
The Otherside - Journery of the Quadbrid

All the myths and legends of old are all real. The otherside of society is full of the supernatural. The Grandson of 4 of the most powerful creatures in japan embarks on his journey of growth to become the most powerful creature in the world.

KiwibroG · แฟนตาซี
16 Chs

Chapter 4 - Mansion & Servants (part 2)

Once Lucy leaves to rest, George shows me around the mansion. To my surprise its all be relatively normal so far. The first floor has a large kitchen, it has enough room for 20 chefs to be working together. All the latest human appliances as well as magic cooking tools and a massive blood storage fridge.

Next to the kitchen was the dinning room which has a long marble table in the center with 6 chairs on either side and a throne style chair at the head of the table. Hanging from the roof in the middle of the table is a large crystal chandelier which seems to be powered by soul crystals and the walls are adorned with what a surprise paintings of all my Grandparents.

Across the entrance way is the sitting room. It contains 2 leather couches that seem to be a few 100 years old facing each other with a glass table in the middle. In the corner of the room is a tea and coffee brewing station and right next to it is a large bookshelf with all kinds of popular magazines from both the human world and the supernatural world.

Taking the stairs from the middle of the entrance way up to the second floor, we are greeted by a hallway with 2 doors on either side and another set of stairs at the end. As we enter the door on the left what can be seen is a massive entertainment room. From the 100 inch TV on the wall with all the latest gaming consoles, to the pool table and ping pong table on the other side. The back wall is entirely a book case filled with manga and light novels of all kinds. There are also 5 PC gaming stations set up on the opposite wall.

Leaving the entertainment room and going across the hallway we enter the other room present on this floor, and to my surprise it seems to be a library. But whats the most shocking is that this room seems to be made larger with space expansion magic. Because the are simply 1000s of bookshelves filled with every type of book imaginable.

Leaving the library and venturing to the third floor where there is another a hallway with four doors, George explains that these are the rooms or my maid fiances so we decide not to enter then and head up to the fourth floor.

Upon reaching the top of the stairs we come across a single door. This is the Master bedroom. This is my room. Entering the room, which happens to be the largest room in the castle. We are greeted by a massive bed, I would say its two times the size of a king bed. The rest of the room is rather simple. A sitting area with a 80 inch television, a desk for studying which has a laptop and some stationary on it. A massive wardrobe and a set of drawers and off to the left side and a extremely large bath and shower that is partitioned by a half-wall to the right.

Finishing the main to of the castle, leaving aside servant quarters which is out side the main castle and the basement which I will check later. I decide it is a good time to complete the blood contract and turning of George.

"George we will leave the rest of the castle for later, I will now turn you to a full vampire and sign a blood contract will you. In case you are unaware I will bite you the same as Lucy and then you will consume by blood and swear your oath of loyalty. The oath is decided by you and you alone and you will have to uphold it or suffer the contract penalties. Is that all clear?"

"Yes master." George replied with zeal and determination.

"Good now come here." I say this a I slowly shift back to my vampire form. My eyes change to blood red and my fangs elongate. As George offers me his new I bite into and inject my vampire venom.

George undergoes visible physical changes. His brown eye changes to red, his brown hair changes to white, his skin becomes paler as he begins to lose whats left of his human blood.

I release my fangs from Georges neck and proceed to slash my palm with my claws, and slowly drip my blood into Georges mouth to complete my end of the blood contract.

"Now George please recite your chosen oath to complete the contract."

"I, George hereby swear my undying loyalty to Tsuki Ryoshi, I swear to never betray or commit any acts that will cause you any harm and do anything to help my master achieve his goals for the rest of eternity."

With a blood red magic circle and a flash of light the blood contract is completed. Now George is a full blood vampire and my servant for eternity. The first of my Vampire kin.

"Good from this day forth you will be known as George Ryoshi, you will be the head of all my future vampire kin and serve me for eternity, in return you will never again now poverty or hardships. Now with that complete I will rest until dinnertime. Between yourself and Lucy arrange my dinner until we can get a chef or two for the castle, I assume you know my preferences already."

"Yes Master, It will be done." Following that George leaves the room to rest.

Once gone i decide to lie down and assess a few things. First I have acquired two new servants, one vampire one werewolf which means that in fairness I should get Kitsune and Succubus servants as well. Second I have seen the mansion but I will need to make some adjustments when my fiance candidates arrive tomorrow. Third I need to read over the academy information and choose my courses. Ideally I will choose as few as possible because my education is already beyond this academy and I am solely here to make connections.

"Haa tomorrow will be a busy day." I say as i slowly close my eyes and drift of to the dreamworld.