
Wish Granted

Even before reaching the area where Jake had spotted the Aether Dots cluster, they heard the clash of weapons, gunfire and emotional yelling of various kinds. It didn't take long for them to figure out who the different cries belonged to.

The first type was one of terror, or suffering, sometimes tinged with rage after suffering a painful wound or losing one of their precious comrades. The other cries were more bestial and inhuman, many of them reminiscent of the familiar shrill cackles they had learned to abhor and fear.

"Gobble?" Lord Phenix jumped abruptly as a vibration roused him from his nap. Unlikely as it seemed, he had managed to doze off in Jake's spacesuit. His skull hit the inside of the helmet and he immediately started to yelp in displeasure.

"Fucking bird, will you shut the fuck up?!" Shaktilar vociferated harshly, his eyes bulging with madness. "You want to get us all killed, is that it?!"