

Drastan, Svara and the others who wanted to come along bitched for a while, but they accepted their fate. The Troll Slayer would have made an excellent addition, but unfortunately his fighting style was a bit too brutish. He didn't really excel at stealth, which was an absolute must for their upcoming mission.

Pavao frowned as he realized that none of his men had been chosen, but he had expected as much. Other than the fact that they were both Earthlings, Jake had no reason to trust him. Especially when he had openly admitted to following Colonel Hale's instructions to him.

Most importantly, if anything happened to Jake, this Village would be theirs, which was an acceptable outcome. Jake and the others could guess what was going through his mind, but none of them broke his dreams. If Pavao really did attempt a coup, he would experience firsthand the bestial fury of a Troll and a Valkyrie in action.