
Tower of Sorrow

Leaping high into the air, Aurelia plunged her sword through the skull of a towering bear littered in runes. Showering her flesh a misty red, she screamed, gorging into the bear as it desperately shrieked, only to fall limp over the bloody grass.

Rolling from off the dead bear and onto the ground, the Young Fallen surveyed the battlefield that had grown harder with each passing wave. A little grim, she charged towards Sionn and Ella facing their very own Fel Bear, covered in scarlet-black flames consuming its fur. It bellowed, stirring the Redwoods.

Standing with her Bloody Rapier, the winds around Ella began to pick up as she silently chanted Featherfoot. Racing past Sionn, who acted as her guard, the young druid narrowed her eyes, slowly gaining a demonic hue.

Opening its mouth bleeding thick saliva that sizzled beneath its jaw, the Fel Bear growled, opening its mouth as a small scarlet sphere suddenly condensed. Sucking all the Acana from the Redwoods, Ella abruptly howled as she kicked off her feet, "Dodge!"

Busting like a balloon, the sphere held in the Fel Bear released a massive cone that spanned over twenty meters. Turning everything in its path into a sea of ash. Withering away life before his eyes, Sionn, covered in Arcana, leaped high onto a tree, making sure he made another leap as to clear himself from harm successfully.

Shrowding the heavens in dark ash, the Fel Bear burning with scarlet flames howled to the skies black as in; Shaking the land beneath its feet and shook the skies with its power.

"Nila! Tena," Baldor cried, racing forward, the two ladies of Iluthath flashed to his side like deadly apparitions. Only to see Sionn and Ella Crashing down from the skies cleaving their blades into the palm of the bear. Cutting away its flesh till they felt bone and the sweet blood warm as a lover's touch raced over their face.

The Fel bear thundered in agony, condensing another scarlet sphere in its mouth. However, Baldor, Nila, and Tena were quick to act. Allowing the two women swift as a fox to plunge their blades through its beady eyes. Baldor's blade flashed, slashing his sword across the neck of the bear.

Losing the light in its eyes, the sphere in the Fel bear's mouth melted away like light meeting darkness.

"That was quick." Said Tena wiping the blood from off her cheeks.

"That's because Aurelia took care of two Fel's on her own." Baldor praised, lifting his lips. He smiled at the young girl with looming golden eyes watching with a bit of bitterness," Your skills are getting better."

"Merely lucky," Caldor uttered sharply, stepping out from out of the bushes. "I scouted the way ahead. Let's leave now." he coldly declared, shooting Aurelia a dirty look.

While not liking Caldor very much, Aurelia agreed. Pushing down her disgust for this man, she spoke, "He is right. Let's go. If we wish to make ground, we will have to run through the night. It may be dangerous, but if we are to stay alive, we must do so."

Baldor nodded, Foreseeing no reason not to agree. He sheath his blade and glanced towards the northwest. "Let's move out then," he said. Dashing forward, like he was fleeing, the others quickly followed behind, trying to gain more ground before the Waves grew unbearable.

At first, Baldor had thought ten days would have been long enough. However, as the days and weeks slipped away, he gave up on that idea. Each day the battle would be harder, to a point where they would face armies. Nevertheless, he began to notice the closer they got to the Deadmans Edge.

The trees had begun to wither, gaining an ashen tint. The grass itself was dark and brittle, cracking at the slightest touch of the winds. At the same time, the foul scent of decay clung to the air.

Approaching his side, under the shade of night, with a beaten complexion and tattered clothing, Aurelia whispered, "Have you noticed the number of beasts is far smaller than normal? At least for us?"

Baldor nodded. He had never said it, but he knew something was wrong with the number of beasts they were facing ever since he came near Aurelia. It was a bit obvious the Lords presiding over this Trial were targeting her and her team. The monsters they faced were not supposed to spawn near anyone but instead meant to fill the Redwoods in danger.

"I think we are in a powerful monster's territory." Baldor uttered, looking around suspiciously, "But the map never mentioned anything about this." Pulling his map form out of his Infinity ring, he eyed the land that revealed their precise location. He frowned. "We were supposed to be in an empty plain leading to a cliff, not some shady woods."

"Do you think I am being targeted?" She muttered as Baldor nodded grimly.

"Yes. So it begs the question. Who are you?" He whispered back, a little confused why he remained. While there was no risk to his life if he died, he knew that he was placing himself in unnecessary danger with the Artifact his father granted him.

"If I tell you, we would be enemies." The Fallen honestly responded. Shaking her head, she eyed Baldor's handsome expression a little conflicted.

A little taken back, Baldor cracked a mocking smile. "You underestimate those that carry the surname Soltven. We care not of past," he said, having heard tales of slaughter under the name of his father. "To us, all that matters is power."

Aurelia chuckled, under the starlight, "You say that, but should you learn the truth. I am sure that will change." She whispered, only to pause her footsteps as a strange shadow came into her view, hidden under the shades of night. She narrowed her golden eyes.

"Aurelia?" Sionn, who stood behind her, called weakly.

"Shhh!" She hissed sharply, pointing towards the shadow that slowly began to come into view with the help of the moonlight.

Sionn turned silent and turned to the others, signaling to remain quiet. Everyone grew alert in but a moment, pulling their weapons from their Infinity Rings or waist.

Sneaking behind the withered tree as cover, they drew closer towards the tower in the distance in utter silence. The foul winds blew across the children's faces, causing expressions of disgust to rise, but none dared to speak out.

"Come," A voice from beyond, uttered dark as the night, carrying a soft yet ghastly tone, resounded. "Closer," it added gradually.

"I'll go," Aurelia confidently announced, moving out before anyone could argue against her. Dashing ahead, through the withered woods, she raced up a small hill.

"Closer," The voice of the unknown resounded in its ghastly voice.

Fear had begun to slither its way into her skin as the hairs upon Aurelia started to rise. But throughout these two weeks, her skill had grown till she could not recognize herself anymore. Day in and day out, she would train not just her blade but her confidence.

Pushing down her fears of the unknown, Aurelia summoned the Eldritch staff in her left hand and trailed ahead. Heading up the various hills, the scent of decay drew dense till she saw small nodes of black essence in the air.

"Sorrow?" Eldritch muttered hollowly.

Unsure what that meant, Aurelia did not speak, nor did she bother to ask. Moving up, she slowly arrived next to a large stone tower piercing towards the skies like a spear. Covered in nightshade ivy that carried a lilac hue at the tip of its leaves, the woods themselves seemed to part around the Tower of Sorrow.

However, what seemed to hold Aurelia's attention was not the ancient stone tower but rather the simple-looking wooden chair that rocked back and forth. Staring hard with heavy suspicion, an azure spectacle soon appeared under the glow of the moon.

"A Ghost?" She muttered.

"A Shadow," Eldritch corrected solemnly.

"You there." The Shadow, transparent as water, uttered, turning its head towards the Fallen. Aurelia gazed upon a creature with features hidden beneath a tattered cloak that clung to its small form. However, she could see its fingers, withered away with pestilence. "Come, my child." It said as it crackled in hideous laughter.

"Act carefully," Eldritch warned. "Whatever you do, do not show fear."

She gulped and nodded. Pulling a little close, Aurelia stared at the Shadow, the size of a small child hidden beneath its cloak.

"Good. Good." It uttered slowly in an aged tone. "Welcome to the Tower of Sorrow."