
The One Who Stand Above All (Continue)

While traveling to his university as usual, Kaito, a typical college student, met a ROB with clichéd luck and plot armor. Kaito died in a train accident and believed he was going to either heaven or hell. Never does he know that there's already twisted love, obsession, depravity, lust, and endless pleasure awaiting him and his new journey. —•— Arc 1: Kyonyuu Elf and Saimin Princess Verse.

GyaruSupremacy · Anime & Comics
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36 Chs

Food, Bloodline, Truth, and A Virgin Queen (I)


Castle Agraliel—Dining Room.

The kingdom eventually ended peacefully, with all monsters having been eradicated from this earth by Kaito. He was finally recognised by the entire elven race in the Agraliel Kingdom, where news of him as a hero had been spread easily by the soldiers and bards who were tasked with spreading the latest news to the surroundings.

Kaito also displays all recordings of events that occur with a projector that he beams into the sky and is seen by all citizens in the Agraliel kingdom. This is done so that residents know with their own eyes what is happening where they live.

Of course, this was confirmed by their queen Ephidis, who delivered a speech about the events that had occurred in their kingdom, concluding that all of the events that had occurred this week would be blamed on the elders who had died in their land.

Dinelynd, despite her actions during the first invasion, Narrus Linhen was not expelled from the kingdom, and her original title was reinstated, as were two new titles for her heroic actions as the vanguard in protecting the kingdom of Agraliel from all of the invasions that occurred in a single week.

She received the titles "Sword Maiden" and "Goddess of War," which were directly given by the queen through an official process in front of hundreds of thousands of citizens living in the city of Agraliel.

Overall, everything ended well, and the future of the Agraliel kingdom could be safely maintained provided that they prepared themselves better. This incident taught them that they had to remain alert because it could be today, tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, and they will face incidents like this again in the future.

Clatter rang out in the room where several people were enjoying a leisurely dining experience, as well as what appeared to be a small banquet with so much food on the table. In the room are Ephildis, Dinelynd, Narrus, Almia, and Kaito.

The food was glamorous and varied, but Narrus and Kaito, who had already tasted the unworldly taste that Kaito made with his hand, both lost appetite to enjoy the food in front of them.

Both of them do not say anything because it will humiliate the cook who tried their hardest to deliver their best delicacy as a thank you for saving their home.

Nonetheless, their surroundings noticed that they were moving slower than those who ate with gusto because they were hungry and needed to replace all carbohydrate and protein in their bodies.

Ephildis, the queen, paused her hand movement and lightly wiped her mouth before opening her mouth to ask Kaito a question.

"Ano... Yuusha-sama. Is the food not to your taste?"

Almia and Dinelynd can not help but twitch their mouths when they hear their mother's or best friend's tone, as Ephildis acts so cute and softly like a young girl trying her hardest to make a good impression on her crush.

Neither of them understands why Ephildis has suddenly changed her demeanor, as if she has lost her queenly demeanor!

As for Narrus, she is just happy and smiling because she has regained her reputation, made her husband recognized as a hero of her race, and most importantly, she is finally going to have sisters with whom she can talk about how great their husband was.

Narrus had a sneaking suspicion that every woman in the dining room right now was going to fall in love with Kaito and become his woman in the end. In this world, there are no logical rules that say a man can only have one woman in his life.

Still, there is one woman who requires a little training to be in the same position as her, where the position that was suitable for her was to be a mere cocksleeve slave for her husband.

'Rest assured, dear husband. I'm going to transform that cocky princess into a bitch that you can use whenever you want' 

Narrus smiled, closing her eyes and pretending to eat the food on her plate. Almia, the girl who glares with hatred at Kaito like a cute, angry chihuaha, shivers to her spine before looking around as she mistakenly recognizes it is a killing intent.

Feel cannot fool the queen, who seems to have kept her eyes on him in a strange way. Kaito stops using his hand to feed food into his mouth.

"To put it bluntly, the food was disappointing by my standards."

It sounds arrogant, but what he said was a harsh truth in which he, as a cook, could make better food that was more tasty than what he was eating right now.

The room fell silent as the others, with the exception of Narrus, frowned upon hearing Kaito's words. Especially Almia, who, unlike Kaito, smiled evilly and cursed him for being so arrogant.

'As expected, humans will always be humans. *Snort*' - Almia.

Seize the opportunity to bad mouth Kaito and Almia tried to open her mouth, but...

"What Kaito was attempting to say was that his food was more tasty than this food because his taste buds had already become accustomed to tasting his own food, whereas all food was tasteless for him."

Narrus smiled at Ephildis, Dinelynd, and an angry chihuahua as she stopped her hands to scoop the food into her mouth.

"I, too, believe that the food I always eat with the queen and princess has become tasteless, as my taste buds have already been pampered with a delicious taste that cannot be described in words from Kaito's food."

'Nice, assist my baby with chocolate milk~' - Kaito.

"..." Almia, Ephildis, and Dinelynd.

None of them could say anything because Narrus's words seemed to convince them, but this piqued their interest, especially the angry chihuahua, who seemed enraged and jealous seeing Narrus try to save Kaito's reputation.

Almia clenched her teeth, then smiled suspiciously before opening her mouth.

"How about this man show us how tasty his food is, as Narrus-nee suggested?" Right mama, Dinelynd-nee?"

The tone and manner in which Almia speaks have a hint of provocation, causing Kaito and Narrus to be silent for a moment before both of them let out a tiny smile.

"Hmm... I could show you, but why would I?" After all, there is no point in doing it."

Kaito responds softly, with his back to the back of the chair, and slits his eyes, as cunning anime characters such as Gin from the Bleach franchise do. Narrus, on the other hand, simply smiled, her hands clenched tightly to resist her instincts.

"Heh. Of course, there's merit. That is to avoid looking like a fool who can only blabber his mouth with a lie; after all, you are just a mere hum."


That voice was not from Narrus but from her own mother, Ephildis the queen. Almia frowned and trembled because her mother never yelled or called her name like that. She tried to move her head to see her mother glare at her with a frown.

"M-mama? You... You have never yelled at me in your life."

Ephildis is also taken aback by what she has just done, but she does not change her expression as Almia, her daughter, almost disparages the one who literally just saved their life—no, their entire life and kingdom—from catastrophe.

She also noticed that her daughter seemed very unhappy with Kaito's presence as long as the man was around them.

Like she knows, Almia despises the human race just as much as she does. But could she not see the difference—that the man in front of him right now was anything but ordinary?!

"Princess, I am not sure what your problem was with this man. However, keep in mind that your position as a princess requires you to behave in the manner of a princess. At the same time, don't you remember hours ago that you and all the people in this kingdom were just saved by him?"

"It's not that I side with him right now, but think clearly, princess. Don't you think it's kind of rude to suddenly talk badmouth and provocation to your savior?"

Dinelynd, who was enjoying the warm tea that she had sprayed the fact to the immature princess, but in between the mother-daughter relationship to not cause those two to have a bad relationship with just this minor argument.

She, too, disliked the way Kaito expressed his dislike for the food, where that man exuded an arrogant aura around his body. Dinelynd does not know much about fine dining, but she thought the food prepared by the royal chef was so delicious that she was almost full.

She also wants to taste the delicious food that Kaito cooks, seeing as Narrus, the sword maiden, appears to have no appetite despite the delicious food that is placed on their table.

The atmosphere in the dining room was so awkward that they became tense towards one person who appeared to be the one who triggered this situation.

"...I hate you all!"

Almia, like any other brat, threw a tantrum in front of the others before fleeing the dining room.

Narrus, who was about to draw her sword and decapitate the princess, sighed softly before rising from her chair and searching for Almia with an unknown smile that looked so frightening if anyone could see it.

Kaito secretly smiled as she caught a glimpse of her back, knowing what her chocolate baby would do to that immature brat.

"Huh... Sorry, Yuusha-sama, Almia; she can be a bit childish at times, but she is a good person to others. I don't know why she doesn't seem to like you."

"Nonono, It's okay, queen. She was a girl after all, and it's normal to dislike me as I seem to steal her Narrus from her. At the same time, it's also my fault to say things like that."


Kaito tried to act like a good person in front of Ephildis and Dinelynd, but his impersonation of expression, word, and gesture was so flawless that the queen appeared to be hypnotized by him and feels quite bad as the mother of Almia.

(Heh. (What an easy woman!)

Luna snorted and almost puked when she saw Kaito's innocent expression, which made her body shiver with goosebumps.

Dinelynd, who was secretly looking at Kaito, noticed that the man was acting like a good man, but she was not going to say anything because she wanted to know about Kaito. The ease with which he demonstrates his otherworldly magic and oblirates those ancient monsters tickled her heart and piqued her interest.

She also notices that Ephildis appears to fall in love with Kaito at first sight, which is due to the suspension bridge effect, which causes girls to fall so easily.

"How about this... Tomorrow, Ephy can accompany you to the kitchen and assist you with whatever you want to do for breakfast."

"Do not get me wrong: I am not saying you are to blame in this situation, but you know how stubborn that immature princess is."

Kaito gave a faint smile and nodded, as he, too, believes it is not a bad idea to start training his way to manipulate a woman's heart. Ephildis, on the other hand, secretly gives her thumb to Dinelynd, praising her high intelligence and witness that looks like a sage.

Dining time ended with ease, with each dish doing whatever they wanted to do.


Agraliel Kingdom-Bathouse

"Sigh... So relax..."

(You look like an old man.)

"Tsk. Shut up."

After all, Kaito was a Japanese person who needed a nice relaxing moment like what he was doing right now, soaking himself in warm, hot water while relaxing his back at the back of wall tiles.

He knows he will not need this kind of activity again once he is powerful and has fewer natural needs, such as taking a bath like this, because he does not even sweat or get tired. His mental state also doesn't affect him, no matter how tired he is, as in the end, he has already passed beyond the human and walked on the path to becoming a successor to ROB.

He still believes he can not be free of the habits he developed as a normal human.

"I am not sure what race you are or what you are, but you still take baths, eat, and drink, right, Luna?" Kaito tried to ask Luna, while closing his eyes, to relax his body.

Yes, because it brings pleasure on its own. (Especially for someone in my position who is bored in here waiting for someone to integrate with the system that I manage.)

Luna, on the other hand, was relaxing in her long chair while still enjoying her wine collection that she kept in her storage room.

"See, I think ROB also needs it's own vacation."

(Yeah, you're right about that.)

Luna feels the same way; it is as if it is so boring for her that she can not imagine how bored her creator is.


Kaito was so relaxed because the atmosphere was so calm and serene that he did not want to open his mouth to say anything. At the same time, he felt a little lonely and wished Luna could relax like he did while sitting right beside him.

"I wish you were here." He muttered before seeming to fall asleep for a moment.


Luna was taken aback when she heard those words, which seemed to come out of nowhere. Still, seeing Kaito seem to fall asleep made her giggle at his cuteness.

'Giggle... He is still unable to separate himself from human characteristics. Sigh... He in chaotic mode made me excited and wet, but this look was not half bad either, and it made me want to pamper him a lot.'

She could not help but smile as she tried to touch the screen in front of her eyes, knowing that she still had a long way to go before she could appear beside him, as she needed a perfect body as her catalysm, and this required an immeasurable soul for her to create a body that the multiverse could contain her power in.

In fact, there is another way, but it is the same as the first method in that Kaito must achieve at least 50% of the integration title of "The one who stands above all" in order to create a perfect catalysm for her. Still, Luna is not going to say anything about it because she does not want to rush him and make him miss out on every step of his own journey.

In the end, Luna has been tied to Kaito by a red string of fate, and no matter how long it takes, Luna will always be with him, no matter what obstacle or existence comes between them.

She vowed to oblirate it to nothingness.

'Kaito, no matter how long I wait, no matter what obstacle comes to use, no matter how much bitch attaches to you, in the end... you will always be mine...

We will always be together.

Forever... together...'