
The One True Cultivation Art

After countless battles and the death of countless allies, I managed to defeat the demon lord. I had become the hero, stood on the battlefield for the sake of humanity's future... yet I found myself killed by the people I was fighting for. I realized that the world isn't black and white. instead, it's gray. as I was the hero for the humans, I was the devil for the demons, an evil monster blocking their race from leaving their dying realm... Well, It's all over now. I've died, I can close my eyes and rest... but I wasn't given that chance as I was reborn within the cultivation world. Although I want to sit back and sleep, I have to stand up to protect those I care for. this time I'm no hero of humanity, No... just the hero to my loved ones, the world can burn for all I care.

itachi1010 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs

Level 7 Houtian

"This food sucks." Ling Han said while walking into the kitchen and looking at the two cooks. The cooks both secretly gritted their teeth at Ling Han's words, but none dared to say anything.

"I have no time to waste today, I want to go rest. Honestly, I'm pissed at the fact you gave me food that has no flavor." I said with a sigh while turning to leave. This world's cooking was not the same as his old world.

"God I want to poison him so bad." one of the chefs said in rage. he had red and black clothing as the chefs didn't need to have a uniform, although the second chef had red, blue, and white clothing. it seems to be popular to wear more than one color,

they were chefs and to have someone say their best work sucked and even to say their level of cooking pissed them off enraged them. they got the best meat possible and cooked it to the best of their capability and he dared to say it sucked?

But Ling Han couldn't be wronged here, the cooking in this world was different from Earth. since meat and other food of this world didn't need seasoning to cause one mouth to explode with how good the food was, one only needed to know how to control the flames, and skillfully cook the food.

"We could use these. I have been working on some new stuff in my alchemist shop." The second chef said while pulling out some poison which he dripped into some food. Ling Han who was sick and too annoyed right now didn't notice, but the way the first chef moved to cover up the second chef's actions caught his attention 

"What's going on?" Ling Han asked while trying to see what they were hiding, seeing this, they panicked 

"Hide it," The first chef said in a panic seeing Ling Han walking over to see. 

"He saw us you fool!" A second chef said in a panic, causing Ling Han's eyebrow to rise in shock. he looked at them and at the food for a moment.

"He sauces my food? what do you mean?" Ling Han asked stunned by what he just heard, was earth cooking spilling into this world... 

"It was your fault, hurry up and take the blame for it." the chef said while looking towards the alchemist who was foolish enough to come up with this plan. hearing this, the alchemist's face turned pale in fear. it was a joke, the poison he put in the food wasn't even that strong. he was not foolish enough to dare even try and poison the prince 

"No, take the blame for me. do it, as a favor... then we are clear" The alchemist said with a pleading look, causing the chef's face to pale as he had made an oath to owe this guy a favor. Ling Han's eyebrow raised. although this illness caused his senses to be not as good as before, he could still hear.

"As a flavor? how does it work?" Ling Han asked while taking the bottle and closely studying it.

"Depends..." the chef said almost in tears, to think that the oath he made might lead to his death.

"Dip In? Like this?" Ling Han asked while taking the chicken he had returned and dipping it in, after pulling it out, he took a bite.

"What does it do?" the chef asked in fear, to which the alchemist shook slightly before speaking.

"that poison is supposed to burn people alive..." the Alchemist said seeing how Ling Han's eyes widened feeling his mouth burning.

"What do you call this? it burns." Ling Han said. in his past life, he didn't like super spicy food, to think the first flavor this world created was spice? but the alchemist hearing his creation was taking effect let out a cry.


"Shush!" the chef said quickly, making my eyebrow rise once more.

"hot sauce? interesting, although I'm not a fan I can see many people liking this." I said speechless as the name was even the same. meanwhile, the chef was speechless hearing my words,

"Now, let me try this one." Ling Han said while reaching out to grab another bottle which he went on to dip in and took a bite.

"that one dries out the human body." The Alchemist said fearfully, Ling Han after taking a bite had a weird look.

"what do you call this one? it's so salty, I feel dehydrated." I asked while looking at the bottle in shock as I knew what this was.

"it worked!" the Alchemist said in shock.

"Shhh," the chef said in horror

"Sorry." the alchemist said softly

"Soy? Interesting name." Ling Han said speechlessly, He looked at the two making them feel uneasy for some time.

"You shall remain as my chef, be more creative like today, and you have a job," I said calmly, leaving the two speechless as I walked off. but the Chef spoke up seeing an opportunity, since the prince liked to eat poison why would he not gift him all the poison he wanted?

"Prince, one moment. I have more you might like." the chef said to which Ling Han stopped and nodded slightly. So, he watched as the chef told the alchemist to do something. with slight sweat, the alchemist quickly thought of something before he grabbed something infused it into a drink, and gave it to me.

"What's this?" I asked while looking at the drink, the Alchemist quickly hit his friend to help him come up with a name.

"Poi... p..." the chef struggled to come up with a name, how could he come up with a name when put on the spot?

"Pop? I'm shocked... are you planning on releasing this to the public?" I asked before taking a drink, and to my shock, the drink burned my throat.

"Sorta." The chef answered with a nervous look seeing how my face twisted slightly.

"Soda? A good name." I said with a nod of my head while sizing the chef up and down. this guy was a genius and could make big money.



"I want to start a business, you and me. we can sell this and make some good money. Are you cool with that?" I said with a smile, it would be a shame to not allow the world to taste this.

"Y-yeah, i'm cool. cool cool cool uh" The Chef said while avoiding eye contact with his friend who was glaring at him. He was about to say something and let me know he didn't come up with this, but I spoke

"coolcool coola... not a bad name, I like the way you think. Since you came up with all of this, we have to let the world know that. so let's have the brand colors match your clothing. Black and red." I said looking at his black-red shirt. 

"Wait, that should be me. it was my idea." the Alchemist said, causing me to look over in confusion 

"No, he is lying. it was all me." the Chef said causing me to look at them with a speechless look. who should I believe?

"fine... I will go do it on my own. I will let the people see." the Alchemist said in rage, making my eyes widen in shock.

"Peoplsee!" Did I just see how the rivalry between the two big shots started? but I coughed at this to get the two attention

"Then you both can do your things, you both would have my full support," I said calmly while waving my hand. in just a moment, a maid brought over two storage rings that held a huge amount of spirit stones

"thats my funding for your business, the one who shows the least luster shall be punished as the fake. but if you two somehow perform outstanding following the next 6 months, then it would not matter who the fake and the real one amongst you is." I said calmly, causing the two to bow in respect.

"My lord, you should go get your self-check." the maid said softly seeing how Ling Han was blowing his nose. Ling Han was devouring that poison, which forced his body to adapt. now a Qi Sea was forming, even though he was too young to form one. but since his body was adapting to the burden, and his unique cultivation art and Energy, Ling Han had nothing to worry about.

"it's nothing... but sure," I said while going to see Lady Zhi. She was the first one to hold me when I was born, and she was as young as ever. upon seeing me, she smiled warmly while having me take a seat so she could do her check-up.

"what's that?" Ling Han asked seeing the strange tool she put over his heart while putting it to her ear. I only came here for one reason, I knew she couldn't scan the poison in me and would just think I caught the cold or something. but that thing she had made me feel uneasy

"Since you are so hard to see through, I had to create items to help better examine you. I created this. this would better help me listen to the stuff going on in your body. sounds enter through here, travel along here, and leave through here." She said to which my heart skipped countless beats. I wanted to leave, but Lady Zhi wouldn't allow me, causing me to almost cry

"I'm still looking for a name for it, but it has to be fun," She said with a smile, leaving me stunned

"Phone?" I said in shock, to think she would even name this thing a phone. Lady Zhi looked at the device in her hands slightly. the name phone might work.

"Can it be used for communication? like talking from extremely long distances?" I asked stunning Lady Zhi for a moment who nodded slightly. if she could remove the wire and make it string less, then yes. but Talisman did the same thing, was there a need for such a thing?

"I could sell this phone and make a huge amount of money. Of course, it has to be better than a talisman, one could carry one phone to connect to the whole world," I said making Lady Zhi's eyebrow rise. Talismans can be used to speak with people far away, but they have a flaw. for each person you wish to speak with, you need 1 talisman. they were also one-time-use items

"Sell your phone?" She asked slightly displeased with Ling Han wanting to take the whole idea.

"cellular phone? Lady Zhi you are a genius. we have to work together on this one, any other idea?" Ling Han said leaving Lady Zhi speechless. She was right next to him, yet his hearing was this bad?

"He has been miss hearing things all day. on behalf of the Ling Clan, thanks." the maid said with a slight bow

"Text?" Ling Han said with a raised eyebrow hearing the maid's words, the maid was speechless at this and Lady Zhi nodded slightly. But this made Ling Han sweat, he wanted to distract the two from the main reason he was here with a good business opportunity, but he failed 

"Well, let me check him... odd. Ling Han, why do I see traces of poison in your body? your body is fighting against this poison, leaving you ill. just where did you go to eat such poison?" She asked making Ling Han look away to avoid eye contact.

"Sigh, you know I have to tell your mother... to think such complex poison existed." She said seeing how complex the poison was. it was clear Ling Han's life wasn't in danger. but he needed some time to rest.

"Little Han, you're only 7 months old. you can't be pushing your body like this... well, go home while I take care of this phone... although I have to think of a name for it. I can already see the end road." She said softly, 

"Andriod?" Ling Han asked stunned, Lady Zhi was stunned for a moment, before nodding

"Sure, android would do." She said with a shrug, leaving me speechless. but I was pulled away by my maid and taken home... 

"..." With a lowered head, Ling Han stood before Fan Ye, Ling Fang who had rushed back from Blue Flame Continent, Yuan Ming, and his grandparents, who watched the scene of Ling Han being glared down by his parents.

"When, where, and how." Ling Fang asked with a rare cold glare while looking at Ling Fang, causing Ling Fang's shoulders to raise slightly.

"3 days ago, I went to the upper region forbidden zone to save a powerful expert who was poisoned." Ling Han said weakly, making Fan Ye wave her hands in the air helplessly

"Let me see if we understand each other here... I said don't go outside the range outside of our control for your safety right?" She asked with a dark face, to which Ling Han nodded lightly.

"So you went outside of that range, and to make it worse you went to the upper region... to make it worse it was a forbidden zone which even King Saints wouldn't dare to enter. To make it worse, you ate something that now makes you sick. Do you see why I would be upset here?" She asked her eye twitching nonstop

"Y-yes. I just wanted to help Daddy." Ling Han said weakly, making her and everyone's hearts melt. honestly, how could they remain mad at this cute little doll? Unable to help himself, Ling Fang picked up LIng Han with tears in his eyes,

"What a good son I have." Ling Fang said with tears, everyone nodded slightly, all but Fan Ye who could feel Ling Han's state of mind.

"You're grounded until you're one year old. no matter what, you shall not step outside this city." She said coldly, stunning Ling Han who quickly looked towards his father for help, but he just shook his head as he agreed with his mother.

Ling Han looked at Yuan Ming with puppy eyes, but she was busy studying her new nails which she found to be interesting for some reason. My grandparents were all looking around, stunned by how interesting the room was.

Ling Han felt helpless and looked back towards his mother, who just glared at him. She was the only one who didn't need to look away to resist Ling Han's adorableness, with how much time she had been with Ling Han and the bond they had, he wouldn't be affected.

So, Ling Han was grounded. the poison was fully refined 2 days later, at which point Ling Han Qi Sea began to form. but as the Qi sea formed, Ling Han's breath explored with power. there was a gap between level 6 and level 7 Houtian. the gap between having a Qi sea and not having one was huge.

While a level 6 Houtian realm cultivator has to focus and control the Qi in their surrounding, a level 7 Houtian just controls what is within them. this gave them greater control and greater speed in the control of Qi. adding the fact that the Qi is already refined, it allowed the Qi to be far stronger even if it's far less compared to the Qi other channel... all this time Ling Han didn't have a Qi Sea

All this time, he needed his breath to do anything Qi-related as it would take too long to gather all the energy he needed to form his own. now in his Qi Sea, his energy shall gather. now he can call upon this energy without the need for his breath. hell, his breath shall be far stronger as it can draw upon the energy within the QI Sea.

Above the Sky of Chang Island, countless waves of Qi of all colors gathered. they all shot towards one point, making them all compress to form one string which entered Ling Han's nose as he took a deep breath, and as soon as he released that breath, the whole mansion he was within was swallowed within this breath allowing everything to go through great transformation

With another breath, the countless waves of Qi of all color gathered, before it all repeated. but to say the least, this was bound to catch many powerful experts in the upper region's attention. A saint King in the upper region pinched his fingers as he tried to divine that weird feeling he just had. He was known as the number one expert in seeing heaven's secrets, so long as the heavens know it, this man can know it as well.

But as he looked into the sky, his pupils shrank in horror as the purple eyes looked back at him. He let out a scream as his eyes began to burn, they already suffered the last time he dared to divine what those purple eyes were, and now they took another blow. How could mortals look at a supreme being and not suffer a backlash?

The Saint King with the blood tears running down his eyes looked towards the lower region, he knew this was where that feeling was coming from. but he no longer dared to try and divine it, instead, he had a feeling as to what it could be.

"Did something happen to the flame emperor?" With a pale face, the Saint King quickly flew off towards the lower region. He was injured and had yet to recover from a few months ago when he saw those eyes in the sky, but if the Flame Emperor died, then things would be bad.

Many other powerful figures looked towards the lower region, how could they not sense that something was summoning so many Qi to one spot? they could even Sense Immortal Qi amongst the Qi being summoned and other Qi that were far more powerful than immortal Qi.

"Why are you all waiting around, get out and go fight to get your hand on that treasure!" So countless experts sent their army down to the lower region. Ling Han who had just stepped through to level 7 Houtian looked far off towards the incoming army for a moment, before looking into the void of space.

His eyes traveled far and into another dimension, where a sword was stabbed into the ground with chains holding it down. To see this far with his current eyes, Ling Han needed his breath, voice, and the new strength he had just got to see this far. even then, it was a blur

"Do you want to become my sword?" above the sword, energy gathered to form a copy of Ling Han who looked at the sword. the sword looked badass, to say the least. it was a dark red sword with a black hilt. along its hilt were strange markings, and along its blades were strange markings.

This was the first ever sword to be born, the sword that was born before the world was even created. No one created this sword, before the concept of what a sword was even born, this sword was born from chaos. countless experts had used this sword and even more had died to its overwhelming might. but those who dare to use this sword would pay a huge price. for the power that could allow mortals to slaughter even the strongest of gods, the cost was their essence. As one uses this sword, that sword would devour them all,

"Who are you?" A genderless kid the same height as Ling Han appeared, looking at Ling Han in shock. how could it not be shocked as it easily saw through Ling Han's capability?

"I have been watching you for some time now... but I can't hold back anymore. I want you. I have come to get you and take you away." I said in a soft and gentle voice, causing the tool spirit to freeze slightly before it blushed.

"I-I can't, I'm waiting for the reincarnation of my master." the tool spirit said with a red face but froze as Ling Han held its chin.

"Why are you bringing him up? right now, all that matters is us. me and you. I think you are a treasure like none other, you're beautiful. It would break my heart to leave you like this." I said truthfully while running my hand across the edge of the sword while still holding the tool spirit's chin. the sword and the tool spirit both shook.

"But..." The tool spirit was about to speak, but Ling Han just spoke.

"No buts, I'm taking you with me. As of this moment, you are mine and mine alone. anyone who says otherwise, I will slaughter.... do you reject?" I asked to which the tool spirit lowered its head, unable to say no.

"Then let's go... something as beautiful as you can't stay sealed up here forever. so awaken my love, and let the world shake at the awakening of your might," I said softly, to which the tool spirit nodded its head weakly.

{congratulations host on Rizzing Up a Tool spirit... the host has gained...