
The One True Cultivation Art

After countless battles and the death of countless allies, I managed to defeat the demon lord. I had become the hero, stood on the battlefield for the sake of humanity's future... yet I found myself killed by the people I was fighting for. I realized that the world isn't black and white. instead, it's gray. as I was the hero for the humans, I was the devil for the demons, an evil monster blocking their race from leaving their dying realm... Well, It's all over now. I've died, I can close my eyes and rest... but I wasn't given that chance as I was reborn within the cultivation world. Although I want to sit back and sleep, I have to stand up to protect those I care for. this time I'm no hero of humanity, No... just the hero to my loved ones, the world can burn for all I care.

itachi1010 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs


Within the Bed 10 verse, Ling Han stepped into this verse from his portal. Looking around, his eyes quickly landed on a young man with a watch. this young man was Ben Tennyson, but Ling Han called him Ben 10... because that was the show's name.

"Who are you?" Ben asked with crossed arms, Ben 10 was a cocky teen. have the power to do just about anything, with the power to take on any alien transformation that can range from combat power to even being super smart, you will be cocky. but Ben was a genius, he doesn't show it all that much.

Wait! Didn't Ling Han take the watch before Ben could get it? how does Ben have the watch right now? well, there were an infinite number of timelines, the timeline Ling Han went to wasn't the main one. but the one he stood in right now was the main timeline.

"What a cute baby," Rook said while looking at Ling Han, his eyes almost glowing. Ben seeing this rolled his eyes, in his eyes Ling Han was some alien who went around using its cuteness as a weapon. it was best to be on guard, why else would something this cute appear before him?

Rook is tall, with periwinkle-blue colored fur, black markings on his face, and pointed ears. he of course wasn't a human and was an alien.

"Greeting... we are the Supreme race, travelers of existence. we came to explore this world, and maybe see if our two worlds can work together." Daoleaf said while stepping forward and speaking on Ling Han's behalf, Since Ling Han couldn't speak, it was her job to do so.

"worlds?" Ben asked with a frown, with how Daoleaf put her words, he guessed she wasn't talking about a different universe. He was guessing something like a different reality by adding how the group in front of him looked. The kid who stayed quiet should be the leader, and the rest were his underlings. 

"Indeed, well... let's say this world is called the Ben 10 verse. you are pretty much the main character here. So, we came to you. The great savor of the multiverse." Daoleaf said with a smile, making Ben blush slightly. He wasn't so thick to keep a straight face when a beauty was saying beautiful words.

Ling Han lazily looked at all of this, he of course could care less. He was only interested in collecting treasures. Oh, he already collected the fate of the Pangu world. the treasury was now fusing weapons on its own. pretty much, the weapon is copied and fused with another copy to create a new stronger weapon.

this kept going on endlessly, creating all types of new and powerful weapons that were far stronger than their fused parts.

"So, what do you want to work together with my world on?" Ben asked to which Daoleaf pointed at the watch ben was wearing, causing Ben to go on guard.

"You need not worry. you see, we have the capability needed to recreate the watch. we have over 20 million that were recreated." Daoleaf said while pulling out a watch, Ben's watch was called the Omnitrix, the one Ben currently had was a new and improved version of the one Ling Han got. even so, the one in Daoleaf's hands was better.

"What we are after to to study this world, and understand its magic, and technology. Oh, the person who recreated this wish to speak with the creator." Daoleaf said looking at the stunned Ben and Rook.

"you need not worry, although this watch is impressive... it has no use for us. Our DNA is perfect. you can try and transform into us, you would find it impossible." Daoleaf said, and Ben took her words and had his watch scan her. After a moment, the watch shut down, restarting,

"Impossible," Ben said in shock, how couldn't he be shocked when even a race like the Celestialsapien are in the Omnitrix?

"you must be shocked, but we are even above the likes of the Celestialsapien. we are a race that loves knowledge... we mean no ill-will towards you and your people." Daoleaf said causing Ben to take a deep breath as he realized something could go bad if he made a wrong move here... so he called the brightest mind in the universe, Azmuth the creator of the Omnitrix.

Bulma was the one to speak to the guy, while we left them alone. Azmuth was special, although the size of one palm, his race gave him the unique power to grow smarter with age, with him being over 1,700 years old, he was considered the smartest person in the universe. This was shocking as there were aliens out there with an IQ of nonillion.

Of course, Bulma is far smarter than Azmuth, but as the two talk, she is not only learning, but Azmuth quickly begins to realize just how much smarter Bulma is compared to her. 

"I want you to come back to my world and work alongside me," Bulma said with bright eyes, Azmuth was stunned for a moment, but after some thought he nodded lightly. such a genius like this, he wanted to know what her world was like.

Bulma quickly had Azmuth take her back to his planet, of course, we followed alongside them. but as we appeared, Daoleaf asked a few questions.

"So, the tech in this world has a grading system?" Daoleaf asked, to which Asmuth nodded slightly, before explaining. Technology Levels are the levels of complication, danger, or sophistication given to various technologies and advanced objects

It was from level 1 to level 20, with level 20 being something on the level of the Omnitrx. level 20 was pretty much 26D, but there was even stuff above this that even Azmuth couldn't yet reach. but this quickly changed when he saw the watch Bulmla created, Azmuth was left quiet for a long time, questioning his eyes. This was above level 20...

while they talked, I had Bebra take me away. we left this dimension and headed off to find treasures, of course, treasures being the technology of this world.

Within a higher plane of existence, Ling Han walked around while looking at the strange humanoid who looked as if they were on fire. the blue flame swallowed their whole body... well, to normal humans that is what they would see as they couldn't comprehend the true form of these life forms. these were the parallel to the Celestialsapien. while the Celestialsapiens are powerful, this race is not and needs technology that allows them to even rival the Celestialsapiens. 

They were known as Technosapien. a race with endless IQ, they could just create anything they thought of creating. currently, Ling Han was walking through the streets which had items that could easily destroy the universe as a kid's toys.

there was a box that could transform into anyone it saw and copy said, person. the box could even mix everything it has seen, making this box extremely powerful. but here it was a kid toy with an age requirement of at least 3 million years old. 

There was a strange computer that could create things from nothing, a toy box that held a universe within, and the list went on. everything here was just so amazing Ling Han was left stunned... he was left even more stunned when got to know of this race's strongest creation, known as the top 5.

Rank 5 was the Reality Armor. an armor created from a dead reality, it gives the user reality-warping capability on the level of the Celstialsapien stronger members. with this armor, one was capable of fighting 10 Celestialsapiens 

Rank 4 was the Excalibur. A powerful sword capable turn one's hope into power, created using 5 dying realities, this sword had a will of its own, and would not allow just anyone to use its overwhelming power. at full power, this sword was said to be able to slaughter dozens of Celestialsapiens 

Rank 3 was the CDR. The Celestialsapiens Destroying Robot. it was a deadly robot created for the sole goal of helping the Technosapien battle against the Celestialsapiens. It now stood guard as this race's guardian 

Rank 2 was the Anti-Life. this held the secrets of this world, an item so deadly that it could erase everything, even the Celestialsapiens. but it was kept locked away due to how no one could control it.

Rank 1 was the Comic Orb. An Orb with the power to create just about anything, created from a piece of existence, this orb can create just about anything. Its power to create was above even the strongest member of the Celstialsapien, it just that to use this orb to its fullest, a group of Technosapien members had to unite and share the same thing they wanted to create.

"My lord, the top treasures have gone missing," Within a lab, a member of the Technosapien race cried while running to their leader, and the brightest mind of their race. Hearing this, their king was stunned and horrified. he quickly held out his palm, and after a moment, he disappeared with a flash of light, heading toward where the treasures were currently. As the king of this race, he was able to teleport to them at any moment. he did just this, and to his shock, he appeared in the throne room.

with a stunned look, he looked at the little boy sitting on the throne, the top 5 treasures all floating in front of him. He was playing with the Comic orb, while lazily looking down at them.

"Greetings, ruler of the Technosapien race. the prince is a treasure collector, you see your treasures caught his interest... so he wished to take them. name your price." Bebra said softly, 

"what?..." the King was about to yell, but froze as he realized something. how could these people enter his kingdom, and take the kingdom's best treasures all under their senses? he quickly calmed himself down and closely went over everything.

"What I know who you are? not just anyone can enter here as the two of you have done." the man said seriously, to which Bebra bowed slightly.

"We are from another reality, the prince likes to travel collecting treasures. so this is why we are here... of course, thats not all. your bright minds have moved the young master, what do you think of joining our empire" Bebra asked with a gentle smile,

'they should be far more advanced in technology than us... or are they stronger? I see no hint of tech on them. but the prince is a treasure collector, it would be foolish to think he doesn't have any powerful treasures. they didn't need to ask and could have just taken the items.' the King thought before speaking.

"Let's first talk about the price... might I know what you are willing to pay?" He asked to which Bebra pulled out an apple. The king was confused for a moment, but as his eyes flashed, the information on the apple appeared before him.

{Item: Unknown fruit

Description: A fruit with the power that will grant the user great power upon eating. those who eat this fruit would have all of their capabilities improved, from their mind and body. one would have the power to shatter the universe with a blink, to have the mind to hold the universe.}

Instantly, the King's eyes widened, he was smart and all. but their race was physically weak. if what his scanner said was true, then the fruit in front of him could remove their race's weakness, and even strengthen their minds. 

"the young master has seen the weakness your race suffers from. this apple alone is worth far more than these items." Bebra said with a gentle smile, making the King sigh while nodding slightly. 

"We have more of these back where we belong, what do you say? would your race work for our empire? we can improve your knowledge to greater heights, to a point that you can be powerful in our world... you have the potential." Bebra said to which the King hesitated for a moment.

"I will need to talk to everyone about this." The King said to which Bebra nodded while the fruit floated to the King, and Ling Han put the treasures away.

"Well, while you're on that we will be heading towards the forge of creation. we wish to talk to the Celestialsapiens King." Bebra said while Ling Han stood up. Ling Han ignored everything else, while simply sensing how he was collecting the fate of the whole verse.

"... oh." The king's face dropped hearing this, the Celestialsapiens and their race haven't been seen eye to eye. The higher ranking member of the Celstialsapien race has fused their two personalities, so they could be seen doing stuff without the need to stand still for millions of years. It was these members of the Celstialsapien race who looked down upon the Technosapien race, hating the fact that others said that they were equals.

the Technosapien hated them for their arrogance and how they looked down upon them. they looked down upon the Celestialsapiens in return, which led to war. although the last time they went to war was hundreds of millions of years ago, that was like 10 years ago for them... now, can they allow this powerhouse to go to the Celestialsapiens?

Ling Han didn't care and opened a portal back to his world, he would leave the rest to his left and right hand. He did everything he needed to do in that world, they were then strong enough to handle anything bad that could happen.

"you're back?" Fan Ye asked seeing Ling Han was back. Ling Han just nodded slightly. Fan Ye sighed softly seeing Ling Han... better than anyone, she sensed Ling Han's current state of mind. he blamed himself for Ling Hongwa's death and was swallowed with unease that he might not be able to bring her back to life. this is because of how powerful Ling Hongwa was. 

"Ling Han. go out and travel to the lower and immortal realm. go and calm down and stop blaming yourself... there is nothing you could have done, it was all too sudden. if anything, it's our fault, we let the immortal emperor off too easily, leading to them calling for the Dao ancestor." She said softly, to which Ling Han just nodded. he of course knew this, but Ling Hongwa was like a sister to him. After promising to protect his family, he had already lost someone... he was angry. but he planned to truly vent his rage out on a later date.

But he had nothing to do right now, honestly if his physique wasn't so unique. he would have just used time to speed up his recovery speed, but his recovery speed followed rules of its own. Right now, Ling Han had nothing to do.

Bebra would get the bloodlines of all of the races from the Ben 10 world, and give it to me... oh, although Ling Mei and the others are of the Supreme race right now. there was something that one should know. not all of them were equals.

For example, Goku was more of a Supreme Saiyan than anything else. Ling Mei was more of a Supreme Human. So, Goku still held more combat power than her thanks to his unique bloodline abilities. although Ling Mei gained the Saiyan bloodline abilities, they were not as powerful as Goku's.

Anyway, Ling Han went on to go for a walk. He needed to clear his head and find out what was the best thing to do right now. the thing was that there wasn't much he could do. Right now, all he needed to do was sit back and let the technology of the Ling Clan grow, with their technology high and strength high, it would allow them to quickly do great things.

some of the members of the Ling Clan were already leaving the Pangu world, they were sending out their clones, wanting to send them to different worlds out there in the chaos and comprehend the rules of said world...

'System, books on things which could be useful I have seen.' Saying this, books popped up in my mind, I couldn't help but notice there were more books.

{Host, some of these extra books formed when you awakened the second Stage of the One True Supreme Eyes. you were able to see even more secrets of the Pangu world and even outside the Pangu world.} the system said, annoying me that the system told me this now.

{the knowledge became available when you recovered somewhat. before that, recalling these would have been bad on your mind.} the system said to which I sighed softly, before going through the book. my eyebrow raised as I saw the strongest item within the Pangu world... Pangu's Axe. although damaged, it was still powerful and held a lot of fate. I of course had to go collect it.

there was even more stuff, but while looking at all of this, I couldn't help but stop... I had boundless talent, so why haven't I tried to try and create something like a phone and get an ability from the system?

At this thought, I went down to the lower realm. as 1 day down there would be 1,000 years in the immortal realm. The passage of time would allow the immortal realm to quickly go through a huge transformation, while I worked on my stuff.

There were 3 things I wanted to do. Black Smith, Alchemy, and something like creating a phone to see if I can get a technology-type ability from the system.