
He Is Stronger...

"Thaaaaanks, master!" The two clowns shrieked half-heartedly in unison, landing with an audible splash in a mud puddle about fifty meters below.

The passing wave had drenched the entire region, turning the ground into pure sludge, although right now it looked more like diarrhea. To illustrate, the tree on which he perched was slowly sinking into the ground, which had become too soft to support its weight despite its widespread roots. As for the fact that it was leaning dangerously, its trunk might have been damaged by the wave...

Temporarily ignoring the two idiots, Jake moved from one spot to another with supersonic steps in the air, collecting all the residual Water Lumyst. It turned out to be a substantial amount. From just a few seconds of Lumyst accumulation, he had gathered the equivalent of several weeks of cultivation in an instant.