
Cryptic Crap

At the exact confluence where Spirit Lumyst Water morphed into Life Lumyst Water, three enigmatic figures, each of distinct and diverse shapes and sizes, were gearing up to join the hunt.

Several skirmishes between Players from both sides were unfolding around them near the stream where they stood, yet none seemed to acknowledge their presence. Even more baffling, these very Players, be they friend or foe, unconsciously skirted around them, reshaping the battlefield along the riverbanks, yet leaving the patch of crystalline gray sand they occupied untouched.

"You sure it's a smart move to spring an ambush this big, this early?" A massive man, oozing overwhelming bloodlust, grumbled, his voice dripping with arrogance. "I could've taken them all down by myself. No enemy Player stands a ghost of a chance against me in hand-to-hand at this early stage of the Ordeal. Neither do any of you. Bring it on, anytime!"