
Easy Booty

[Their souls were stripped from them before they died.] Xi observed coldly.

"Not just their souls." Jake's face darkened as he said this.

They were not in an Ordeal. Losing their Oracle Device would have unpredictable long-term consequences.

Examining the bodies, Jake discovered that there was no trace of liquid alloy left in them. Not even in the brain. However, the Death Mark was no longer present and they had not been resurrected. Urul had obviously learned from his previous experience.

'How is that possible?!' Jake had trouble hiding his shock.

He quickly formulated several plausible hypotheses, but Xi spared him the hassle by giving him the answer directly.

[When their Soul and Spirit Body was extracted, their bodies were still alive but unresponsive. This is the perfect time to take away their bracelets completely, including the liquid alloy parasitizing their brains].