
The Otherworld Saga

Life in the town of River Springs was peaceful. It was the typical valley town where you knew your neighbours and had sunday dinner with strangers. Four young adventurous teens are the towns one concern. Imagination in a child is a great thing, but when their teens and still are up to old antics it had everyone worried. Sophie Sawyer, Cam Clarkson, Kevin King and Pierce Parker are the type of kids who sneak out at night to go hunting for monsters. So what happens when one of those nights leads to them discovering actual monsters? Read to see the world of “The Otherworld”

jaqueline_R · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
29 Chs

The Prophecy Part 1

The carriage came to a stop in front of the Hall, and its grand marble staircase.

The Chief was the first to step out of the carriage. His eyes were narrowed, jaw scrunched up, and spoke no words when the Major tried to speak to him. Instead, he walked determinedly up the stairs.

Pierce, Sophie and Cam remained in the carriage, watching the Major run after the frustrated-looking Chief.

"What's up with him?" Pierce whispered to Cam and Sophie, his eyes darting from one to the other.

The way that the Chief walked off abruptly with no word, had Sophie remembering Christmas from four years ago.

Her mother had sent a letter to her. Upon finding the letter, Uncle Ford angrily took it before she could even open it. He walked out abruptly with no word. An hour later, he returned with a killed deer thrown over his shoulder and the letter was gone.

"I'm not sure, Pierce," Cam responded, exiting the carriage after Pierce. "What I do know is that I need to show you both something," Cam says.

Sophie jumped down from the carriage. She looked at him inquisitively. "What do you mean, Cam?" she questioned him.

Cameron released the sigh he had been holding in since stepping inside the carriage. "I would have preferred to do this with Data but we'll just fill him in when he gets back," Cam said, "follow me."

Pierce and Sophie exchanged a worried look.

"What do you think he wants to show us?" Pierce whispered to her, the nerves he felt coming out in his tone.

"Not sure, Pierce," Sophie whispered, "just follow him and we'll see." Sophie gripped Pierce's elbow, dragging him along with her as she followed after Cam inside the Hall. Her eyes were focused on Cameron as he led them inside, taking step after step in stride with his.

Pierce meanwhile practically fell over by how fast Sophie was walking "Sophie!" Pierce mumbled, trying to get her to slow down as she dragged his arm behind her.

Suddenly, Sophie released Pierce's arm and he fell to his knees from the sudden release. He glanced up to find Sophie had stopped walking, and Cam was standing where a wall had once been.

"That...That's awesome!" Pierce says, standing from his knelt position on the floor to run to where Cam stood. He looked down into the darkened hallway, finding nothing but a stone wall. "What is this place?" He questioned out loud.

Cameron looked from the back of Pierce's head and to Sophie who looked him in the eyes with a foreign expression. It left him confused. "You coming, Sophie?" He asked, watching her while taking the torch that was hanging on the wall. He removed his brother's lighter from his pants pocket and lit it aflame. Cam led the excited Pierce and hesitant Sophie down into the tunnels beneath the Hall.

Pierce's eyes focused in the lightly lit hallway. They skimmed the cracked stone walls, the solid floor and the lightly damp ceiling. "It must be quite deep into the ground, this place," Pierce commented, his hands tracing one of the cracks on the wall.

"It is from what I gathered when the Chief brought me down here," Cam responded to Pierce. Cam had been quiet, trying to remember the way that the Chief had taken him. When he spoke to Pierce, he also happened to glance back and saw Sophie walking behind Pierce, her gaze on the floor, and her eyes appeared to be a little foggy like she wasn't mentally present. He let out a sigh from his lips.

Pierce, Sophie and Cam walked the many passages before finally, they reached the familiar chamber where the Chief had brought Cam.

The three teenagers entered the darkroom as the torch Cam held blew out.

Suddenly, the familiar roar echoed around Cam and he, Sophie and Pierce all watched as a flame fell from the ceiling, lighting the giant fire in the middle of the tomb-sized room.

Cameron glanced back at Sophie and Pierce, finding both to stare in shock at the room they stood in.

"What is this place?" Sophie whispered, walking further into the room and eyed each of the tapestries.

"According to the Chief, this tells the story of a prophecy," Cameron says, his eyes on two of his three best friends. He walked ahead of Sophie, bringing both Pierce and her to stand before the first tapestry. "Years ago, these four wizards foretold a prophecy. A prophecy about someone who was called, "the one" and that they would bring peace back to these lands," he told them.

He led them to the next one, "this is what they foretold. They shall enter the world, the monster's father shall break free. A land from far away will be attacked. Then the one shall unite the creatures and lead them to victory," he said with pride in his voice.

Pierce eyed each tapestry. His gaze fell on each image before he settled his gaze onto Cameron. "You don't believe this stuff do you?" He questioned Cameron.

Cameron looked at him with a knowing look. "I knew that you were going to think this was a joke," he said.