
Welcome Pack

Jake felt a pang of guilt as he thought about what might transpire if someone were to treat his uncle the same way under similar circumstances, but he quickly shrugged off his remorse.

He would never let that happen. The difference between the late Barty and his uncle was that he had no one to rely on. Also, his uncle Kalen was not so weak-minded. When necessary, he could even be devilishly perceptive and callous when it came to his own personal affairs, his loved ones and most especially his daughter.

The reality was that there were no weaklings amongst the Wilderths.

However, Jake surprised himself by considering the possibility. If tomorrow his sister Anya was judged as worthless or too weak by a bunch of Evolvers considerably stronger than her, would she be left to her own devices and doomed for the same reasons? This eventuality could not be ruled out.