
The Otherside - Journery of the Quadbrid

All the myths and legends of old are all real. The otherside of society is full of the supernatural. The Grandson of 4 of the most powerful creatures in japan embarks on his journey of growth to become the most powerful creature in the world.

KiwibroG · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Chapter 7 - Precognition

In the dream world look down on the earth from above I am witnessing the scene of a great war. Four armies worth of creatures are slaughter each other. I cant get a clear picture of who or what they are but there seems to be puppet strings of different colors connecting all the warriors fighting.

Then the sky turns blood red and something descends upon the battlefield and wipes all of the creatures out. It was total annihilation. When the dusts clears there is only one creature left and I assume her was the one who wiped them all out. There was no another soul left alive. It was complete genocide. The earth was scorched and the figure was standing at the center of a gigantic crater one kilometer wide.

My vision goes blurry and I wake up from my dream and yep sure enough I've shifted to my Kitsune form. That must have been a prophetic dream.

I have them every now and then and they are almost always the same thing every time except as I grow stronger I can see certain aspects more clearly. Like I have never seen the puppet strings before. Must be some sort of symbol of control. Either way I need to call Grandma Tamamo no Mae.

I scramble around to find my holophone and call my Grandma.

"Hi Grandma."

"Yeah I'm doing good all settled in."

"Yup the castle is awesome."

"Anyway I called because I had the dream again."

"Yeah the same one, but more aspects were revealed again."

"Yeah this time I could see some kind of puppet strings on the armies, each army had different colors."

"Hmm the colors were red, blue, purple and gold and they all came from a single source."

"Yeah that is all that's changed in the dream this time."

"Okay I'll let you know next time it happens too."

"Yeah I've got to go the candidates will be here soon."

"Yeah love you Grandma talk soon, Love you."

Once I finish call I decide to have a bath and get ready for meeting my candidates.

So yeah the dream I had was a prophetic dream. Its one of the powers i get from my Kitsune bloodline. Its the power my ancestor had. As I grow stronger the accuracy and information will become more accurate and definite.

No one knows about these dream except for myself and my Grandma because the power is our family secret. Also revealing the information on the dream can cause ripples to events around me and sometimes stacks up bad karma. The reason I can tell Grandma is she can forgo the karma for me because she is so powerful.

These dreams are always the same. They come naturally and unexpectedly. Of course if i wish I can divide future in real time but its only up to 5 seconds if I am conscious and it takes a huge toll on my mental strength so I can use it as a last resort in battle if need be. Other than that if i sacrifice something like blood or a finger or an eye I can see further depending on the sacrifice and due to my vampire regeneration ill repair any damage quickly. But it is still limited by holy power and mental strength.

Anyway prophetic dreams are always centered around the seer. So the fact that I am only watching the war going on and there are no puppet strings connected me I am at least not directly involved with whats going on. This dream could also be a metaphor. Ive always thought that the four armies are my four powers or bloodlines fighting for supremacy. It could also be related how I am one way or another heir to the four clans of my bloodlines. But now with the addition of the puppet strings I could be wrong now.

Going down stairs and entering the dinning room, Lucy and George are waiting for me with breakfast ready. Looks like bacon and eggs are on the menu.

""Good morning Master"" both Lucy and George greet in unison.

"Yes it is thank you."

"Sit down and join me we need to have a discussion."

""Yes Master.""

"Good, today I have tasks for you. First George I need a contracted witch, so make contact with the witches union and use this." I pull out a gold card with my 4 family crests on it." This card will make sure you can get to the special class witches. I need one specialized with barriers of all kinds. The price doesn't matter but it has to be stipulated that its is work under a blood contract so nothing leaks."

"Lucy I want you to find some chefs, they need to be human and be willing to be turned. They have the choice of vampire or werewolf. Explain to them everything they need to know and also tell them to donate some blood before I turn them. We can promise them full protection, high salary and accommodation. Oh and make sure they are female and under the age of 25."

""Yes master it will be done."

"Oh also the fiance candidates will be arriving here today so make sure their rooms are ready and when you take their stuff to their rooms take this magical detector and scan all their belongings. Their are a few families who would like to harm me in all the clans. So better to be safe."

I finish my breakfast and move to the entertainment room to indulge in some culture until they arrive.