

With a wave of his hand, he beckoned the group to attack and Wyatt bravely took the initiative. He had already been defeated once, but seeing Jake persevere so long in such a dire state he finally understood what he was missing.

Unluckily for him, Nylreg now had the abilities of the Myrtharians after devouring Jake's leg. A blinding flash of ultraviolet light erupted forth from his body and both Vampires immediately began to howl in pain.

But this time, Wyatt didn't run away like a coward and gritted his teeth as he charged headlong toward the enemy, shrouding himself in a thick halo of Blood Energy. His strength, speed, and fighting skills had always been above Jake's, and once his fears were quelled and his scruples discarded, he was at the end of the day the rightful descendant of a Vampire Progenitor.