
Second Warning

"Don't you think something's wrong?" Ruby remarked suddenly after rescuing their third company of Lodunvalese soldiers from Gascon's.

For the past six minutes, they had been following Officer Gascon's lead, cross-referencing his directions with the footprints, hoofprints, and cart trails to make sure they weren't going down the wrong track.

Jake could easily reach 800 m/s while flying and his Myrtharian Vision could see clearly for several hundred kilometers in the absence of obstacles. At Norton's request, it didn't take him long to confirm the position of seven companies.

The second battle had ended even more dramatically than the first. Jeanie had used a support spell to boost their mental faculties as soon as they engaged. The Khinchods had been turned into ice blocks, drained of their blood or shot in the eye with surgical accuracy. Their commander had, for no apparent reason, ordered his men to drop their weapons before attacking its second in command for no reason at all.