
Near Death Experience

[Oracle Heal activated. Number of Oracle Heals remaining for this Ordeal 0/1.]

As soon as Jake had sunk deep enough and she was sure the resulting light wouldn't alert their enemies, Xi triggered the Oracle Skill to save him. This was the upside of their enhanced mental link. Even if Jake was passed out, Xi could take over just fine.

His ruined body was swathed in an emerald light, and in less time than it takes to blink, he reverted to his original healthy self.

Even better. As with Chinen, who found his arm strengthened to handle the strain caused by his oversized arm, Jake's forehead bone doubled in density, while his neck muscles were also strengthened accordingly. If he wanted to, Jake could now develop a Headbutt Skill and crush all his foes.

Yet, he did not regain consciousness. His mended body kept sinking like a log with no reaction at all. But this did not worry Xi.
