
Soul Glyph

[ Certain actions performed during the first round met the conditions for unlocking the Feats category in advance. Each of these Feats grant generous rewards and are free to be carried out throughout the participants' stay in the Sanctuary Bubble. Some of these exploits also have several Milestones corresponding to Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum and Diamond].

[Feats accomplished during the first trial:]

[-Fish Hunter (Gold): 1000 fish exterminated.=> Next Milestone: 9763/10,000]

[-Shark Hunter (Gold): 1000 sharks exterminated => Next milestone: 2438/10,000]

[-Cetacean hunters (Gold): 1000 cetaceans exterminated => Next milestone: 1327/10 000]

[-Jellyfish hunter (Gold): 1000 jellyfish exterminated => Next milestone: 1477/ 10 000]

[- Squid hunter (Silver): 100 squids exterminated => Next milestone: 211/1000]
