
Ulfar's Way of Fighting

Jake first met Lucia's worried gaze staring alternately at them, while she stood with her hands clasped as if praying to the heavens for a miracle. He didn't know if she was fretting over him or Asfrid, though.

"W-who won?" Lucia urged them nervously.

Gerulf ruffled her hair, which soothed her markedly.

"Look at their eyes. The winner is obvious." The former gladiator grunted matter-of-factly.

Ulfar, patiently waiting his turn, had lost his condescension. He hadn't taken his eyes off Jake and Asfrid since the end of their game. As the King of Beskyr, he knew what this tablet was capable of. He himself had no pretensions of being able to defeat this uptight priestess on her favorite playground. As he feared, Asfrid admitted defeat a few seconds later.

"I lost. You passed my test, or rather I failed yours." She confessed publicly without showing the slightest emotion.