

A moment later, Jake left Faye's secret vault with a satisfied and... sated smile. Crunch and Lord Phenix looked just as pleased and smug, the two clowns decked out in all kinds of flashy signs of wealth.

The cat was adorned with a heavy tiara encrusted with gemstones emitting a gentle energy boosting its wearer's Lumyst Aura. Its fluffy paws were also decked out in bracelets with various magical functionalities, its jewelry weight probably nearing its actual weight.

The turkey was no better, having managed to find and don a exquisite red-gold plated armor covering up to its beak. The only part of its body left exposed was the one it should have forever hidden: its wattle. The kind of saggy red skin reminiscent of withered testicles...

This armor could change dimensions to fit its wearer, suggesting it was originally intended for a more chivalrous mount, like a Titan of Featherfall's stature, for example.