
One Year In A Flash

The next year on Quanoth passed in a blur. Jake and Xi never once left their assigned Building.

The first thing Jake did when he was alone was to refine the Building, which was in fact a powerful Silver Artifact. This was the reward offered by Aurae to every winner of the Ordeal and these Players were not disappointed to say the least.

In addition to being able to withstand a calamity like the Mana Storm without difficulty, Jake was currently unable to damage its structure no matter how hard he tried.

It was only by using all of his amplification techniques and combining a Bronze Aether Weapon with his True Will that he was able to damage it slightly. The gash in the wall was no more than a centimeter deep and would regenerate within seconds of the attack.

Just on the basis of this one reward, Aurae had made all their efforts and sacrifices worthwhile. Those who had been eliminated just before the end could only curse their lack of strength.