looked more like a torture device than a flute and was sharp enough the cut metal like butter.

'It has been quite some time since I last saw him fighting.'

"But I don't think it will take long after all he is the angel of music: 'Mad Symphony'"

Like his lord Tru'nembra was confident in his victory and waited for the intruders to break his barrier and come in.

And soon after, it happened.

At first it were just mere cracks but nearly instantly after, the whole barrier broke followed by a giant black blast that landed in front of them.

Neither of them two moved an inch and waited until the mist nearly vanished revealing two humanoid beings.

"Finally! After three years of waiting! You finally came out again.", One of the two said laughing loudly at the end.

"Why shouldn't I? I already knew you two were waiting outside. I just waited when you would make the first move."

"Really? Then come! Show me the strength of the mighty Demon Sultan!"

"I'm sorry but I'm not the one who is going to fight you."

"I will!", Tru'nembra said as he approached the pair, ready to crush them in the name of his King.

The pair suddenly began to power up, blowing the mist completely away and revealing their faces. It was clear as soon as they saw their faces. Horns coming out of their head followed by a pair of red snake-like eyes and red scaly skin.


But why?

'Demons normally don't have anything against us since we stand on a neutral side and are neither on the angels or the demon side. The only thing we and the angels have in common is our loyalty to God. But we're still on a neutral side...'

"Well, there is no point in worrying about that. These two are as good as dead, but..."

Abyss suddenly had an idea.

"Tru'nembra! Leave one alive! I have a few questions."

"As you wish my lord."

"Don't underestimate me!!", one of the two screamed as he jumped towards Abyss.

But before his hand could even get near the sultan, it was stopped.

The demon looked to the right seeing Tru'nembra holding him his arm in place.

"You damn filthy demon. Who allowed you to move?"