
The One True Cultivation Art

After countless battles and the death of countless allies, I managed to defeat the demon lord. I had become the hero, stood on the battlefield for the sake of humanity's future... yet I found myself killed by the people I was fighting for. I realized that the world isn't black and white. instead, it's gray. as I was the hero for the humans, I was the devil for the demons, an evil monster blocking their race from leaving their dying realm... Well, It's all over now. I've died, I can close my eyes and rest... but I wasn't given that chance as I was reborn within the cultivation world. Although I want to sit back and sleep, I have to stand up to protect those I care for. this time I'm no hero of humanity, No... just the hero to my loved ones, the world can burn for all I care.

itachi1010 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
47 Chs


Within a room, Alex sat before a table, looking at Zeno and the Grand Minister who were opposite him. The 12 angels all stood behind them, while they all looked at me.

"I'm Ling Han, crown prince of the Great Ling Dynasty. My family is the supreme ruler of the lower realm." I said calmly while looking around,

"What is a crown prince like yourself traveling around on his own?" The Grand Minister raised an eyebrow to which I smiled slightly.

"Well, I went out with no one knowing. My mom limits my movement... Anyway, I can offer you a chance to grow stronger. in return how about your world works under mine, from what I see from your world you're having trouble with the demon realm, how about I help you out with that." I said with a smile, making everyone's eyebrows narrow slightly

"how do you know about the demon?" the Grand Minister asked with a frown, to which I shrugged slightly.

"Knowledge just comes to me... I offer to help you and also raise Zeno. In return, this world will become one of the countless worlds that will belong to the Great Ling Dynasty." I said calmly, Zeno was special. to fully understand who Zeno was, you had to first look back to the beginning of time.

Before even time came into existence, there was Zeno. an almighty being who went on to create everything. Space, time, life, the universes, and so on. it all came from Zeno. back then, Zeno created the angel race to look after his creation. the first angels were the mother and father of all angels, the Grand Minister and his wife.

the Grand Minster was as loyal as he is today. His wife was of course loyal... until she came across the tree of wisdom, a tree which Zeno had created. it was a tree that could give one knowledge of good and evil, something which he told the two not to eat as they had no concept of good and evil.

But She took a small bite, wanting to see what was so bad about the fruit. something which led to her gaining the knowledge of good and evil, something which slowly began to turn her into the first-ever demon who schemed to take Zeno's power for herself. 

She would go on to trick the grand Minister, stealing his power and turning him into a child. but before he could age backward anymore, Zeno appeared to stop her. but at that point, adding the fact she seemed to have grown stronger after becoming a demon and the Grand minster strength on top of that, although she was no match for Zeno, she was capable of escaping from him.

She would next appear with a demon army which would fight against the angels and demons. in a war which she would use to absorb the strength of the fallen angels to grow stronger and stronger until she was strong enough to fight Zeno and was even stronger than him

their battle was heaven-shaking and created shock waves that destroyed the whole world, Zeno was losing, but as he saw everything he came to love being destroyed, for the first time he wanted to destroy... so he did just that. out of rage, Zeno's power exploded, allowing him to erase everything. this power allowed him to fight to a standstill with her, even with his heavy injuries.

Zeno came out on top thanks to the Grand Minster who used up his life to destabilize all of the power she had absorbed. this allowed Zeno to have one final clash with the demon, a clash with left both of them heavily injured.

The demon queen fled into the void of nothingness to heal her injuries, while Zeno went on to use the bits of power he had left to create the world we have today. he tried his best to bring back the angels, and most importantly the Grand Minister. although he tried his best, the Grand Minster was only brought back looking like a 10-year-old, but this killed Zeno who had pushed himself too far.

but the concept of Death didn't work on Zeno the same way as others, although he died, his body went through a rebirth and a new Zeno was reborn. this new Zeno was the one before us, and the one the grand Minister was taking care of, getting him ready for the next clash with the demon queen. but the current Zeno only knew how to erase, and not create... and yes, everyone was in a weakened state.

as for the angels, the Grand Minister made it so that the angels would no longer work for good or evil. he changed the rules of the universe, if the angels broke this rule they would be erased.

"so, do you know where the demon queen is?" The Grand Minister asked, to which I nodded slightly.

"Hell... I know that an angel in this room has already betrayed you." I said causing the grand Minster to frown as he didn't believe my words.

"you changed the rules to make it so no angels could fall... but what if an angel still follows the rules while doing their own thing? If i'm not wrong, there is an angel in Universe 7 running around playing a hero. he gets around the rules by not using his angelic power, what's to say others can't get around the rules?" I asked, making the Grand Minister's heart drop. he looked at his children and couldn't guess which one would betray him.

the angels all had the rule of watching over the god of destruction, but the god of destruction was one key part of the universe. there were other beings tasked with looking after creations, the god of destruction's job was to destroy, but at the end of the day, their action would lead to the improvement of the universe.

the grand Minister wanted to see life blossom on each planet, and for them to have an army ready to fight the demon if they were to return. of course, the demon realm in each universe had no connection to the demon queen. he made sure of that. each angel was equipped with a staff that allowed them to sense even a hint of the demon queen if she were to pop up in their universe, which would in return alert him. but he never heard of any alert.

"Than... who might the person be?" He asked, leaving the air heavy. but I just shook my head at his words. 

"This isn't my world, I can't put my head where It doesn't belong. What I did was simply warn you about something you overlooked." I said calmly, making the grand Minister's frown deepen.

"You want to form allies with our world?" The Grand Minister asked to which I nodded slightly.

"This world follows different rules from my world. in my world. Let's for a moment look at the lower realm of my world. The Lower realm has more lifeforms compared to this world by light years. a planet in my world could hold trillions upon trillions of lifeforms. but everyone there has a chance to grow stronger through something called cultivation." I said calmly while tapping the table, causing an image to appear before me, showing the image of someone sitting cross-legged. around that person were dots of Qi.

"unlike this world where power can be found from within, in my world we have to take Qi from the outside world, absorb it into our body, and through unique means, we grow stronger. but there are stages, starting from Houtian, then Xiantian, Core Formation, Saint, Greater Saint, and Saint King which is the peak of the lower realm. in the immortal realm, it's Loose Immortal, and the tier this world seems to fall in... the Mountain and River tier." I said calmly,

"the Mountain and River tier should be where those mortals who were just fighting fell around, it is split into early, Mid, High, and Peak. At the peak of this world's development, the demon queen should have been a half-step Cosmic Immortal. beyond that, Is true Immortal, and lastly Immortal Emperor." I finished while looking at everyone here.

"My strength is only at Peak Loose Immortal, I'm willing to give you the chance to cultivate in my world and even give you the many resources my world has to offer. In my world, everything is empowered by Qi, from animals to plants. it makes them far more powerful and carries huge benefits." I said leaving everyone stunned by the countless possibilities behind my words hit them.

"how can we trust you?" the Grand Minister asked softly,

"in my world, there is one supreme power everyone is below. that is the heavens, it is different from the heaven of this world. the heavens in my world are pretty much the will of the world, an all-knowing powerful existence that sees all lifeform as its children. those who break an oath in my world are punished by the heavens, at the same time there are some promises that could be made, and if broken could cripple a person's chance to reach higher cultivation realms." I said while holding out my palm, from my treasury, a fruit floated out.

"This is a Heavenly Apple. this has the power to strengthen one physical capability, eating this would strengthen your bones to greater heights... of course, with your current strength I don't believe the improvement would be noticeable, but it's worth a try." I said while throwing the apple to the grand minister who closely looked at the fruit. 

he was uneasy for a moment about it being poisonous, but after a quick look, he realized this was not poisonous and was indeed a treasure. he took a bite of it, and his body shook at the taste. it was like nothing he had ever tasted before, how could simple fruits be so tasty?

"Oh, the taste of foods in my world is beyond those of this world thanks to Qi as well. pretty much, my world beats you in everything." I said calmly while looking at the Grand Minister looking at his body which was swallowed by a golden glow.

Ling Han was wrong, the improvement in his strength was not unnoticeable, he felt it as clear as day. he felt Qi flowing through his body, strengthening his body's capability. As of this moment, even without Ki and Ultra Instincts, no simple attacks shall ever be able to injure him. This was the improvement. thats not adding how his KI also grew stronger, it was as if he was just training... yet he had done no such thing. a simple bite of an apple and he grew... both in strength and age.

"Oh? it seems like a few more apples and you could reach your peak or maybe go beyond it." I said softly, seeing how he looked older.

"How rare are those apples?" The Grand Minister asked, to which I smiled slightly.

"they are of the Mystic grade, which rivals the Mountain And River Tier. In my world, items, plants, and other such things had grades that equal the cultivation stages. As a treasure collector, I have all types of treasures." I said calmly,

"I see... then I would like to form an alliance with your kingdom." He said to which I nodded slightly. I expected as much. there were just too many risks in facing my world while dealing with the demons, adding the fact they were in a weakened state, they couldn't go against someone who they had no idea of. if anything, it's best they controlled Ling Han or something. Plus, if a child could come here, what was to say others couldn't come?

His instincts also told him there was something not right about Ling Han, he felt the danger of this kid, something he felt when he brought Ling Han here... he felt like a sharp blade had turned his eyes on him. He believed Ling Han had someone protecting him, someone whom Ling Han didn't even know of.

So an alliance was formed, of course with the alliance formed, and with it, Ling Han helped them with their little problem with the demon race. As for the traitor, it's Universe 3. The god of destruction there was an imp-like lifeform, but at his roots, he was a demon. the universe was built around androids and such things. the god of destruction even avoided showing himself, showing himself as some weakling without the android he is normally piloting. He was working for the demon queen, to create an army of android. 

When the god of destruction was about to be destroyed, it was quickly discovered he was no pushover. even without his android, he was able to rival one of the angels. but the Grand minister easily captured him. 

to say the least, the angel was erased once the Grand Minister made sure to double-check and see if Ling Han's words were true. the whole universe on the other hand wasn't erased, instead, it was used to find the traces leading to the demon queen... Ling Han didn't care for this. instead, he to go get the super dragon balls... well, go fight for them.

"You pretty strong for a kid, but do you think you could fight in this tournament?" a green-skinned humanoid-looking thing asked. this was Piccolo, a namekian from Universe 7. This race was unique as they were the creator of the dragon balls. although those from the Namekian race, the dragon clan have the ability needed to create the dragon balls.

"Well, age isn't everything. Let's make things easier for me, how about you all jump me." I said with a smile, making everyone's eyebrow raise.

"Are you sure about that? we pretty strong our self." A man who looked pretty much human asked unsure about my words. this here was the MC of the Dragon Ball world, Son Goku.

"I'm pretty strong myself, come at me and I shall show you," I said with a smile, everyone looked towards the gods of destruction, and seeing this Beerus was the one to speak.

"Just turn this into a 3 v 5 v 1," Beerus said calmly, confusing Goku who looked at Beerus.

"Are there not 4 people on our side?" Goku asked, making Beerus look towards a pink-skinned alien named Monaka. He had lied and said Monaka was stronger than him to motivate Goku... but now he realized this might have been a mistake. at first, each universe had to pick 5 people from their universe, after they had to pass a test to enter the tournament.

but currently, Universe 7 only managed to have 4 out of 5 of its members pass the test, adding the fact that Monaka couldn't even fight... well, Universe 7 only had 3 people who could fight, Vegeta, Goku, and Piccolo.

"In a battle like this, his power is too great it might end up hurting his allies, so of course he would sit out of this," Beerus said calmly, Goku looked towards Monaka with a burning battle spirit. the fact Monaka looked so weak, and how he couldn't see through him showed how big the gap between them was.

"..." So, everyone got onto the arena and faced off against each other. Ling Han looked at the arena, it was small compared to the arena back in the cultivation world. it was a bit hard to have everyone stand on this arena, so its size was quickly increased by the angels.

"And start!" as soon as the arena began, the first person to move was Vegeta. he shot towards Ling Han, and out of everyone, Vegeta believed that Ling Han might be troublesome. who else could have the gods go quiet? who else could speak with Zeno like an equal?

Vegeta in his base form appeared before Alex and punched him, but the punch stopped an instinct away from Ling Han. Ling Han was not a match for Vegeta, just in his base form, Vegeta was already at a level of power that could rival those stronger early Mountain and River tier cultivators.

"Fast. but pure speed isn't enough to touch me." I said with a smile while Ki within Vegeta's fist left him, being absorbed by me. this was slow, and Vegeta didn't sense a thing, leading to him to punch towards me nonstop before he jumped backward in shock. just as I was about to speak, someone took this opening and attacked me.

Hit was an assassin with the technique, Time skip. with this, he could skip a moment in time. with this, Hit moved towards Ling Han as the world around him froze. he didn't stop time, instead think of it as taking a moment in time. that moment in time, he would be the only one able to move normally while everyone would see him as if he was lagging.

Hit appeared before Ling Han, wanting to take Ling Han out of this before anything unwanted could happen. but Ling Han turned to look at him, stunning Hit. Hit punched Ling Han, yet he couldn't touch Ling Han like Vegeta. hit quickly fell back

"cool technique... but my movement isn't held down by space or time," I said as the world turned to normal. Hit was stunned. for a time, everyone just looked at Ling Han, too stunned by the capability he just showed.

"I can also control time..." I said while snapping my finger, instantly, the brain signals everyone's brain released froze in time, causing everyone around Ling Han to drop to the ground. As killing was against the tournament, Ling Han waited a few seconds before allowing their brains to work normally, but at that point, everyone was out cold. 

"This leaves me and you..." I said while looking at the metal humanoid, this was Auta Magetta. Despite heavily resembling a robot, he is not one. He has a large build and clunky stature. His chest, lower jaw, wrists, and ankles are all silver in color and the rest of his body is bronze and purple. He has a pair of glowing cyan eyes and two transparent reactor cores that contain magma, which essentially are his hearts. Magetta also has a steam pipe on top of his head which sets off when he is feeling tense.

"w-what did you do?" Magetta asked as steam shot from the pipe of his head, he was both scared and uneasy right now.

"I pretty much stopped their brain from working. they are alive. but since you work differently from them... well, you have immunity." I said while my eyes began to glow. Megetta wanted to shoot towards me, but he began to stumble backward. he let out a scream before he ran off, leaving everyone stunned.

"I increased his fear by 1,000 times," I said with a shrug, [Absolute Augmentation] which allows me to boost anything by 10 times, plus my breath and eyes. Combining them allowed me to boost anything by 1,000 times. although I could still boost things even further than that by decreasing his courge by 10 times and adding my voice. that could be 100,000 times.

"Well, I win," I said with a bored yawn. if this were cultivators, then it would have been troublesome, Cultivators such at the Mountain and River tier would have strong brain waves, allowing them to not so easily have their minds stop working. at least, they would be able to put up a fight, giving them enough time to stop me.

"..." Whis, Beerus, Champa, Valdos, and the many others who had come to watch this battle were left speechless... how couldn't they be stunned right now? like that, their universe's best was defeated... by a kid who didn't even take a step.