
I Won't Do It Again

For the task at hand, Jake could approach it from various angles.

The direct, violent route, severing the remaining infected flesh, inclusive of the corresponding portion of the Spirit Body. Given Ulfar's current mental state, his consciousness was likely not under his control, implying that it might come down to amputating part of his soul. The aftermath of such an act was unpredictable, ranging from transient amnesia to personality shifts and permanent memory loss.

If possible, Jake would rather avoid this method. Not everyone possessed a Grade 10 Energy Spirit Body and Soul like him, enabling a relatively swift recovery from injuries that were otherwise nearly irreversible.

To his knowledge, very few bloodlines had the innate ability to regenerate a Spirit Body, let alone a severely damaged Soul. Digestors were envied for this very ability as they were creatures that spontaneously originated from Aether. The genesis of their existence lied elsewhere.