
Alliance Proposal

"What do you reckon about him, chief? Did you manage to slip in a word about, well, our little situation?" Garos probed his superior, catching him in a rare moment of wakefulness in the aftermath of the ceremony.

Oros was an unusual specimen among the Overseers. Contrary to tradition, he eschewed the splendor of an Oracle Palace, instead opting for the cold metal confines of his toroidal mothership. This vessel, a symbol of personal safety and familiarity, had been meticulously modified and upgraded over the span of his lengthy existence, the majority of his amassed wealth poured into its intricate workings.

He was determined not to share the fate of those unfortunates on B847, ambushed in the very heart of an Oracle Palace. Simply put, Oros only graced the public with his physical presence under direct orders from the highest authority, or when his own interests hung precariously in the balance.