
Change Of Plan

From the outside, a massive black bowling ball floating in the water suddenly shot forward like a cannonball, not towards Corvac's presumed position and his troops, but towards the 'exit'. If they could destroy, or at least breach the barrier confining them in this basin, their predicament would be instantly solved.

Hephais, Crunch, and Lord Phenix found themselves brutally slammed against the back wall by the sudden acceleration, with only Jake—charged with piloting—remaining firmly rooted in his stance. The plump cat served as a cushion for the other two, the assassin using its belly as a trampoline to land upright, hands in pockets.

'Since when has my role been reduced to that of an airbag?' Crunch almost sobbed internally as he spat out a feather from Lord Phenix that had ended up in his throat. The gloating bird even went as far as to wipe his feet on his fur instead of thanking him for his sacrifice.