

"I don't like where it's going." Kyle blurted out after a short silence.

"Me neither..." Svara chipped in with a wry smile.

The felines refrained from commenting, but from the intense discontent shining in their eyes, they fully shared this opinion.

Refusing to leave his fate in the hands of others, Jake scanned the Shelter again and his eyebrows narrowed even more.

"I don't think we'll have a chance to bet on help coming. He said with a rueful look as he shared with them the results of the area scan.

As he read the report, each of his companions felt a sense of urgency. The number of Digestors in the Outer Shelter had nearly doubled since their arrival here while the number of refugees had decreased by the same amount. Despite these distinct changes, there had been no commotion or bustle to accompany these developments.