
Episode 2: House of the rising sun: Klaus death

{Later that day}

*Well I can't go for Hayley as she is a first class bitch, can't go for Camille cause she will die and Klaus deserves a little bit of happiness, can't go for Gia cause she has a ugly face but a hot body, I guess I'm left with the trusty witch. Hold on a second wasn't Elijah supposed to be daggered this morning when I left the house* Elisha thought to himself holding a glass of alcohol in his hands "Oh shit, how can I forget such an important thing" Elisha said out loud and he dropped his cup and made his way out of the bar before he drove back home 

{The mikealson's house}

"Welcome back Elisha, our sister Rebekah came to pay us a visit" Klaus said as Elisha entered the house "Elisha" Rebekah said with disbelieve "Hello sister it's good to see you" Elisha said as he opens his arms for a hug "Is that really you Elisha" Rebekah asked "Of course it's me, look at me I'm alive and well you can even feel my body" Elisha said as he turned around and Rebekah crashed into him "I missed you" Rebekah said "And I missed you more" Elisha said returning Rebekah's hug "But how is it possible, you disappeared for a thousand years" Rebekah said as they separated from the hug "Well to you all it's a millennial but it hasn't even been a year for me but that's a story for another day, why are you here this early. I thought you said you were coming tomorrow" Elisha replied

"Well while you were away I heard Klaus daggered Elijah so I came to save him and on my way here I met with some rude vampires which I ended and also I saved Klaus baby Mama's butt and after I figured out Klaus sold Elijah to Marcel to get him of his back I went to pay him a visit and I was sent out through the window with me forgetting my brother's location and I came back and I figured out Hayley already kept the stake where the daggers are so I can behave without worrying about being daggered but I have to side with my bastard brother to save my Noble one" Rebekah said with frustration "Wow, all these happened and none of you took it upon yourself to call me" Elisha said "Well I do not have your number" Hayley said "What's a number" Elisha asked acting dumb since he had to so they can believe he was asleep for a thousand years "Do you even have a phone you could us to receive the call" Hayley asked raising up a phone "Wait you need a rectangle box to receive calls" Elisha asked with a dumbfounded look on his face "I'll advise you all go take a good night rest while I take care of Marcel" Klaus said "I'll rest after you explain how daggering Elijah has anything to do with your plans" Rebekah said "Well I need Marcel to trust me for my plan to work" Klaus said "I believe we could listen to his plan tomorrow for now Rebekah's you have to fill me in on how things of this era works and all what I have missed" Elisha said "Thank you brother at least you understand me" Klaus said "No I don't so you would be dead while Rebekah fills me in on everything" Elisha said before he disappeared and dug his hands into Klaus chest and dug out his heart and all Klaus body turned grey and he fell to the ground dead with a shocked expression on his face. "So let's start, I'm sure you have lots of Information for me" Elisha said to Rebekah as he washed his hands "I've always wanted to do that" Rebekah said "Am I the only one who finds ripping out your brother's heart weird or it's a normal thing" Hayley asked "Well my mother said she made us immortals so I'm fifty percent certain he would awaken just that he'll need a lot of blood which why I kept his right beside where the blood bags of the family is kept" Elisha said "You know where blood bags are stored?" Rebekah asked "Of course I do after all I drank a lot of blood from that location, so why don't we get to the information telling part of this conversation the one that will help me adapt to the situation" Elisha said and Rebekah explained everything about their current situation to both Elisha and Hayley and later into the night she was done with the story "So you've grown to the age of having countless old flames, I'm impressed" Elisha said and Rebekah smiled

"Well brother it's been thousand years after all so it's to be expected" Rebekah said "So you believe that the plan of Sophie Deveraux is going to fail?" Hayley asked "As a matter of fact it will, Klaus and Marcel are just two lost soul so Sophie plan is fated to fail" Rebekah said "I will agree with you about Klaus been lost but as for Marcel, the guy pretty much is on good road" Elisha said "You should know it's not good to speak of someone behind their backs brother" Klaus said as he came into the room looking pale and with a frown "I thought you were just going to attack me" Elisha said "Well we should always know when we are outmatched" Klaus said and he picked a lighter "You both should go to sleep and let me and Klaus have a little chat" Elisha said and Hayley and Rebekah greeted them goodnight before they left to their rooms 

"Why did you rip my heart out" Klaus asked

"Let me think a bit. Firstly, you gave my twin brother to a supposed dead guy for you to gain his trust. Secondly, when I first came you disrespected me and lastly I wanted to confirm if we are really immortals" Elisha said with an uncaring expression "What if I don't wake up" Klaus asked "Well your enemies will surely feel relived and I won't give a damn about your death" Elisha said with a smile

"You would kill your own brother" Klaus asked "Well the brother I knew wasn't a monster and wouldn't sell his brother to gain the trust of a supposed dead guy so until we get Elijah back I'm not your brother" Elisha said "Well I guess there goes my plan to get you a identity and a phone" Klaus said with a light smile before he went outside "Do mean it" Elisha asked following Klaus out of the house "Well it was meant for my brother Elisha and not you" Klaus said throwing the lighter on the corpse and it began to burn "I'm still your brother so you can still get it for me right" Elisha said "I will if you help me take over the city" Klaus said "Then count me in" Elisha said "Let's go discuss the plans now shall we" Klaus said "Of course but I feel like I could get all what you just said myself" Elisha said with an uncertain expression "Don't worry Brother I'll do it for you and I've been wanting to ask how did you learn how to drive a vehicle" Klaus asked "Well it's called instinct" Elisha replied with a shurg "Well let's go inside then" Klaus said and both him and Elisha entered into the house