

When Jake placed his hand under Enya's, the tennis ball sized fireball that had stopped growing suddenly began to expand again at an alarming rate. In less than a second it had doubled in size. A few seconds later it was the size of a watermelon and the radiant heat of the flames had reddened their faces.

Jake being the only one with sufficient Extrasensory Perception could feel how the surrounding Aether was rapidly converging above Enya's palm, as if she was holding a mini black hole.

The farther away the Aether was from him, the harder it was to control it, but eventually all the Aether within ten meters bent to his will. Beyond that, he was blind anyway.

He could very well have controlled the Aether by sitting cross-legged at a distance, but his control would not have been as precise. Besides, he didn't want to frighten Enya by making her realize that he could control her body and Aether flow easily. He reserved this kind of bad surprises for bastards like Yerode and Lamine.