
Nice Bluff

After minutes of breakneck running through the labyrinthine corridors of the Magnetic Resonator, the sinking realization that he was dealing with a Dungeon Digestor grew ever more acute. Regardless of his eidetic memory or his exceptional cognitive abilities, he seemed to be forever retracing his steps.

Even more unsettling, he had lost all sense of where he was in relation to the surface. The gravity here would frequently shift, thwarting any effort to distinguish up from down.

The gravity transitions were so smooth that Jake, without moving from his spot, could find himself upturned in mere seconds, unaware that the corridor had twisted a full 180 degrees around him.

Had he not run into one of the many drones he'd released to prevent him from getting lost, recording the shifting corridor with its onboard camera, he might have remained oblivious for a much longer period.