
A Clue from Georgia


I already got the permission to bring the pandas here. The Monsters Village. And to be safe, I made sure that the pandas are protected with fences. It's because they have no sense of direction at all.

Seriously, who in the right mind would move to a snowy mountain when they're out of bamboos? Pandas!

They got lost in the mountain and started eating snow rabbits. But they were fine with eating animals.

The weird thing is how they can avoid dangerous monsters on the way. And the Pink Panda said that they were just lucky.

Also, it's their innate ability to look cute. That will make other monsters, animals, and humans distracted by their cuteness. Or even charmed. So when they get close, the pandas will cut them with their sharp claws.

That's actually what they tried to do to me at first. But they failed because I'm just too strong. Then they realized that I hold no hostility toward them.