
Tim's Misadventures (part 2)

Not so far from Jake's position, Tim was going nuts. The goddamn alien on his tail hadn't given up the chase after all this time and because of that, he had been unable to focus on any side objective. Worse! He was completely exhausted and hungry. He had sweated all his body' s sweat, his tongue was painfully dry and his lips were cracked.

If he didn't find a solution quickly, he had already made up his mind that he wouldn't last through the night. His pursuer had made it impossible for him to camp in one of the safe clearings on the island and he didn't know about the Green Soul Stone, not that it would have made the slightest difference, since he didn't know where to find one.

For the young boy these expanses of green grass radiating at night was simply the equivalent of a rest area that the Sanctuary Bubble had provided for them. At no time had he bothered to find out where these lights were coming from and what their real significance was.