
The One True Cultivation Art

After countless battles and the death of countless allies, I managed to defeat the demon lord. I had become the hero, stood on the battlefield for the sake of humanity's future... yet I found myself killed by the people I was fighting for. I realized that the world isn't black and white. instead, it's gray. as I was the hero for the humans, I was the devil for the demons, an evil monster blocking their race from leaving their dying realm... Well, It's all over now. I've died, I can close my eyes and rest... but I wasn't given that chance as I was reborn within the cultivation world. Although I want to sit back and sleep, I have to stand up to protect those I care for. this time I'm no hero of humanity, No... just the hero to my loved ones, the world can burn for all I care.

itachi1010 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs

Treasure Hunting

"The sect master of Firebird Sect has arrived." a cry sounded out as a red-haired man arrived at a party. today was the day the Ling Clan stepped forward to become the true overlord of the island. this party was to celebrate both that and most importantly the birth of the Ling Clan's beloved child.

By now, the truth behind the golden clouds was allowed to be known by the public. this shocked the whole island as this phenomenon was once in a lifetime, and everyone quickly guessed the birth of that child was the main reason behind the Ling Clan's rise.

every great power from all over the island was gathering for this party, bringing gifts that made everyone's eyes widen. Yet to appear before everyone, Fan Ye was currently, making sure Ling Han's adorable clothing looked nice.

"you're one month and a week old today..." She said with a gentle smile, so many things have happened since the birth of this child. the Ling clan was now on the rise, doing things they never dared to imagine in the past.

Just this past week alone was full of many surprises, she found out her son could bring the dead back to life. So, the Ling Clan currently had many powerful experts secretly recovering their strength while benefiting from Ling Han's breath. they found many huge holy grounds which they learned to move and bring back to the Ling Clan thanks to the help of these old monsters and so on. The Ling Clan now had resources such as techniques, cultivation arts, herbs, and holy grounds which held rich herbs and ores awaiting them to mine.

Then there was the knowledge and teaching from these old experts who had made oaths and had now joined the Ling clan. Give them time, and they will become the greatest power in this world...

So, the two were soon told it was time for them to make their appearances. so they stepped out and were met with hundreds of people. they all had widened eyes as soon as they looked at me, how couldn't they not be amazed after seeing me? 

My beautiful pure white hair, the beautiful diamond blue eyes. hey alone were the most beautiful treasure they had ever seen. then there was just how adorable the child was, the child looked almost like a doll, making them all want to run over to grab the adorable little thing.

Ling Han looked around for some time, as he saw everyone there information about them entered his mind. he saw everything to do with everyone, a simple look was enough for that information to be recalled to him if he wanted... 

the party went smoothly, many people came up to greet Fan Ye and Ling Han while saying all kinds of nice things to the two. After the party, Ling Han and the Ling Clan got to work to make themselves powerful. of course, they wouldn't ignore the outside powers as they gifted them the chance to rise. they were not like the royal family of old which had a monopoly on everything...

So, time passed. Ling Han grew up at the rate of a normal child, at 10 weeks old Ling Han developed his sense of smell. this got him [The Supreme Sense Of Smell]

[Supreme Sense Of Smell]- this is the fusion of all smell-type abilities and techniques, giving one the power to smell everything. even those that normally don't have a smell shall have a smell to you. you have the power to smell things across space time and reality. across all of existence, a smell shall allow you to know everything. such as smelling the thoughts of others, abilities, strength, and so on.

{The Host has gained all of the 5 Supreme Senses... all senses have been fused to gain [The Supreme 5 Senses]

[The Supreme 5 Senses]- this is a fusion of all of the 5 senses, all working together and supporting each other to bring out the full might of the senses. with your eyes, you can hear, smell, taste, and feel everything you see. with your smell, you shall feel, taste, see, and hear everything you smell and so on. Sensing things like time-space, possibilities, luck, talent, and many other such things is easy for you...

With this, I was pretty much all-seeing. although I didn't like the fact I could taste everything within my senses. I didn't want to taste someone's ass if I looked at a guy's face. I guess this is a flaw with being all-knowing. to know some things you just don't want to know. well, luckily for me, my senses were under my control. if I want to know, then I shall know. if I don't want to know, then I shall never know. if i'm in danger, then I would know ahead of time. somehow my senses would link with my senses of the past to allow me to foresee the danger even though I wasn't trying to foresee the future. 

the next thing I gained was when I was 6 months old and at that point, I was getting ready to start crawling. what I did was simple, I took a step.

{The host has taken a step... the host has been rewarded [The One True Supreme Movement Technique]

[The One True Supreme Movement Technique]- this is the fusion of all movement-based abilities and techniques. with this technique, space-time or anything else in existence shall no longer hinder your movement. with a step, you can arrive anywhere at speeds that transcend even instant teleportation. With a step, you shall arrive in the past or future. with a step, logic, and reasoning shall move aside. this goes for more than simple steps, in combat your movement shall leave everyone trying to read them going dizzy, unable to comprehend such movement. if they are not careful, they might even have their mind destroyed by the overwhelming amount of information 

Note: This technique can only be used with the One True Supreme Cultivation art, anyone who doesn't cultivate that art would find themselves burning themselves to make up for the lack of energy type.

Once Ling Han got this, it took a few steps before his body grew the strength needed for it to start walking around. to say the least, Ling Han took a few steps to see the full might of this technique... he found that he could pretty much teleport. he felt like he could even go back in time if he wanted. but the system warned him not to do some things, such as forming a paradox that might lead to unwanted attention. I could go anywhere, this was something I found out.

I could enter holy grounds and take resources before leaving without anyone knowing the better. I could go to the deepest part of this world and back with a simple step, although that long distance which was millions of miles away left my body feeling burdened for days, and for me to get a scolding from my mother who was enraged with my actions

My next gain was when I learned to start talking at the age of 8 months. 

[congratulations host on learning to speak... In the beginning, there was nothing. but the first thing that came was someone's words. 'Let there Be Light.' with these words, nothing disappeared and something was born. this is the supreme voice. You have gained [The Supreme Voice]

[The Supreme Voice]- The user can create, command, bend, destroy, and distort absolutely anything and everything just by speaking it into existence. A single word alone can have absolute supremacy over all of existence as they are capable of doing anything and everything with but one's voice. With sentences and the intentions behind them, users can do anything by vocally commanding things to their will. Users with this power can manifest their voice anywhere.

Note: this power can only be used by the person cultivating the One True Supreme Cultivation art. Note that the bigger the effect your voice has, the greater the burden on your throat shall be. push it and you would lose all power to speak, and might not be able to even finish your words.

"Come on, say Momma." Fan Ye said with bright eyes while looking at Ling Han. Ling Han was now 8 months old. he was still small enough to be carried in her arms, after all, he was only 71 cm.

Ling Han stood there with crossed arms, he looked at her with an unhappy look. was he a child to say such things?

"No," I said calmly, stunning Fan Ye as this was my first words... well, first words that made sense. but to think I could learn to speak so fast, it shocked her.

"No! your first words should have been Dad." Ling Fang said with a broken look, to which Ling Han shook his head and sighed softly.

"Fine, Mom and Dad... what's so big about my first words?" I asked calmly, leaving the two stunned I was speaking perfectly. The Supreme Voice had the side effect of allowing me to speak all languages with a perfect ascent.

"Wow, you learned to talk so fast... and thats your first words?" Fan Ye asked speechlessly, to which I scratched my head slightly as she had a point.

"Well, since I can talk I'm I free to go out now?" I asked calmly, ever since I was walking around and went millions of miles away from home, I have been grounded. but I only went there to grab a powerful treasure before anyone could find it.

".. okay, but you must stay on the island, we are still trying to swallow the Blue Flame Continent. Also, go and spend some time with Yuan Ming" Fan Ye said calmly, Ling Han indeed had moved to swallow the Bue Flame continent, this island was just too small and they wanted to move elsewhere.

"Okay," I said calmly before walking off. I wanted to travel and collect some treasures. I wanted to fill up my Supreme treasury. the system had told me about it, birthing my hunger for treasure collecting.

I soon arrived at a door which I moved to knock, but the door opened on its own as Yuan Ming stepped out and picked me up.

"What are you doing here? You want to sleep with big sis?" Yuan Ming asked with a bright smile.

"I wanted to go outside and explore the island. But mom said you have to come with me." I said calmly, ignoring the face she was rubbing her cheek against mine. 

"Really? Then where do you want to go?" She asked stunned that I was speaking. but after realizing just how adorable my voice was, she couldn't help but hug me.

"I want to go treasure hunting. there are many treasures all over the island which I want to collect." I said calmly, Yuan Ming nodded slightly before closing the door behind her. She took me to her carriage, where we headed off towards the first place on my list.

While we left, Fan Ye watched us leave for a moment, before she looked toward an old man. this old man used to be a mighty expert who was from a continent known as The Seeking Immortal Continent. this was one of the great 3 continents in this world, he was an elder of one of the sects that ruled as the strongest on the continent.

But it was attacked and nearly destroyed, the sect master's dying wish to him was to make sure their sect name couldn't be forgotten. millions of years of hard work couldn't just disappear, so he fled with all his might. the enemy ran after him and left him badly injured.

but he managed to lose them, before finding himself on an island. knowing death was near, he set up the ground to find those worthy of gaining the sect inheritances, while leaving behind his soul to look after everything. 

Above the Nascent soul realm was a Saint, they were mighty experts who could live for 1 million years. In this realm, one forms an inner world within their dantian, to kill a saint one has to destroy their inner world, or else they could just come back to life as their nascent soul is hidden within their inner world.

Above that was the Greater Saint realm, which had a lifespan of 100 million years.

The peak of cultivation was called the Saint King realm, and a this stage one would have a lifespan of billions of years. No one at this stage had ever fully lived out their lifespan... this old man was a half-step Saint King.

with the peak of cultivation being level 3 Saint King, this old man at his peak was truly a powerhouse. yes right now he was extremely weak and was recovering, thanks to Ling Han's breath he was currently the strongest expert the Ling Clan had to offer. this expert had strength in the Saint realm after all.

"Look after my son, he is young and curious, he might do something foolish or might be targeted by powerful experts." She said to which the old man nodded slightly before stepping into the void,

once a person reaches the nascent soul realm, their spiritual sense allows them to be connected with the heavens, allowing them to comprehend the laws built this the world. through this, they could gain many unique powers. for example, comprehend the law of time and you would gain power over time as well as time Qi, which was pretty much time energy.

Ling Han had the power of all of the laws without the need to comprehend them. with each breath he took, all of these Qi are breathed in and used to cultivate. No wonder Ling Han's Qi has pretty much every ability.

"Little Han, this is a small village. what treasure can be here?" Yuan Ming asked while looking outside of her carriage. Ling Han sat on her lap, where else could this adorable little thing sit?

"There is a scale which is from a dragon," I said calmly, stunning Yuan Ming as dragons were things of stories. it couldn't be helped when the dragons were all being hunted down for cultivation resources, causing many of them to not dare walk out.

"It might have been found by now, so let's land near the village and go inside to look around," I said calmly, to which Yuan Ming nodded while having the carriage land near the village. after, they stepped out... well, she stepped out as Ling Han was in her arms.

"I can walk," I said calmly, to which Yuan Ming ignored me. At this, I said nothing much else as I was too lazy to walk as well. and we walked towards the village, the village head and many others came out to see us.

"Greeting immortals to Ox village." The village head ran out, and with cold sweat on his forehead, he greeted us. At first, Ling Han ignored them, but he paused when he saw the luck some of these villagers held. 



this caused me to raise an eyebrow because the luck they held hinted that they could become future Nascent soul realm experts. but I didn't care much,

"We are here looking for a treasure, you need not mind us." Yuan Ming said calmly, her spiritual sense was spread out to cover the whole village. she was of course in the Nascent soul realm, and with her senses, she went through every village and house but she couldn't find the dragon scale.

Yuan Ming sent them off before she went to the river where Ling Han said that the scale was, but she found no hint of the scale. 

"This isn't a bad thing, what's the point of a treasure hunt without the fun of hunting?" Ling Han asked with a smile, Yuan Ming shook her head slightly with a faint smile. but now, they seemed to have to stay in this village for some time.

"Okay, let's go inside the village.. by the way, Ling Han. when you find yourself in a new place, it's best to first know of your surroundings, find escape routes, possible places where people can target you from, and many more." Yuan Ming said while we went for a walk. Along the way, she would ask me questions, asking me where the best possible attacks could come from, the best places to set up traps, and many other such things.

"Can I eat candy?" after she was done talking, I couldn't help but ask, making Yuan Ming smile slightly. She pulled out a lollipop, causing me to smile with joy. at the end of the day, I was a child, how could I hate sweets?

seeing me enjoying the loli pop, she smiled while arriving at a hotel where she planned to book a room. but while she was checking in, a girl around 17 years of age appeared.

"Immortals, if you are seeking a place to stay, my family is more than willing to give you a place to stay," she said causing us to look over at her. She had been following us for some time now, Yuan ming didn't say anything as she was curious about this girl. for one, she was a talent.

She was 17 years old and was at level 4 Houtian. That didn't sound impressive, but once you realized that this village peak cultivator was a level 7 Houtian realm expert, you would realize how talented she was. She was someone fated to leave this small village and go out to explore the world.

"You have a powerful bloodline." At that moment, Ling Han spoke while looking at her. at this Yuan Ming's eyebrow raised in confusion, while stunning the girl.

"She has the wind dragon bloodline. the scale of the dragon, it was your fated opportunity that allowed you to break through and reach such heights in cultivation." I said while Yuan Ming's eyebrow rose slightly.

"You have high potential if you can one day make your way to the capital, then I shall give you the chance to follow at my side. as of now, return home." I said calmly, stunning the girl for some time before her eyes brightened in joy. 

"Might I know who immortal is?" She asked in joy, how could she go to the capital and not know who she was searching for?

"I'm Ling Han, the crown prince," I said calmly, and my words caused her eyes to almost fall out. She quickly fell to her knees in respect, who had not seen the storybooks of the prince and how the Ling clan rose to great heights just a month after their childbirth?

"You can leave, this is your trial..." Ling Han said cooly, making Yuan Ming's eyes glow at how adorable he looked right now. As the girl left, Yuan Ming couldn't help but hug the adorable doll, only stopping to allow Ling Han to explain...

"Her name is Nalan Yanran." I said calmly before going on to explain everything to her. Nalan Yanran's background didn't originate from this city, but instead from deeper into this world. her mother was a human while her father was from the dragon clan.

When her mother was pregnant after a one-night stand, she panicked, she panicked even more when she realized her daughter wasn't 100% human and carried the bloodline of the dragon. her daughter was sure to be turned into a pill or something, 

So, she disappeared for 9 months. 9 months after she gave birth and left her child on this continent she used a technique to make a woman and a male who were married think they gave birth to Nalan Yanran. As she was weak after giving birth, she came to this weak village and left her in their care before disappearing. This was the perfect village she found, the resources in this village were good, and those here wouldn't be able to sense her daughter if anything unexpected happened. 

Nalan Yanran was known as the second most talented person in this village, it was even more so a few months ago when she absorbed a scale that allowed her to break through two levels at once.

Nalan Yanran's bloodline was special as it was even purer and stronger than her father's, and this is why Ling Han gave her a chance. but he didn't outright take her away as she had an arranged marriage with the village head son. the village head son who was also talented, the two were a pair made in heaven. Ling Han didn't mind having the two pair of lovers become his loyal followers.