
Enjoy your Meal!

After only a few seconds of running away, Jake realized that the Zhorion he had just fought couldn't have been responsible for the heavy footsteps that had shaken the walls of the staircase. This was only possible with a heavy and massive creature. In other words, a dinosaur, or more logically another one of those humanoid monsters.

These creatures seemed devoid of any personality and they clearly obeyed a few privileged Zhorions to the letter. This warrior he had just killed was one of them.

That's why he was not so surprised when his path was obstructed by the hideous head of one of these monsters at the very first intersection.

The creature's head was more than a meter and a half in diameter with dark skin, yellow fangs, and pointed, partially jagged ears. The underpass was only two or three meters wide and high, and obviously had not been designed to provide easy access for such large monsters.