
Chapter 7;Memory bounce.

"Where is this place?" Dami asked breathing heavily after climbing the long flight of stairs.

Loti didn't answer and opened the transparent door in front of them.

"Welcome to the sporting lounge!" An announcement blared up.

Dami's mouth fell open again as her eyes ran over everything. It looked more like a gym. But she was actually too excited to express herself in words.

Samson watched her from his office, a stiff smile plastered on his face.

"She seems too excited about all this. Master what do you have in mind this time"? Zech Samson's personal assistant asked.

"Mind your business stupid robot, or you get your ass kicked into the pool.

Zech moved away from his master before he could bring his threats to reality.

"Has the artillery been updated?"

"Yes sir".

"Good". Samson nodded and continued watching the awe stricken girl.

"She looks so adorable, i wonder who she is to you. Is she your daughter, sister, cousin, niece?"

"Shut the fuck up". Samson said kicking the robot hard, that sent it flying.

"My head almost split in two. Sir that was too hard."Zech said adjusting his head.

"You could get another kick. But this time it could send you to hell".

"Sorry sir".

"Can I try out this place now?"Dami asked Loti who showed her around the lounge.

"No you are not physically fit and your muscles are too weak, due to the fact that you have been stressed lately. So you will need a doctor to attend to you".

Dami nodded, her spirit down.

"If you are not tired, we still have 10 more places to explore". Loti said showing Dami the map through it's computer system.

"Unless we take an elevator, i can make it".

"Yes. Young miss".

"Please call me Dami".


Dami counted every where she was shown. Now the garden is number 10 in the map. She was exhausted and felt all her bone numb. For once she wished she was a robot.

"Master Simon's peace of mind". Loti said.

"Ooh". She didn't know Simon well but still did not expect him to love flowers.

"He's always here whenever he is free.Zech, his personal robot told me that the master uses this garden as a remembrance for a loved one he lost". Loti said.

Tears welled up in Dami's eyes, he also lost a loved one, not one but her parents too. Memories came bouncing in her head making it ache.

"My.... my.. my he.. ead".

Loti became alarmed and rang the ambulance robots.