"Is it wrong to kill, is wrong to steal, is it wrong to covet thy neighbor's wife, is it wrong to..." Be it Gods or Demons, Beast or Man; all have fallen. In their despair, they shall hope, in their victory, they shall fall, in their success, we shall rise. Welcome to my Order, welcome to The Order of Chaos. *** Disclaimer: I do NOT own this picture
Spoiler Alert - It doesn't take anything from the story, but I figured some people like to be surprised, so skip if you don't want to know some of the Lore. Nothing major is said, just basic info regarding the world and a single pantheon that I mentioned.
Known Realms Currently:
Iluthath - Is the center of the universe/omniverse and connects to the Twelve Planes. Its size is boundless in a sense and continues to grow due to the connection of the Twelve Planes. It has seven moons and seven stars within the skies, surrounded by what is known as the Sea of Chaos aka Bed of Chaos.
Source - Arcana
Alos - A pocket realm that fell from Iluthath. The reason for its fall is still not known. However, similar to Iluthath, it is filled with numerous monsters, ghosts, dragons, and pantheons. While it cannot compare to Iluthath, Alos is a fully operating world that was once a part of the realm of Iluthath—stretching further than most could even dream of traveling on foot.
Source - Arcana
Azalea: Not much has been announced within the Lands of Alos, but her name is honored and worshiped by many residents within the Kingdom of Ferrum. She has been depicted to be a five-headed dragon, but none have been able to confirm if that is her actual appearance or not.
Twelve Planes - Realms or Planes of Existence that are infinite in size but orbit Iluthath. Some say they bring order and chaos, but nothing is clear even to its inhabitants. However, one thing is certain, those who enter these realms are never seen again. Nevertheless, each realm is known for housing its own particular type of energy sought out by many.
Astral Sea -N/A
The Nine Hells -N/A
The Seven Heaven - N/A
Elysium -N/A
Overworld -N/A
The Abyss - N/A
Noctem - Aka Shadow Realm -N/A
Ethereal - N/A
Aether - N/A
Oblivion - N/A
Badlands - N/A
- To be continued